A: Hi, Yang Lin. I know you like m 1   friends.
B: Yes. I have a lot of friends.
A: What k  2   of friends do you have?
B: Close friends and friends in g  3  .
A: Do you s  4   the same interests?
B: No, I don't think friends need have s  5   interests. I like being in a big group. It can be fun to
    do different  things and get different ideas.
l. making   2. kinds   3. general   4. share   5. similar

科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:補全對話,情景問答

A: Excuse me,sir ?Where is the nearest hotel ?
B:   1  . You  may  ask  that  policeman  over there.
A: Thank you all the same.    
(The man goes to the policeman. )
A: Excuse me,   2  ?
C: No. there isn't a hotel near here ,but there is one near the Bank of China.
A:   3  ?
C: It's about two kilometers away.
A:   4  ?
C: You'd better take a taxi ,because it's so late and there aren't any buses now.
A:   5  .
C: You're welcome.


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

1. A_________(silent)fell over my friends.
2. He stood at the edge of the window for a few_________(second)and took a deep________(breathe).
3. I jumped with my arms ________(stretch)out like superman.
4. During the________(fly),though it was just a second,I could see every eye of my friends get_________(wide).
5. I had to________(put) in hospital because part of my tongue was out in the crash.
6. I never received the serious_______(punish).
7. Was he_______(serious)punished?
8. The old should be spoken to________(polite).


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:翻譯題

1. 也許天氣會變好。
      ___  _ the weather will get better.
2. 這里的水可能還不夠暖,還不適合游泳。
    The water here_____be warm enough to swim.
3. 下周如果能休假,可能不是件壞事。
    It____   be a bad thing if we took a holiday next week.
4. 我到處都找不到我的鋼筆,恐怕我得再買一支新的。
     I can't find my pen anywhere , l'm afraid I _____buy a new one,
5. —我必須要帶一件雨衣嗎?
    —Must I bring a raincoat with me?
    —No, you_____.


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:補全對話,情景問答

A:  Hello, is that Bill?
B:  Yes,  _ 1 _ 
A:  Oh, this is Mary.
B:    _2 _ , Mary?
A:  Nothing important, I just want to borrow an English  book from you, can I?
B:  Well, let's meet at the school gate. _ 3_  
A:  OK, thank you very much.
B:  That's all right. _  4 _ 
A:  No, bye-bye.
B:  Bye-bye.
A. What's up
B. who's that?
C. Do you have anything else?
D. I will lend my book to you tomorrow.

