An expensive car speeding down the main street of a small town was soon over-taken by a young motorcycle policeman. As he started to take out the ticket, the woman in the car said proudly. “Before you go any further, young man, I think you should know that the mayor of this city is a good friend of mine.”
The officer did not say a word, but kept writing.
“I am also a friend of Chief of Police Barnes,” continued the woman, getting angrier each moment.
Still he kept on writing.
“Young man,” she said, “I know Judge Lawson and State Senator Patton.”
Handing the ticket to the woman, the officer asked pleasantly. “Tell me, do you know Bill Bronson?”
“No. Why?” she replied.
“Well, this is the man you should have known,” he said, going back to his motorcycle, “I am Bill Bronson.”

  1. 1.

     The policeman stopped the car because          .

    1. A.
      it was an expensive car
    2. B.
      the driver was a proud lady
    3. C.
      the driver was driving too fast
    4. D.
      the driver was going to attack him
  2. 2.

    The woman was getting angrier each moment because          .

    1. A.
      the policeman didn’t know her friends
    2. B.
      the policeman kept writing the ticket for her
    3. C.
      the policeman refused to accept her offer of money
    4. D.
      she didn’t know the policeman’s name
  3. 3.

    The woman driving the expensive car          .

    1. A.
      failed to stop the policeman writing the ticket
    2. B.
      warned the policeman not to move a step further
    3. C.
      was surprised that the policeman did not know the mayor
    4. D.
      told the policeman to stay where he was
  4. 4.

     The policeman was          .

    1. A.
      an honest and fair fellow
    2. B.
      a foolish and proud fellow
    3. C.
      a silly and rude fellow
    4. D.
      a kind-hearted fellow
  5. 5.

     The policeman          .

    1. A.
      had no sense of humor
    2. B.
      had a sense of humor
    3. C.
      had no sense of duty
    4. D.
      was playing a joke on the woman
1.根據(jù)第一段第一句“An expensive car speeding down the main street of a small town was soon over-taken by a young motorcycle policeman”可知。
2.由第三段“The officer did not say a word, but kept writing”可知

科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆江蘇省揚州市江都區(qū)麾村中學九年級上學期第一次月考英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

A friend of mine named Paul received an expensive car from his brother as a Christmas present.On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office,a street urchin(頑童)was walking around the shining car.“Is this your car,sir?”he asked.
Paul answered,“Yes,my brother gave it to me for Christmas.”The boy was surprised. “You mean your brother gave it to you and it did cost you nothing?Sir,I wish…”He hesitated(猶豫),Paul thought of course he knew what the boy wanted,but what the boy said surprised him greatly.“I wish,”the boy went on,“that I could be a brother like that.”Paul looked at the boy in surprise,and then he said again,“Would you like to take a ride in my car?”“Oh yes,I’d   love to ,”the boy answered.
After a short ride,the boy turned and with his eyes shining,said,“Sir,would you mind driving in front of my house?”
Paul smiled a little.He thought he knew what the boy wanted.He wanted to show his neighbors that he could ride home in a big car.But Paul was wrong again.“Will you stop where those two steps are?”the boy asked.
He ran up to the steps.Then in a short while Paul heard him coming back,but he was not coming fast.He was carrying his little crippled(殘疾的)brother.He sat down on the step and pointed to the car.
“There he is,Buddy,just like I told you upstairs.His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it didn’t cost him a cent.And some day I’m going to give you one just like it…then you can see for yourself all the nice things in the Christmas windows that I’ve been trying to tell you about”
Paul got out and lifted the boy to the front seat of his car.The shining-eyed elder brother climbed in beside him and the three began an unforgettable holiday ride.
【小題1】The street urchin was very surprised when_______.

A.he met paul
B.Paul told him about the car
C.Paul received an expensive car
D.he was walking around the car
【小題2】From the story we can see the urchin________.
A.wished to give his brother a car
B.wanted Paul’s brother to give him a car
C.wished he could have a brother like Paul’s
D.wished Paul could be a brother like that
【小題3】The urchin asked Paul to stop his car in front of his house_______. show he had a rich friend show his neighbors the big car let his brother ride in the car tell his brother about his wish
【小題4】We can find from the story that_______.
A.the urchin wished Paul to give his car to Buddy
B.the urchin wished to have a rich brother
C.the urchin had a deep love for his brother
D.the urchin’s wish came true in the end


科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2013學年遼寧大石橋水源二中初二上期期末考試英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

A friend of mine named Paul received(收到) an expensive car from his brother as a Christmas present.On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office,a street urchin(頑童) was walking around the shining car.“Is this your car,Paul?”he asked. Paul answered,“Yes,my brother gave it to me for Christmas.”The boy was surprised(驚奇).“You mean your brother gave it to you and it didn’t cost you anything?Boy,I wish…”He hesitated(猶豫).
Of course, Paul knew what he was going to wish for(希望).He was going to wish he had a brother like that. But what the boy said surprised Paul greatly.
“I wish,”the boy went on,“that I could be a brother like that.”Paul looked at the boy in surprise, then he said again, “Would you like to take a ride in my car?”
“Oh yes,I’d love that.”
After a short ride,the boy turned and with his eyes shining,said,“Paul,would you mind (介意)driving in front of my house?”
Paul smiled a little.He thought he knew what the boy wanted.He wanted to show his neighbours that he could ride home in a big car. But Paul was wrong again. “Will you stop where those two steps are? the boy asked.
He ran up to the steps. Then in a short while Paul heard him coming back, but he was not coming fast. He was carrying his little crippled(殘疾的) brother. He sat him down on the step and pointed to the car.
“There she is, Buddy, just like I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it didn’t cost him a cent(美分). And some day I’m going to give you one just like it…then you can see for yourself all the nice things in the Christmas windows that I’ve been trying to tell you about.”
Paul got out and lifted the boy to the front seat of his car. The shining-eyed older brother climbed in beside him and the three of them began an unforgettable(難忘的) holiday ride.
【小題1】The street urchin was very surprised when ________.

