An official _____ by some reporters on food problems in Shanghai yesterday.

  1. A.
    is interviewing
  2. B.
    is interviewed
  3. C.
    was interviewing
  4. D.
    was interviewed
考查點(diǎn):一般過去時(shí)的被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài)的用法。 解題思路:由yesterday看出該句子要使用一般過去時(shí),by之后接的是動(dòng)作的發(fā)出者,故該句要使用被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài),所以答案選D;

科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Mobile phone has become a problem for middle schools. Some middle schools in Australia have banned students from carrying mobile phones during school hours.
Mobile phone use among children has become a problem for the school this year. Several children have got mobile phones as Christmas gifts, and more students will want them.
Mary Bluett, an official, said mobile phone’s use is a distraction to students during school hours and it also gives teachers so much trouble in their classrooms. Teachers were also saying that sometimes students might use phone messages to cheat during exams.
She said some schools had tried to ban mobile phones. Some parents felt unhappy because they couldn’t get in touch with their children.
Many teachers said students should not have mobile phones at school, but if there was a good reason, they could leave their phones at school office. They also said there were many reasons why the students should not have mobile phones at school: they were easy to lose and were a distraction(分散注意力) from studies.
Many people say that they understand why parents would want their children to have phones, but they think schools should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones.
【小題1】Some middle schools in Australia have banned students from carrying mobile phones ___.
A.because they are studentsB.when they are free
C.when they are at schoolD.because they are children
【小題2】We know from the passage that some children get mobile phones from ____.
A.the makers and sellersB.the passer-by and strangers
C.their parents and friendsD.some mobile phone users
【小題3】What does the underlined word cheat mean in the passage?
【小題4】Some parents felt unhappy because they couldn’t ___during school hours.
A.use their mobile phones
B.leave their mobile phones at school office the teachers with their work
D.get in touch with their children
【小題5】The passage tells us that ___.
A.students shouldn’t have mobile phones at school except for some special reasons is impossible to ban students from using mobile phone at school
C.some parents felt unhappy because they couldn’t use their phones at school
D.parents should teach their children how to use mobile phones during school hours


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Do you still remember the disaster(災(zāi)難)several years ago? In Indonesia (印度尼西亞) thousands of people were killed by the tsunami(海嘯) that washed people out to sea and pulled children out of their parents’ arms. “The weather was fine with no clouds .There was no warning and suddenly the sea water just hit the city. In some parts the water was as high as two meters.” a man in the city said. “Sadli, an official at the hospital, said many of the dead in the city were children under the age of ten.” “Maybe the children were being carried by their hold but they fell over in the water and couldn’t hold on to their children .All the dead children drawed.” said Sadli. Officials said hundreds of houses had been swept away the force (力量) of five –meter –high waves across Aceh, which lies on the northern tip (末端)of Sumatra Island . “Tens of people saw the rushing water and didn’t run to high ground .Instead, they kept watching it .Several of my workmates are missing.”  Lelana said by telephone.
【小題1】According to the passage, ______were missing in the tsunami.
A.some officials
B.some of Sadli’s friends
C.some children under the age of ten
D.some of Lelana’s workmates
【小題2】In the tsunami, ____ _swept away hundreds of houses.
A.huge wavesB.strong winds
C.heavy rainD.rushing river water
【小題3】“…. There was no   warning and suddenly the sea water was as high as two meters.”“Warning”here means ________.
A. 預(yù)兆       B. 借鑒       C 教導(dǎo)          D 教訓(xùn)
【小題4】“…but they fell over in the water and couldn’t hold on to their children.”
“They”here refers to ______.
A. officials   B children
C. the dead   D. the children’s parents
【小題5】Some people saw the rushing water and didn’t run to high grounds because _____.
A.they couldn’t run fast
B.the ground was too high to reach
C.they didn’t know they were in danger
D.the rushing water stopped them from running.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來源:2011-2012學(xué)年山西省大同市實(shí)驗(yàn)中學(xué)初二下學(xué)期期中考試英語(yǔ)試卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

Mobile phone has become a problem for middle schools. Some middle schools in Australia have banned students from carrying mobile phones during school hours.
Mobile phone use among children has become a problem for the school this year. Several children have got mobile phones as Christmas gifts, and more students will want them.
Mary Bluett, an official, said mobile phone’s use is a distraction to students during school hours and it also gives teachers so much trouble in their classrooms. Teachers were also saying that sometimes students might use phone messages to cheat during exams.
She said some schools had tried to ban mobile phones. Some parents felt unhappy because they couldn’t get in touch with their children.
Many teachers said students should not have mobile phones at school, but if there was a good reason, they could leave their phones at school office. They also said there were many reasons why the students should not have mobile phones at school: they were easy to lose and were a distraction(分散注意力) from studies.
Many people say that they understand why parents would want their children to have phones, but they think schools should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones.
【小題1】Some middle schools in Australia have banned students from carrying mobile phones ___.

