     Suppose you work in a big company (公司) and find English very important for your job because 
you often do something with foreign businessmen.  Now you are looking for a place where you can 
improve (提高) your English, especially your spoken English.     
     Here are some advertisements  (廣告)  about English language training from newspapers. You may
 find the information you need.
                                          Global (全球的) English Centre
General English in all four skills (技能): Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.
3-month  (700 yuan) , 6-month  (1 200 yuan) and one-year (2 000 yuan) courses (課程).
Choice of morning or evening classes, 3 hours every day, Mon. -Fri.
Experienced (有經(jīng)驗的) college English teachers.
Close to bus stops.
Tel: 7605272
Add: 105 Zhongshan Road, 400035

                                            Modern Language School
Special courses in English for business, travel, banking, hotel management (管理) and office skills.
Small classes (12 ~ 16 students) on Sat. & Sun. from 2: 00-5: 00 pm.
Native  (本族的)  English' teachers from Canada and the U. S. A.
Language labs and computer-supplied  (供給) 3-month courses:
1 050 yuan; 6-month courses: 1 850 yuan.
Address: Modern Language School, 675 Park Road, 400076
Tel: 7353019

                                      The 21st Century English Training Centre
We specialize (專門研究) in effective (有成效的) teaching at all levels (各等級).
We offer morning or afternoon classes, both of which last three months and a half at a cost of 800 yuan.
We also have a six-week TOEFL preparation (托福預(yù)備) class during winter and summer holidays.
Entrance Exams: June l and Dec.1.
Only 15-minute walk from the city centre.

        The International  (國際的) House of English
Three/Six-month English courses for students of all levels at very low cost: 60 yuan for 12 hours a week; 
convenient  (方便的)  class hours: 9:00-12 :00 am and 2: 00-5: 00 pm.
A four-month evening programme for developing speaking skills  (the same cost as day classes),
2 hours every evening.
Well-trained Chinese and foreign teachers experienced in teaching
English as a second / foreign language.
Free sightseeing and social activities  (免費觀光旅游和社會實踐).
For further information,  call 7432308.
1. You work from 9:00 am t0 4:30 pm on weekdays; which  school will you choose?            
A.  Global English Centre and Modern Language School.              
B. Global English Centre and the 21st Century. English  Training Centre.             
C.  Modern Language School and the 21st Century English  Training Centre.               
D.  The 21st Century English Training Centre and the International House of English.
2. The 21st Century English Training Centre is different from  the other three schools in that ______.           
A.  its teaching quality (質(zhì)量) is better             
B.  it is the nearest to the city centre             
C.  its courses are more advanced (高級的)             
D.  it needs an entrance examination
3. You will probably prefer to go to the International House of  English because it ______.               
A.  offers free sightseeing and social activities                 
B.  has a special course in spoken English                
C.  costs less than the other schools                 
D.  has native English teachers      
4. If you take the evening programme at the International House of English, you will pay
   about ______ yuan.        
A. 60    
B. 240    
C. 720    
D. 1000 
5. You can walk there if you live near the city centre and you want to know more about ______.            
A.  Global English Centre               
B.  Modern Language School               
C.  The 21st Century English Training Centre               
D.  The International House of English

科目:初中英語 來源:雙色筆記八年級英語(上) 題型:050


  On the first day of class, Roni's foreign students fill out forms and give information about themselves.

  Name Claude Ansari

  Country France

  Native Language Arabic

  Time in U. S. 10 months

  Please tell me a little about yourself.

  Family:I live with my wife and 2-year-old daughter.

  Work:I was an art school student in France. But now, I'm working as a cook.

  Interests:I love to cook (and eat). I also like to go mountain climbing.

  Name Su Chen Wang

  Country Taiwan, China

  Native Language Chinese

  Time in U. S. 4 years

  Please tell me a little about yourself.

  Family:I have 3 boys and 2 girls. They're all attending school(上學(xué)) here.

  My husband is a businessman and lives in Taiwan.

  Work:I was a maths teacher but now I'm a housewife.

  Interests:I like indoor activities: reading, drawing, listening to music.

