
take high-quality images,  fix to,  come true ,  take off,  catch a virus

fill with,  consist of,   be famous for,   care for,   at the speed of

1.Space sleeping bag                       the wall of the space craft.

2.Look!The plane                      .Ii is the largest plane in the world.

3.Jack                 his pocket                      peanuts(花生)。

4.You’d better drive                    40 kilometres per hour in the city.

5.Our school                         20 classes.

6.If you don’t down load anti-virus software,your computer                      easily.

7.Hua guo Mountain                                its beautiful views.

8.If you work hard,you dream                               .     

9.Disabled people should                         in every country.

10.They may use digital cameras                         .




1.is fixed to

2.is taking off,


4.at the speed of

5.consists of

6.will catch a virus

7. is famous for

8.will come true

9.be cared for

10.to take high-quality images



1.句意為:太空睡袋被安裝在太空船的墻壁上。結(jié)合語境及所給短語,可知填is fixed to:被安裝。

2.句意為:看!飛機起飛了。這是世界上最大的飛機。look、listen置于句首常用來提醒注意看、聽一個正在發(fā)生的動作。結(jié)合語境可知應(yīng)用現(xiàn)在進行時is taking off:正起飛。

3.句意為:杰克的口袋裝滿了花生。fill+容器+with sth:(容器)裝滿了某物。

4.句意為:在城市,你最好以每小時40公里的時速行駛。at the speed of:以---速度。

5.句意為:我們學(xué)校由20個班級組成。consist of:由---組成

6.句意為:如果你不下載反病毒軟件,你的電腦容易感染病毒。catch a virus:感染病毒。本句是由if引導(dǎo)的條件狀語從句,主句用一般將來時,從句用一般現(xiàn)在時。故應(yīng)填will catch a virus。

7.句意為:花果山以其美景著稱。is famous for:以---聞名、以---著稱。

8.句意為:如果努力,你就夢想成真。come true:實現(xiàn)。本句是由if引導(dǎo)的條件狀語從句,主句用一般將來時,從句用一般現(xiàn)在時。故應(yīng)填will come true。

9.句意為:在每個國家,殘疾人都應(yīng)受到關(guān)愛。care for:關(guān)心、關(guān)愛。本句應(yīng)用被動語態(tài),指“被關(guān)愛”。

10.句意為:他們可以使用數(shù)碼相機拍攝高清影像?瞻滋幾髂康臓钫Z,故應(yīng)填to take high-quality images。