A.because they are studentsB.when they are free
C.when they are at schoolD.because they are children
【小題2】We know from the passage that some children get mobile phones from ____.
A.the makers and sellersB.the passer-by and strangers
C.their parents and friendsD.some mobile phone users
【小題3】What does the underlined word cheat mean in the passage?
【小題4】Some parents felt unhappy because they couldn’t ___during school hours.
A.use their mobile phones
B.leave their mobile phones at school office the teachers with their work
D.get in touch with their children
【小題5】The passage tells us that ___.
A.students shouldn’t have mobile phones at school except for some special reasons is impossible to ban students from using mobile phone at school
C.some parents felt unhappy because they couldn’t use their phones at school
D.parents should teach their children how to use mobile phones during school hours


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來源:2011-2012學(xué)年江蘇啟東東海中學(xué)初二下學(xué)期第二次學(xué)情調(diào)研英語(yǔ)試卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

From old times, India has been a good friend of China. The two big Asian countries now work more closely on border problems, trade (貿(mào)易) and IT.
India is an interesting and mysterious( 神秘的)country with a long history. Around 2,000 BC, Indian civilization (文明) was born. It is one of the four oldest civilizations in the world.India is also the birthplace of  Buddhism (佛教).A famous  Chinese novel, "A Journey to the West", is about a Chinese monk (和尚) who tried very hard to learn about Buddhism from India.
The book comes from a true story. Xuanzang, a Buddhist monk was sent to India by the King of the Tang Dynasty.After many years, he brought back lots of Buddhist books. The name "India" was first used by Xuanzang in his work.
Today, religion(宗教) is still an important part of Indian culture. There are many religions there. Most Indian people believe in Hinduism (印度教).In India, cows are very special animals because  Hinduism  says they are holy (神圣的). So Indians don't sell or eat beef.Like China,
India is a developing  country with a large population(人口). It has  about 1.03 billion people compared to China's 1.3  billion.  More than two thirds of  Indians still live a poor life in the countryside.
India has no birth control so its population is growing fast. By 2030, India could even have more people than China.
Hindi (印地語(yǔ)) is the mother tongue of Indian people. But Britain took India in 1757 and stayed there until 1947. Because of this, English slowly became the other official  language.
【小題1】Why don't Indians sell or eat beef?

A.Because they don't like it.
B.Because they are afraid of getting ill.
C.Because they see cows as holy animals.
D.Because beef is very expensive.
【小題2】What is/are the official language(s) of India?
C.Both of the aboveD.None of the above


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來源:2013-2014學(xué)年江蘇省無錫市九年級(jí)上學(xué)期第一次階段性測(cè)試英語(yǔ)試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

A popular shopping bag has been seen on the arm of some of the world’s most beautiful women. It sells at an official price of £5, but as much as £400 online. The bag called “I’m Not a Plastic Bag” is made of cotton. It is so “hot” that now everyone wants to get one. It’s fashionable, and it’s green!

Supporters see the bag as a way to move away from throwaway(一次性的) plastic bags that are given away in large numbers by supermarkets every year.

When the bags were first sold, about 500 people waited in line to buy one. So far, 20,000 of the popular bags have been sold at the second largest supermarket in Great Britain. It is one of the ways to encourage shoppers to use the reusable(可再利用的) bags, rather than the plastic ones.

The bag has also become a must-have for many famous people who want to be fashionable, and at the same time care about the environment.

The designer of the bag has been asked to develop the bag by the “We Are What We Do” group. The group believes that each person in Great Britain uses about 167 plastic bags every year. It says that small lifestyle changes can have a strong effect on reducing waste and the environmental pollution. It also says that everyone should try his best to protect the earth from being polluted.

1.We can buy the popular bag at a price of £5 __________.

A. on the Internet

B. from the shops all over the world

C. at the designer’s home

D. at the 2nd largest supermarket in Britain

2.According to the passage, the “We Are What We Do” group most probably means ___________.

A. those who want to do something by themselves

B. those who design the new bags

C. an organization that protects the environment

D. a business that sells bags

3.The purpose of designing the popular bags is __________.

A. to make money

B. to help famous people

C. to make women fashionable

D. to reduce the environmental pollution