  Name Norma Ruiz

  Country Guatemala

  Native Language Spanish

  Time in U. S. 2 years

  Please tell me a little about yourself.

  Family:My family-my mother and 4 brothers-lives in Guatemala. I'm here by myself.

  Work:I worked as a nurse in my country. Here I'm a tailor.

  Interests:I like to go to movies(看電影) and buy videos. I love to study.

1.Su Chen Wang has ________ children.

[  ]


2.Who has lived in America for the shortest time?

[  ]

A.Claude Ansari.
B.Norma's mother.
C.Su Chen Wang.
D.Norma Ruiz.

3.________ worked in a hospital a few years ago.

[  ]

A.Claude Ausari

B.Su Chen Wang

C.Norma Ruiz

D.Su Chen Wang's husband

4.Su Chen Wang's children are attending school in ________.

[  ]

B.the U. S.

5.These three people will ________ together.

[  ]

A.go mountain climbing

B.listen to music

C.go to movies

D.study in the same class


科目:初中英語 來源:湖北省模擬題 題型:閱讀理解

     Ten years ago, most Chinese teenagers chose politicians (政治家) as their idols. Who do they admire
today? According to a survey released by Beijing Normal University, their top three choices are their
father, their mother and Jay Chou.
     Who are Teens' readers' heroes? Let's have a look.
     Jiang Yiling, 14, Wuhan: My idol is my mom. When I was young I had a surgery (手術(shù)) on my leg
and couldn't walk for a long time. My mother left her job to take care of me. She carried me back and
walked up and down the stairs every day. My mother is a woman with a powerful heart.
     Lin Yijian, 12, Xiamen: I admire Arnold Schwarzenegger (阿諾德·施瓦辛格). I love his movies,
in which he often plays a good guy beating bad people. His muscles (肌肉) also add to his charm (魅力).
And then he became the governor of California. I hope to live a life like his.
     Ma Huilin, 14, Anshan: I appreciate Taiwanese singer Jimmy Lin (Lin Zhiying). He sings well and he
is also a funny guy. I admire my English teacher, too. She speaks very good English. My dear parents are
also my idols. My father is an excellent swimmer and my mother is good at math.
     Chen Shengsheng, 14, Shanghai: I admire Su Shi, a talented writer in ancient China. Reading Su's
poems and other writings, I see a person with a noble (高貴的) personality and brilliant talent. I
appreciate his attitude towards life. He suffered setbacks (挫折) but never gave up.
Name Age Idol Reason
Jiang Yiling Fourteen Her mom She is a woman     1    .
Lin Yijian     2             Arnold Schwarzenegge He likes his movies and his muscles.
Ma Huilin Fourteen Jimmy Lin, her English teacher and      3     They are each excellent in
different ways.
Chen Sheng
Fourteen Su Shi He is noble and brilliant, and he
has     4     towards life.


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:閱讀理解

     Su Hua is studying at Cambridge, UK. She has bought a bicycle and is worried about security ( 安全). Her friend, Kate, found this article and sent it to her.
A lot of crime is against bicycles. About 150,000 bicycles are stolen every year and most are never
found. You can prevent this happening by following a few careful steps.
     Basic Security
Do not leave your bicycle in out-of-the-way places. Always lock your bicycle when you leave. Secure
it to lampposts or trees. Take off smaller parts and take them with you, for example lights and saddles (車座).
     Get a good lock. There are many different types in the shops. Buy one that has been tested against
attack. Ask for a recommendation from a bike shop.
Security marking your bike can act as a deterrent to a thief. It can also help the police find your bicycle. It should be clearly written and include your postcode and your house or flat number. This will provide a
simple way to identify your bicycle.
There are a number of companies who will security mark your bicycle for you. They will then put your
registration number and personal details on their computer database. Then if your bicycle is found it will be easy to contact you.
Keep a record of the bicycle yourself: its make, model and registration number. You can even take
a photograph of it. This will prove the bicycle belongs to you.
1. Which part of the text gives you information on how to lock up your bicycle when you leave it?             
A. Locks.
B. Marking.
C. Registration.
D. Basic Security.
2. The underlined phrase “act as a deterrent to a thief” means ______.
A. help you recognize your bike
B. help the police find your bicycle
C. stop someone stealing your bicycle
D. stop you worrying about your bike
3. The article advises you to keep a record of your bicycle _______.
A. in the bike shop and your computer
B. in the police station and a security company
C. in a security company and your university
D. by yourself and in a security company
4. The main purpose of this article is _________.
A. to tell you what to do if your bicycle is stolen
B. to suggest ways of keeping your bicycle safe
C. to give you advice on where to buy a good lock
D. to say why you shouldn’t keep your bicycle in a quiet place


