下列各組字母中含有相同讀音的一組是 ____.

A. I, Y                 B. A, I        C.H, L         D. J, P







科目:初中英語 來源:2012屆浙江省九年級上期中考試英語卷 題型:書面表達




Most parents

A few parents

Get more knowledge

Too tired, too much pressure

Have better grades

Can’t have a good rest

Not play computer games or watch TV

No time to do what they like to do

Last week, we did a survey of what parents think of extra classes on weekends. Here are the results.                                                                                 








科目:初中英語 來源:2014屆浙江省紹興市七年級上學(xué)期期中考試英語卷 題型:單項填空

He only watches them _____ TV.

 A.in  B. On  C.At  D.for



科目:初中英語 來源:2014屆浙江省紹興地區(qū)七年級上學(xué)期期中考試英語卷 題型:單項填空

Mum,          my teacher, Mr Wang.

A. he is             B. it is         C. that is        D. this is



科目:初中英語 來源:2014屆浙江省紹興地區(qū)七年級上學(xué)期期中考試英語卷 題型:單項填空

–Mike, your jacket is very (非常) beautiful (漂亮).  ---___________.          

A. Where?       B. No.           C. Thank you.        D.Ok



科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆浙江省湖州市五校聯(lián)考八年級上學(xué)期期中聯(lián)考英語卷 題型:閱讀理解

A young father was visiting an old neighbor. They were standing in the old man’s garden, and talking about children. The young man said,“How strict should parents be with their children?”

   The old man pointed to(指著)a string (細繩) between a big strong tree and a thin young one.

  “Please untie (解開) that string.” said the old man. “But first pull the string tight so that(以便于)the young tree is straight again.” The young man did so. He untied the string and only found that the young tree bent(彎)over to one side.

  Then the old man said,“There, it is the same with children. You must be strict with them. But sometimes you must untie the string to see how they are getting on. If they are not yet able to stand alone,you must tie the string tight again. But when you find that they are ready to stand alone,you can take the string away.”

1.The story is about ____________.

      A. how to take care of young trees    

B. how strict parents should be with their children

C. how the young father should get on with his old neighbor

2. The young man untied the string ________________.

      A. in order to throw it away     

B. so that both of the trees wouldn’t grow straight

      C. and found that the young tree bent over to one side

3.When could the string be taken away?

      A. When the old man left.      

B. When the young man untied it next time.

      C. When the young tree grew strong enough.

4. At last the old man told the young man ________________.

      A. that he should be strict with his children if they could not 

stand alone

      B. that he should always be strict with his children

      C. that he should be hard on his children

5.We learn that the big strong tree and the thin young one are like _________.

A. the young father and the old neighbor      

B. parents and their children

       C. the old neighbor and the children of young father



科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆浙江省湖州市五校聯(lián)考八年級上學(xué)期期中聯(lián)考英語卷 題型:單項填空

Do you know _____?    

A. where does Nina live      B. where Nina lives 

C. where is Nina live          D. where does Nina lives



科目:初中英語 來源:2014屆浙江省湖州市五校聯(lián)考七年級上學(xué)期期中質(zhì)量調(diào)研英語卷 題型:單項填空

在市場上購買衣服時,你看到的表示“中”號的字母代表是(     )      

A.  S             B.  L            C.  M             D.  XL



科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆浙江省溫州地區(qū)八年級上學(xué)期期中質(zhì)量檢測英語卷 題型:單項填空

He’s never had seafood,          ?

A.is he             B.isn’t he              C.hasn’t he       D.has he


