
1. My parents have always taught me the i     of working. Working is the first.

2. Why is cold running water h           to treat a small burn?

3. Here are some earrings. The o           can't be a boy.

4. It's less of a problem to be poor than to be d      . Honest is very important for us.

5. This is a great show from a world---class photographer. W          you do, don't miss the exhibition.

1. importance   2. helpful  3. owner  4. dishonest  5. Whatever


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Daniel was always making excuses for forgetting to do things.His usual excuse was  “I was too busy” or “I didn't have time”.

    Daniel's parents were worried    1    him.“He mustn't go through life making excuses all the time,”his father said.“Nobody will believe him.He won't be able to  keep a  job.No bright girl will marry    2  .”

    “I don't know  3  we can do.”said his mother.

    “I have a good  4  ,”his father said.“If this doesn't work,nothing will.”

    The next day was Daniel's birthday.When he thought of getting exciting presents,he couldn't wait.He woke up expecting his parents to wish him “Happy birthday!” but all they said was “Good morning,Daniel.Hurry up,  5  you'll be late for school.”  There were no presents,not even a card.He was very   6 

    “Never mind,”he thought.“They'll give me a  surprise after school.” But they didn't.Finally,at dinner he said to his parents,“Today is  7  .”

    “Oh!” his father said.“So it is.I  8  .”

    “So did I.”his mother said.

    “How could you forget?” Daniel asked.“ There must  9  a reason.”。

    “Well,yes,”his father said.“We have a really good excuse for forgetting your birthday,Daniel.We didn't remember your birthday 10  we were too busy.”  Poor Daniel.He never had a silly excuse for not doing something again!

    1.A.with                      B.a(chǎn)bout                   C.a(chǎn)t                 D.in    

    2.A.he                         B.his                       C. him                  D.himself

    3.A.how                     B.why                    C.where             D.what

    4.A.excuse                  B.message               C.idea                D.news

    5.A.or                         B.a(chǎn)nd                    C.then                D.but

    6.A.happy             B.sad                      C.excited            D.grateful

    7.A.Sunday                  B.my birthday           C.Father's Day    D.July 2nd

    8.A.believed                 B.a(chǎn)greed                 C.forgot             D.remembered

    9.A.be                         B.is                        C.a(chǎn)re                 D.have

    10.A.so that                 B.before                  C.a(chǎn)lthough          D.because


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

We’re all nice to our friends and family members. When they are in need, we help them. If they ask for something, we give it to them.

We should also be kind and polite to strangers. How can we do that? It’s easy. If a man drops something, pick it up for him. If a woman is carrying a bag with both hands, open the door for her. When people want to cross the street, stop your bicycle, motorcycle, or car and let them cross.

In many big cities, people on the street are rude to each other. They walk around with serious expressions on their faces. Car drivers don’t stop for people crossing the street.

All of these things affect the quality of life in our cities. We need to try harder to treat each other better, like part of a big community. That way, big cities can be like big neighborhoods, with people treating each other like friends and neighbors.

If we can be kind to just a few more people a day, more and more people will be nice to each other. Our cities and towns will be better places. Then everyone will be like one big family.

1. What is the main idea of the passage?

  A. By treating strangers well, our cities and lives will improve.

  B. Cities are unfriendly places to live.

  C. Always open doors for people when they need help.

  D. We should all be nice to our friends.

2. Who does the underlined word “they” mean in Line 1?

  A. Any people.                B. Friends and family members.

  C. Strangers.                  D. People from other places.

3. Stopping your car to let people cross the street is an example of __________.

  A. unsafe driving               B. something to do for friends only

  C. a strange thing to do          D. a way to be kind to strangers

4. What happens when everyone is rude and serious?

  A. People get along better.          B. It’s easier to make friends.

  C. The quality of life goes down.     D. Nothing happens.

5. The general mood of this article is __________.

  A. positive      B. negative        C. sad         D. hopeless


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

_________ was because I could speak English ________ I got the job.

A. That; that      B. It; it         C. That; it        D. It; that


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:


(Z—Zhang Ying   L—Liu Fang)

Z:  1 

L: So do we. For example, I have to stay at home on school nights.

Z:       But sometimes I'm allowed to study at a friend's house.   3  

L: Well, I’m allowed to go to the movies with friends on Friday nights.

Z: Me, too,   4  

L: And on Saturday afternoons, I'm allowed to go shopping with my friends.

Z:  5  

L: And I' m allowed to choose my own clothes, but I' m not allowed to get my ears pierced yet.

A. What s the matter.                   B. but I have to be home by 10:00 pm.

C. We have a lot of rules at my house.      D. What about weekends?

E. That's nice.     F. I usually do, too.     G. Sorry, I can't hearyou.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Do you know how to study better and make your study more effective (有效的)? We all know that Chinese students usually study very hard for long  36   . This is very good, but it doesn't   37  a lot, for an effective student must have enough sleep, enough food and enough rest and exercise. Every day you need to go out for a walk or visit some friends or some nice places. It' s good for your study.

      When you return  38  your studies, your mind will be refreshed (清醒) and you'll learn more  39  study better. Psychologists  40  that learning takes place this way. Here are English learning  41  an example. First you make a lot of progress (進步) and you feel happy. Then your language study seems  42  the same. So you will think you're learning  43  and you may give up. This can last for days or even weeks, yet you needn't give up. At some point your language study will again take another big  44   .You'll see that you really have been learning all along. If you get enough sleep, food, rest and exercise, studying English can be very effective and  45   . Don't give up along the way. Learn slowly and you're sure to get a good result.

36. A. days                         B. time          C. hours               D. weeks

37. A. help                         B. give          C. make                D. take

38. A. after                  B. for           C. at                   D. to

39. A. yet                          B. and             C. or                   D. but

40. A. have found              B. have taught        C. told                 D. said

41. A. with                  B. for           C. as                  D. to

42. A. to have               B. to make            C. to take               D. to stay

43. A. something                    B. anything          C. nothing              D. everything

44. A. work                    B. jump             C. walk                  D. result

45. A. hard                      B. common         C. interesting               D. possible


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

You must read the       carefully before taking the medicine.

A. news         B. pictures      C. numbers       D. instructions


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

I’ve never read _______ book in my life.

A. so exciting   B. such an exciting   C. such exciting   D. so a exciting


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

假如你叫Li Ming.是個中學(xué)生.經(jīng)常收聽音樂節(jié)目.請你用英語給節(jié)目主持人寫一篇信。(字?jǐn)?shù)70個單詞左右)

要點:1.你很喜歡這個節(jié)目,特別是英語歌曲;2.學(xué)習(xí)很忙,疲勞時,你會打開收音機,聽這個節(jié)目;從英語歌你學(xué)到了很多單詞;你最喜歡“My heart will go on”這首歌.希望得到歌詞(words of the song)。

Dear Sir,

I am a middle school student,                                                       




