2014年馬上就要到了,網(wǎng)上就“是否該恢復(fù)7天長(zhǎng)假”的問(wèn)題討論得如火如荼,你(Jason)和你的網(wǎng)友 Peter 也展開了討論。請(qǐng)你根據(jù)正文和反方觀點(diǎn),并結(jié)合自己的看法,給 Peter 寫一封E-mail,開頭和結(jié)尾部分已給出(字?jǐn)?shù)80左右,不包括已給開頭和結(jié)尾)

  Agree:The long holiday should be canceled(取消)


We need a 7-day holiday

  too crowded

  too many cars on the highway/ cause accidents 

  be bad for environment


  have a good rest

  family can get together

  go traveling

. . …

Y my opinion:

Dear Peter,

   How is everything going? 2014 is coming. It seems that every one is talking about whether we should have the 7-day holiday these days. Some people think that                                   













    What’s your idea? Could you write to tell me about it?






One possible version:

Dear Peter,

      How is everything going? It seems that everyone is talking about whether we should have the 7-day holiday these days. Some people think that many places are too crowded during the holiday, especially the shops, the supermarkets and the places of interest. And there are too many cars on the highway and it will cause a lot of traffic accidents. What’s worse, it is bad for our environment, because too many cars will cause air pollution and if people throw rubbish, they will pollute the environment.

      However, other people don’t agree. They think if they have a long holiday, they can have a good rest after long time of working. Besides, family can get together. Last, they can go travelling to places they like.

      I think it is good to have a 7-day holiday. We can stay with our family, read some books or go to movies. If we want to travel, we can ride bikes to the nearby places. That’s a better way than travelling by car.

      What’s your idea? Could you write to tell me about it ?





這是一篇給材料作文,介紹是否恢復(fù)七天長(zhǎng)假進(jìn)行了正反方的討論,并給出自己的觀點(diǎn)。結(jié)合所給材料,可知本文主要考查一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)態(tài),人稱為單數(shù)第一,三人稱,注意主謂一致問(wèn)題,句子結(jié)構(gòu)主要為動(dòng)賓結(jié)構(gòu),注意一些常見句式的應(yīng)用,比如:Some people think that......,it is bad for……, it is good to……,及They think……等句式的應(yīng)用。寫作中注意運(yùn)用代詞,注意多種句式交替運(yùn)用。寫作中注意敘述順序,符合邏輯關(guān)系,注意文后要表達(dá)自己選擇適合自己的運(yùn)動(dòng)的理由。

【亮點(diǎn)說(shuō)明】本文結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊,語(yǔ)言簡(jiǎn)練。開頭介紹了反對(duì)恢復(fù)七天長(zhǎng)假的理由,接下來(lái)支持恢復(fù)七天長(zhǎng)假的原因,最后指出自己的觀點(diǎn)。此處用了talking about,the places of interest. get together. stay with 等這些詞組的運(yùn)用也讓文章增色不少。



