
1.There are four bottles of juice on the table. (對(duì)畫線部分提問)

_______ ________ juice ________ there on the table?

2.Let’s go to the sports centre.(同義句)

_________ _________go to the sports centre?

3.There’s something wrong with my clock.(同義句)

__________  ________ _______with my clock.

4.He uses a knife to cut the apples. (同義句)

He _______ the apples _______ a knife.

5.The children will have a picnic in the park.(否定句)

The children ___________  have a picnic in the park.

6.There is something wrong with his bike.(一般疑問句)

_________there________ wrong with his bike?

7.Sandy will meet her friends at the school gate tomorrow. (一般疑問句)

_______ Sandy ________ her friends at the school gate tomorrow?

8.The biggest restaurant is my favourite.(劃線部分提問)

_____________ ___________ is your favourite?

9.We like Sunshine Town because the air there is nice and clean. (對(duì)劃線部分提問)

___________  ____________ you ___________ Sunshine Town?



1.How much is

2.Why not

3.Something  is  wrong

4.cuts   with


6.Is  anything

7.Will   meet

8.Which  restaurant

9.Why  do  like


試題分析:1.桌子上有4瓶橘汁。對(duì)4瓶橘汁提問,用How much is

2.讓我們?nèi)ンw育場(chǎng)吧。Why not表示為什么不,表示建議的另一種方法。

3.我的表有一些問題。Something  is  wrong=" There’s" something wrong

4.他用一把刀切蘋果。cuts …  with…用…切…


6.他的自行車出毛病了。there is的疑問形式將is提前,something改為anything


8.這個(gè)最大的餐館是我最喜歡的。變?yōu)橐蓡柧鋾r(shí)用Which  restaurant






科目:初中英語 來源:2015屆廣東深圳福田區(qū)新洲中學(xué)八年級(jí)第一學(xué)期期中英語試卷(解析版) 題型:句型轉(zhuǎn)換


1. The earth is big, but the sun is much bigger.(改為同義句)


2. We are both good students.(改為同義句)


3. We often go hiking in May(對(duì)畫線部分提問)


4.I think Lesson 10 is more interesting.(改為否定句)


5. I sleep nine hours every night.(對(duì)畫線部分提問)




科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學(xué)年江蘇省南通市初三適應(yīng)性考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:句型轉(zhuǎn)換


1.The information is very important.(改為感嘆句)

              information it is!

2.Susan’s mother asked her , “Have you packed your things?” (改間接引語)

Susan’s mother asked her               had packed her things.

3.The engineer didn’t control the computer at once.(改為被動(dòng)語態(tài))

The computer               by the engineer.

4.You have to get to the museum by eight o’clock tomorrow morning. (改為否定句)

You               to get to the museum by eight o’clock tomorrow morning.

5.The students would rather go to bed early than stay up late in the past. (保持句意基本不變)

   The students      going to bed early to        up late in the past.



科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆江蘇啟東東海中學(xué)初二下學(xué)期第二次學(xué)情調(diào)研英語試卷(解析版) 題型:句型轉(zhuǎn)換


1.The old man is so angry. He can't say a word.(連成一句)

     The old man is ______ ______ ______say a word.

2.I bought the bike ten years ago. (同義句)

     I ______ ______the bike ______ ten years ago.

3.The key is used for locking the front door.(就劃線部分提問)

     ______ the key _______ for?

4.You should hang the curtains across the stage.(改為被動(dòng)語態(tài))

     The curtains _______ ______ ______across the stage.

5.Our school has changed greatly in the past several years.(同義句)

     There ______ ______ great changes in the past several years.



科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆江蘇省鎮(zhèn)江市初一上學(xué)期期末考試英語卷 題型:補(bǔ)充句子


1.The Shanghai World Expo will last six months.(對(duì)劃線部分提問)

 ____________ ____________ will the Shanghai World Expo last?

2.We will discuss the problems one by one at the meeting.(改為被動(dòng)語態(tài))

     The problem will ____________ ____________ one by one at the meeting.

3.Haiti had a horrible earthquake.(改為感嘆句)

     ____________ ____________ horrible earthquake Haiti had!

4.Did they have a good journey home? Do you know?(改為含有賓語從句的句子)

     Do you know ____________ they ____________ a good journey home?

5.The case is so heavy that I can’t move it out of the room alone. (保持原句意思)

The case is _________ heavy for me _________ move out of the room alone.




科目:初中英語 來源:2010-2011年度江蘇省鎮(zhèn)江市八年級(jí)下學(xué)期期中考試英語試卷 題型:其他題


1.The baby fell asleep when its mother came back. (改為同義句)

The baby ________ fall asleep________ its mother came back.

2.The boy was riding a bike when the UFO landed. (對(duì)劃線部分提問)

          was the boy           when the UFO landed?

3.Mr. Wang said to Scott " You are hard-working." (改為間接引語)

Mr. Wang told Scott           ________ hard-working.

4.My uncle will go to Australia on vacation next month. He will have enough time. (合并為含if的復(fù)合句)

My uncle will go to Australia on vacation next month _________ he________ enough time.


If my dream _________  _________, I will have lots of money to help the poor.



