I don't know Sam's telephone number.Will you please________in your address book for me?

  1. A.
    look up it
  2. B.
    look it up
  3. C.
    look for it
  4. D.
    look at it
分析:本題有兩個考點,一個是動詞短語的意思:look at(注視……),look for(尋找丟失的東西),look up(抬頭看),如果要指出看什么,要說成look up at(查尋),如:look up a new word in the dictionary.此處按句意是“在地址簿里查尋電話號碼”,應該選look up.另一個考點是look up的賓語應該怎么放。短語動詞有“動詞+介詞”類型的,賓語要放在介詞的后面,稱為“不可分開的短語”,如:look at the man,look at him.另一類是“動詞+副詞”構成的短語,稱為“可分開短語”,其賓語可以放在后面,也可以放在短語的中間,但如果賓語是代詞的話,必須放在短語的中間,如:look up the word/look the word up/look it up(錯誤:look up it).(延伸)含有介詞at,for,after,of的動詞短語總是“不可分開短語”,而含有副詞up,down,out,away的短語總是“可分開短語”。但on,in,over可做介詞也可做副詞,要分別記憶。go over the lesson/go over it(復習)(不可分開);think over the matter/think the matter over/think it over(考慮)(可分開);call on his friends/call on them(拜訪)(不可分開);put on a play/put a play on/put it on(演出)(可分開);join in the army/join in it(參加)(不可分開);get in the rice/get the rice in/get it in(收)(可分開)

科目:初中英語 來源:期中題 題型:填空題

1. Don't ________________ /'wri/ about me. I am fine.
2. She ________________ /drpt/ her handbag in the symphony hall yesterday.
3. There are lots of fantastic ________________ /saits/ in Jinan.
4. He is an _________________ /'nist / boy, isn't he?
5. Most students hope to __________________ /kn'tinju:/ their education after middle school.