科目:初中英語 來源:河北省模擬題 題型:閱讀理解

     Nowadays, we can know time very easily.Even a little child may know the time.We always ask
"What time is it?" Then people can tell me the exact time.But before the invention of clocks, it was
very difficult.One way people told the time was by using sundials, but it was impossible to tell the time
on cloudy days or at night.
     The first mechanical(計時)clock was invented in China by Su Sung in 1088.The first clock in
Europe was invented 195 years later, at the end of the 13th century.And in Britain, 67 years later, the
alarm clock was invented in Germany.
     The first watch was invented in Italy in 1462. Early watches were different from today's in two main
ways.First, they only had an hour hand.Second, you could not wear them on your wrist. (手腕)You
had to keep them in your pocket- that's why they were called 'pocket clocks'.
     The first wrist watch came from Switzerland 328 years after the first pocket clock, but nobody bought
them.They did not become popular for a hundred years.
     Digital clocks and watches came from the United States and are the new popular inventions in
time-keeping.Shops all over the world started to sell them in 1971.
1.The underlined sundials in the first paragraph may mean ______. 
2.The first mechanical(計時)clock was invented ______. 
A.in China  
B.in England
C.in America
D.in Germany
3.The first watch was invented ______years later than the first mechanical clock. 
4.According to the passage, the first wrist watch ______.
A.was invented in Italy in 1462
B.many people liked to buy it
C.was the same as our watches nowadays
D.came from Switzerland 328 years after the first pocket clock
5.This passage may be from a(an)______.  
D.math book


科目:初中英語 來源:湖南省中考真題 題型:閱讀理解

     Huaihua City is in the west of Hunan. It was built in the 1970s along with
the construction (建設(shè)) of the Xiang-Qian and the Zhi-Liu railways. Another
Yu-Huai Railway has been used this year. Huaihua is the main transport (運輸)
center in western Hunan because three railways run through the city area.
     Huaihua is in a mountainous area of Hunan and has a good ecological
environment (生態(tài)環(huán)境) and many historical relics (遺跡). Ancient trading
town (古商城) at Hongjiang is well preserved. It is very useful for the study of the history of economic (經(jīng)濟
的) and social development in western Hunan. Furong Lou in Qiancheng is more than 40 km away from Huaihua.
It was built in memory of Wang Changling, a famous poet (詩人) in Chinese history. It is an important cultural
relics in Hunan.
     Another historical place is the Zhijiang Memorial Site (受降坊). It is 3.5 km east of Zhijiang and it is also the
home of the Kuomintang air force. You can see many important pictures and materials in the exhibition hall. They
tell us the history of the anti-Japanese War.
     Many famous people, such as Su Yu, Teng Daiyuan and Xiang Jinyu were born in the city area. They were
active in Chinese revolution in their early days and their former residences (故居) become important places to
have education on revolutionary tradition.
1. Huaihua City was built more than 30 years ago because of _____.
A. the building of the two railways
B. its good ecological environment
C. its history and culture
2. The underlined word "preserved" can be replaced (替換) by _____.
A. built
B. chosen
C. kept
3. The Zhijiang Memorial Site was built in order to _____.
A. attract (吸引) visitors to Zhijiang
B. offer people a place to relax themselves in
C. celebrate the victory of the anti-Japanese War
4. How many famous people are mentioned in the text?
A. Three.
B. Four.
C. Five.
5. The aim of writing the text is to _____.
A. describe the beautiful future of Huaihua
B. make people know more about Huaihua
C. make a plan for the construction of Huaihua

