China adopts the five-year-plan strategy(計劃)for economic development. Because of the opening-up policy(改革開放), the 9th Five-Year Plan (19962000) was outstandingly(顯著地)successful, and the 10th Five-Year Plan (20012005) mapped out the first plan for the new century, setting these main targets(目標):


(1) From the diagram we can find China’s economy is growing ________.

[  ]


Bslower than last Five-Year

Cas fast as ever before

(2) China’s economy has grown, ________ during the 9th Five-Year than during the 10th five-Year Plan.

[  ]


Bmore slowly

Cas fast as

How much is GDP(國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值)in 2003?

[  ]




(4) How many times is GDP of 2000 as much as the GDP of 1990?

[  ]


BTen times.

CNearly five times.

(5) In the 22 years following reform and ________ in 1979 in particular, China’s economy developed ________ an unprecedented(空前的)rate.

[  ]

Aopen-up, for

Bup-opening, with

Copening-up, at


科目:初中英語 來源:隨堂講與練 七年級上冊(配合牛津英語) 牛津版 題型:052


The Great Wall of China

  The Great Wall of China is so large that the men who landed on the moon could see it clearly.It is the longest wall in the world.

  It begins at Shanhaiguan on the Yellow Sea and ends at Chaiyukan in the Gobi Desert.It is almost three thousand kilometers long.It is not only a wall, it has many thousands of towers.

  Most of the wall is made of stones.In some places, however, it is made only of dirt.

  The Chinese people started building walls as early as 600 BC to keep out their enemies.However, it was the first emperor of China, Qin Shihuang-ti, who started the Great Wall in about 214 BC.We get the word“China”from his name.

  Chinese workers built some of the Great Wall while Qin Shihuang-ti was emperor, but most of it was built much later, between 202 BC and 220 AD, and between 581 AD and 618 AD.After this time, no more work was done on the wall for hundreds of years, and much of it became broken.Then in the 15th century, the first of the Ming emperors started building another wall near the first one.This was to keep out the Mongols.It is this wall that thousands of tourists visit every day.


The story gives us some information about how the Chinese workers built the Great wall.

(  )


The Great Wall is more than three thousands long and has some towers.

(  )


The Chinese built the Great Wall because they wanted to keep out the enemies.

(  )


The Chinese people started the Great Wall in about 600 BC.

(  )


The first Ming emperor started building another wall near the first one which many tourists visit today.

(  )


科目:初中英語 來源:華士片初二英語12月試卷 題型:050


  News 1: A gas explosion(瓦斯爆炸)happened on October 20 in a coal mine(煤礦)in Daping, Henan.It has killed 129 people so far.Another 19 are still missing.More than 400 workers were at the mine at the time.Only 298 ran out.

  News 2: Scientists have found some caves(洞穴)in the north part of the Mogao Grottoes(莫高窟)of Dunhuang in Gansu.Now the north part has 248 caves in all.Altogether there are 735 Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes.People began to make Mogao Grottoes from 366 AD.Pictures in the caves show what people’s lives were like in the past.

  New 3: Are girls cleverer than boys?Maybe.In a new study, scientists found that female chimps used sticks two years earlier than male chimps in Africa.Female chimps watched their mums look for food.The males climbed trees.The same thing also happens in the world of people.Girls learn to write and draw before boys, while boys learn to play with balls before girls.


Which of the above news stories talks about an accident?

[  ]


News 1


News 2


News 3


All of them


We can tell from the Mogao Grottoes pictures ________.

[  ]


there are many caves in China


how to live a happy life


how people lived long ago


caves should be protected


The reporter of News 3 is ________ that girls are cleverer than boys.

[  ]


very sure






not sure


Which of the following statements is true?

[  ]


More than 400 workers lived through the mine explosion.


Female chimps don’t like to learn things from their mums.


Boys learn to play with balls earlier than girls.


All caves in China have pictures on the walls.


“Chimp” in the last news story probably is ________.

[  ]


a kind of food


a kind of animal


the name of a man


the name of a gam


科目:初中英語 來源:雙色筆記初中英語總復習 題型:050

According to the following three ads, choose the best answer.

  (ENGLISH COACHING PAPER, March 3, 1996) The biggest shopping center will open on March 8. Everybody with today's ENGLISH CClACHING PAPER will get a small present that day. You are welcome. Telephone: 3899068; Address, No. 6 Tonghua Road…

  (ENGLISH NEWS PAPER,Mareh 19)English News Paper needs a foreign editor(編輯). He (She) must have worked in China for more than 2 years. British nationality(國籍) is necessary. The wages are $ 100,000 a year. The term(任期) is 3 years. In ten days this piece of ad will be useless. Telephone:3890666; Address, NO.6 Xinling Road…

  (CHINA FOOTBALL, February 3,1996)

  Shanghai Shenhua Team vs Beijing Guo'an Team

  TIME:February 8, Sunday (3:00)

  PLACE:Hongkou Stadium

  TICKET PRICE:RMB 25 yuan(for adults)

  RMB 15 yuan(for students)

  NAME:China Cup Football Match

  COACHES:Xu Genbao, Jin Zhiyang…

1.If the readers have an English Coaching Paper of March 3, 1996, he will get a small present ________.