A.Paul received an expensive car
B.Paul told him about the car
C.he saw the shining car
D.he was walking around the car
【小題2】From the story we can see the urchin ________.
A.wished to give his brother a car
B.wanted Paul’s brother to give him a car
C.wished he could have a brother like Paul’s
D.wished Paul could be a brother like that
【小題3】The urchin asked Paul to stop his car in front of his house ________. show his neighbours the big car show he had a rich friend let his brother ride in the car tell his brother about his wish
【小題4】We can infer(推斷)from the story that ________.
A.Paul couldn’t understand the urchin
B.the urchin had a deep love for his brother
C.the urchin wished to have a rich brother
D.the urchin’s wish came true in the end
【小題5】The best name of the name story is _________.
A.A Christmas Present
B.A Street Urchin
C.A Brother Like That
D.An Unforgettable Holiday Ride


科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2013學年江蘇鹽城阜寧縣羊寨中學度七年級下期期末考試英語卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

A friend of mine named Paul received an expensive car from his brother as a Christmas present. On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a street urchin was walking around the shining car. “Is this your car, Paul?” he asked.
Paul answered, “Yes, my brother gave it to me for Christmas.” The boy was surprised. “You mean your brother gave it to you and it didn’t cost you nothing? Boy, I wish…”He hesitated.
Of course Paul knew what he was going to wish for. He was going to wish he had a brother like that. But what the boy said surprised Paul greatly.
“I wish,” the boy went on, “that I could be a brother like that.” Paul looked at the boy in surprise, then he said again, “Would you like to take a ride in my car?”
“Oh yes, I’d love that.”
After a short ride, the boy turned and with his eyes shining, said, “Paul, would you mind driving in front of my house?”
Paul smiled a little. He thought he knew what the boy wanted. He wanted to show his neighbours that he could ride home in a big car. But Paul was wrong again. “Will you stop where those two steps are?” the boy asked.
He ran up to the steps. Then in a short while Paul heard him coming back, but he was not coming fast. He was carrying his little crippled brother. He sat him down on the step and pointed to the car.
“There she is, Buddy, just like I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it didn’t cost him a cent. And some day I’m going to give you one just like it …then you can see for yourself all the nice things in the Christmas window that I’ve been trying to tell you about.”
Paul got out and lifted the boy to the front seat of his car. The shining-eyed older brother climbed in beside him and the three of them began an unforgettable holiday ride.
注:urchin頑童, hesitate猶豫, , crippled殘疾,cent 美分
【小題1】The street urchin was very surprised when _______________

A.Paul received an expensive carB.Paul told him about the car
C.he saw the shining carD.he was walking around the car
【小題2】From the story we can see the urchin _______________
A.wished to give his brother a car
B.wanted Paul’s brother to give him a car
C.wished he could have a brother like Paul’s
D.wished Paul could be a brother like that
【小題3】The urchin asked Paul to stop his car in front of his house ____________ show his neighbours the big car show he had a rich friend let his brother ride in the car tell his brother about his wish
【小題4】We can infer(推斷) from the story that___________
A.Paul couldn’t understand the urchin
B.the urchin had a deep love for his brother
C.the urchin wished to have a rich brother
D.the urchin’s wish came true in the end
【小題5】The best name of the story is ____________
A.A Christmas PresentB.A Street Urchin
C.A Brother Like ThatD.An Unforgettable Holiday Ride


科目:初中英語 來源:2010-2011學年江西省初三上學期第三次月考英語卷 題型:單項填空

 –Is the modern racing car outside ______, Lucia?

  --Of course not. Nobody but Jim can afford such an expensive car. It must belong to ______.

   A. your, his       B. yours, he        C. your, him        D. yours, him



科目:初中英語 來源:2010-2011學年江西省中考模擬考試英語試卷 題型:閱讀理解

When he was 16, his father seriously said to him, “I’ll give you whatever you want before you are 18. But after that, I won’t care much about you, and you should give me whatever I want.” When his 18th birthday was coming, the young man began thinking about looking for a job. So he sent resumes(簡歷) to many companies he liked on the Internet. But, most got no reply, he said, “Maybe they were surprised about my primary school education.”

By chance, one of his friends was looking for someone, who could work as an egg porter(搬運工) in the supermarket, for 0.5 Yuan a box. Facing lots of difficulties in getting a job, he said, “I’ll take this job. At least I can make some money for my petrol(汽油).” Then every day, he drove his car, his 18th birthday gift, to work in the supermarket. He did that for three months.

Later, he heard that a newspaper was looking for a network technician(網(wǎng)絡技術(shù)員), so he asked for it. But they were also worried about his school education. He practiced his skill right in front of the computer, and showed the managers web pages he had designed. He started to work the next day, and became the director of network department in less than a year.

And now, the 23-year-old man is a boss. In January 2005, he started a magazine for children, with himself as the editor in chief(主編). And the only writer was his father.

1.It was difficult for the young man to get a job because _______.

A. he was only 18 years old

B. his father cared too much about him.

C. he had an expensive car

D. he didn’t have enough school education

2.What did the 18th birthday mean to the young man?

A. He could get a car as a gift.

B. He had to make a living all by himself.

C. He had to leave his parents.

D. He had to work in a supermarket.

3.The young man’s father might be_______.

A. a well-know and rich writer          B. a computer programmer

C. a very old and kind man             D. a manager of a big company

4.The magazine the young man started was perhaps______.

A. about network technicians           B. about working for newspapers

C. made of many funny stories          D. sold only in supermarkets


