Now that we are all very tired, we'd better ________ a rest.

  1. A.
    to stop to have
  2. B.
    stop having
  3. C.
    stop to have
  4. D.
    to stop having
you'd better do sth.“你最好做某事”.stop to do sth.,“停下來(lái)去做某事”.stop doing sth.,“停止正在做的事”.

科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:專項(xiàng)題 題型:填空題

     Nearly 2 000 years ago, during the Han Dynasty, there was a person called Ying Chen. One day, he
invited Du Xuan to his house and treated him with wine. On the wall of the room 1. h_____ a red bow (弓).
Its shadow appeared in Du Xuan's cup. Du Xuan took the shadow for a snake. He was 2. f_____ but he
didn't refuse out of politeness. He drank the wine 3. w_____ his eyes closed.
      When he was back at home he felt so sick that he could 4. h_____ eat and drink any more. He sent
for the doctor and took some 5. m_____, but nothing could cure him. 6. W_____ Ying Chen went to ask
Du Xuan how he got so seriously ill, Du told him about the snake in the wine. Chen returned home,
thought hard,7. b_____ he could not find an answer. 8. S_____ the bow on the wall caught his eyes.
"That's it!" he shouted. He immediately sent for Du Xuan. He seated him where he sat before and offered
him a cup of wine. Du Xuan saw the snake-like shadow again. Ying Chen said, pointing at the shadow,
"The 'snake' in the cup is 9. n_____ but a shadow of the bow on the wall!" Now that Du Xuan knew
10. w_____ it was, he felt much easier. And strange enough, his illness disappeared the next moment.
      This story turned out to be the idiom "Bei Gong She Ying".
1._______ 2._______ 3._______ 4._______ 5._______
6._______ 7._______ 8._______ 9._______ 10._______


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:同步題 題型:填空題

     Man has a big brain. He can think and s   1    languages. Scientists once thought that man isn't the same as
animalsb   2    man can think and learn. They know now that dogs, monkeys and birds can learn, too.
     They are beginning to u   3    that men are different from animals because they can speak. Animals can't speak.
They make much n   4    when they are afraid, or unhappy. Apes(猿) can learn some things more quickly than man.
One or two of them have learned a few words. But they can not join words to make s   5   . They cannot think I    6   
us because they have no language. Language is a wonderful thing. Man has been a   7    to build a modern world
because he has language. Every child can speak his own language very w   8    when he is four or five, b   9    no
animals learn to speak.
     How do children learn it? Scientists don't really know w   10    happens inside our body when we speak. They
only know that man can speak because he has a brain.
1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____
6. _____ 7. _____ 8. _____ 9. _____ 10. _____


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:同步題 題型:填空題

1. Now it gets warmer and warmer because the p_______ is getting more serious.
2. We should do something for e_______ protection, so that we can protect the earth.
3. It is h_______, although we do something to make it better.
4. We should r________ waste and save energy.
5. This is a s________ question. I can answer it easily.
6. Do you know the d________ between the Internet and the World Wide Web?
7. We should buy p________ made in China.
8. Don’t do h________ to the environment.
9. It's n________ to protect our earth right now.
10. W________ you come here, I’ll invite you to my home.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:閱讀理解


Nearly 2,000 years ago,during the Han Dynasty,there was a person called Ying Chen.One day,he invited Du Xuan to his house and treated him with wine.On the wall of the room(1)h                a red bow(弓).Its shadow appeared in Du Xuan's cup.Du Xuan took the shadow for a snake.He was(2)f                  but he didn't refuse out of politeness.He drank the wine(3)w             his eyes closed.

When he was back at home he felt so sick that he could(4)h            eat and drink any more.He sent for the doctor and took some(5)              ,but nothing could cure him.(6)W            Ying Chen went to ask Du Xuan how he got so seriously ill,Du told him about the snake in the wine.Chen returned home,thought hard,(7)b              he could not find an answer.(8)S              the bow on the wall caught his eyes.“That’s it!” he shouted.He immediately sent for Du Xuan.He seated him where he sat before and offered him a cup of wine.Du Xuan saw the snake-like shadow again.Ying Chen said,pointing at the shadow,“The ‘snake’ in the cup is(9)n            but a shadow of the bow on the wall!” Now that Du Xuan knew(10)w             it was,he felt much easier.And strange enough,his illness disappeared the next moment.

This story turned out to be the idiom “Bei Gong She Ying”.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:閱讀理解


   Do you always agree with your teachers? Sometimes you have a different answer t  1   a math problem. Or perhaps they scold (訓(xùn)斥) you when you don’t think you did anything w  2  .

   What do you do then? A story said t  3  more and more students are speaking out and even quarrelling w  4  their teachers.

   It’s good for students to say what they think. In the past, f  5  Chinese students dared speak back to their teachers. It was a rule that w  6   the teachers said is always right. But now students are beginning to think more b  7  themselves and dare to say what they want.

   But students should choose the right way to speak out. We should respect(尊敬) teachers. They are older t  8   you and have more experience. So, never u  9   rude words when you don’t agree with them.

   Try to find the right time to talk to your teacher. For e  10  , discuss the problem after class.

1.            2.            3.            4.             5.           

6.            7.            8.            9.             10.           