[  ]

A.every day

B.from English Coaching Paper

C.on March 19,1996

D.on February 3,1996.

2.If a British editor has worked in China for three years and comes to English News Paper office to ask for the job on time, he will ________.

[  ]

A.get the job
B.not get the job a good editor useless

3.Where and when will the football match be?

[  ]

A.In Guo'an on February 8.

B.In Hongkou Stadium on February 3.

C.In Hongkou Stadium on Sunday.

D.In Shenhua Stadium on February 8.

4.If three adults(成人) and six students want to watch the match, the tickets will cost RMB ________ yuan.

[  ]


5.Which of the following is wrong?

[  ]

A.In ten days, the second piece of ad will be useless.

B.The telephone number of English News Yaper is 3890666.

C.The match is between Beijing Team and Guo'an Team

D.Xu Genbao is a coach.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

        Wonderful Tour (4-Day) of Tongren

      Overseas Tourist Corporation Guizhou China


Places to visit:                      Price: Only ¥2,668

★A round-trip(往返旅行)plane ticket from Guiyang to Tongren

★Bus service around Tongren

★Three nights’stay in good hotels

★The best tour guide service

★Ming Paradise(大明邊城)—the national AAAA level scenic spots(景點)

★Hot Spring in Shiqian(石阡)—enjoy spas/spring bath(泡溫泉/溫泉浴)

★Mount Fanjing—the most famous mountain in Guizhou

Office hours:

Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. Saturday&Sunday  9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.

Tel: 0851-8630158  Address: No.28 Yanan Road Guiyang

56. From the information above, we know this is      .

A. a map                            B. an air ticket

C. a piece of news                   D. an ad.(advertisement)

57. You can’t enjoy       in Tongren.

A. taking a bus around Tongren            B. staying in good hotels 

C. getting some small presents             D. Receiving a good tour guide service

58. You can visit ___________ places if you take the tour.

A. two            B. three            C. four            D. five

59. How can you book the tour?

A. By phone.                      B. By writing blogs.   

C. By chatting with them online.            D. By sending them an e-mail.

60. Where can you go to book a ticket to Tongren?

A. Ming Paradise                     B. Shiqian

C. TV station                      D. No.28 Yanan Road Guiyang        



科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Basketball star Yao Ming announced his retirement on July 20th of 2011 after a great career that made him China’s best-known athlete and helped improve the game’s global growth.

The 2.26m star said, “Today I announce a personal decision. I’m officially retiring and ending my career as a basketball player. The retirement means one door has been closed for me, but a new one has opened to a whole new life outside for me to enjoy. Though I’ll leave the sporting arena(競技場), I’m not leaving basketball.”

  No professional athlete hasn’t got hurt, and Yao, is no difference. Unfortunately for the big man, the old saying,” the bigger they are, the harder they fall,” was true for his NBA career. Along the way, Yao picked up knock after knock but kept working hard and this helped to make him a fan favorite. However, in the end, the stress was too much for his body to take.

Yao said he planned to keep developing his role as the owner of the Shanghai Sharks, the team where he started his professional career and which he bought in 2009. Yao joined the Rockets as the first pick in the 2002 NBA games. He won over Americans and became a national model in China through his strong play, his grace and self-confidence. He was not China’s first player in the NBA, but he was certainly the best-known.

“I would like to thank you for giving me a great nine-year career,” he said. “Nine years ago I came to Houston as a young, tall, thin player and the city and team changed me into a grown man, not only a basketball player... I’m leaving the basketball court but I am not leaving the game. I’ll do my best to bring honor and glory to my hometown and to Chinese basketball.”

46.Yao Ming played in the NBA for ______ years.

A. 8         B. 9       C. 10       D. 11

47. Yao Ming became a national model in China because______.

A. He is the excellent basketball player B. He is the owner of the Shanghai Sharks

C. He has strong play, personal grace and self-confidence D. His height is 2.26m

48. Why did Yao announce his retirement on July 20th of 2011?

A. The stress was too much for his body    B. He can’t sand working hard

C. He often picked up knock after knock    D. His injury made him leave

49. What does the word “career” mean in the fourth paragraph?

A. 領(lǐng)域       B. 生涯      C. 運動      D. 聯(lián)賽

50. The passage is mostly from _________.

A. An ad.     B. A newspaper    C. A novel     D. A letter


