The restaurant that has just been open is full of people. You’d better ________ a room earlier.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

David: Oh, the fridge is empty, so we have to go out for _【小題1】__ tonight.
Susan: What __【小題2】__ the French restaurant on Broadway Street?
David: Oh, no. Maybe it’s the best in town, but it’s too __【小題3】_.Let’s go to a cheaper one.
Susan: There’s a new restaurant called Tortilla Flat.
David: Where is it?
Susan: It’s on Hope Street, just __【小題4】__ to the post office.
David: We’d better hurry. It’s already 7 pm, and most restaurants stop serving food by 9 pm.
Susan: Don’t worry. We can _【小題5】_ the restaurant in 5 minutes.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:閱讀理解

One day a strong cowboy was traveling on his horse when he saw a bar. He decided to stop for a few drinks, so he tied(拴) his horse outside the bar, walked into the bar and ordered two bottles of beer. This cowboy was new in town. He looked around and noticed some people making faces to him. He guessed that they might play some tricks (把戲) on him, but he said nothing and continued to drink. After drinking, he walked out of the bar and found his horse lost.
However, he kept calm, came back into the bar, and said slowly, " I don't know what you fools did to my horse out there… but I'm leaving in five minutes, and by then if my horse isn't back where it's supposed to be, well … I have to do here what I did in Texas!" The cowboy added, "And I don't want to do what I did in Texas!" After hearing these words, the other customers seemed a little bit frightened.
The cowboy went back to his seat and ordered another two bottles of beer. After five minutes, he walked out and found his horse tied where it was supposed to be.
Just as he was leaving, the boss of the bar came up and asked curiously (好奇地) , "What was the thing that you did in Texas but you didn't want to do here?"
The cowboy turned to the boss and replied in a low voice, " I had to walk home!"
【小題1】 That day the cowboy tied his horse outside __________ before he wanted to drink.
A.the barB.he hotel C.the store D.the restaurant
【小題2】After a few drinks, the cowboy found his horse__________.
A.ill B.dead C.a(chǎn)sleep D.lost
【小題3】The cowboy drank __________of beer at the bar in all.
A.five bottles B.four bottles C.three bottles D.two bottles
【小題4】In Texas, the cowboy had to __________when he couldn't find his horse.
A.walk home B.a(chǎn)rgue with others the police D.a(chǎn)sk the boss for help
【小題5】 From the passage, we can know__________ .
A.the cowboy's look frightened the customers
B.the cowboy kept calm because he was strong
C.the cowboy also played a trick on the customers at the bar
D.The cowboy would fight with others if he couldn't find his horse


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:閱讀理解

Gao Xiaosong, who is a famous musician, movie director and the writer of the famous song My Deskmate, has been sent to jail(監(jiān)獄) and will stay there for six months for drunk driving.?
“I've nothing to say for myself and I'm willing to be punished(懲罰),” he said when he was standing in the court. “What I want to say is that I feel sorry for what I?ve done. I thought alcohol(酒精) could bring me freedom but never realized drunk driving could take away others freedom. And now I've lost my own freedom because of drinking. I'll obey the new road safety rules and I want to be a life?long volunteer in persuading(勸說(shuō)) others not to drive after drinking.”?
Anyone who drives after drinking doesn?t think much of human life. If Gao had cared, he would have left his car parked outside the restaurant and took a taxi home, and he would have thought about a road killer he would become. It's fair to say that his behavior can not be excused in modern society. Gao may not have killed anyone, but by choosing to drive a car while under the influence of alcohol, he and the large number of others who do the same have made the dangerous decision that may possibly hurt other people.
【小題1】What was the reason for Gao Xiaosong's being jailed for six months??
【小題2】How did he feel for what he had done??
【小題3】 Did he think he was wrong??
【小題4】If one drives after drinking, what may happen??
【小題5】What's your idea after reading this passage?


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2013-2014學(xué)年河北省滄州市九年級(jí)上第二次月考英語(yǔ)試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

Have you ever had an embarrassing experience? Last week we asked readers to tell us about embarrassing experiences. We received thousands of letters! Here is a selection.


My most embarrassing experience happened when I had just left university. I had just started teaching in a Liverpool middle school. One morning my alarm clock didn’t ring. I woke up at half past eight and school began at nine. I quickly washed, dressed, jumped into my car and rushed to school. When I arrived, the students had already gone into class. I didn’t go to the office, but went straight into class. After two or three minutes the students began laughing, and I couldn’t understand why! Suddenly I looked down and understood. I had put on one black shoe and one brown shoe!


The most embarrassing experience I’ve ever had happened two years ago. After seeing a film, my wife and I had lunch in our favorite restaurant in town. Then we decided to take a walk along the street. The street was very busy and we started holding hands. Suddenly my wife saw a dress that she liked in a shop window, and stopped. I started looking at some watches in the next window. After a minute or two I reached for my wife’s hand. There was a loud scream, and a woman slapped my face. I hadn’t taken my wife’s hand. I’d taken the hand of a complete stranger(陌生人)!

1.Tony arrived at school late that morning because ??????????? .

A. he couldn’t find hid shoes????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? B. his alarm clock didn’t ring

C. he washed and dressed slowly????????????? ????????????? ????????????? D. his car went wrong on the way

2.The students began laughing when they saw Tony ????????? .

A. wearing a wrong shoe????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ??? ????????????? B. his alarm clock didn’t ring

C. looking down suddenly????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? D. rushing into the classroom

3.Henry and his wife held hands ??????? .

A. at the cinema????????????? B. in the shop?????????????

C. at the restaurant????????????? D. along the street

4.What does the underlined word “scream” mean in Chinese?

A.尖叫聲??????????? ????????????? B.笑聲????????? C.哭聲????????????? D.呼救聲

5.Henry was embarrassed because he ?????? .

A. slapped the woman in the face

B. took the hand of a complete stranger

C. heard hid wife screaming in the street

D. knocked over some watches in the shops



科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2011年初中畢業(yè)升學(xué)考試(浙江嘉興舟山卷)英語(yǔ)(解析版) 題型:完型填空

It’s 10:00 pm. A man leaves a restaurant, gets into his car and drives away. 200 meters further he’s stopped by a police officer.

Officer: Good evening, sir. We’re testing drivers for drunk driving. Would you please blow(吹)into this machine?

Man: I’m sorry, I can’t do that. If I blow into that machine, I will get out of air.

Officer: Please come along to the office and we can give you a blood test.

Man: I can’t do that. If you give me a blood test, I will bleed(流血)to death.

Officer: Then you’ll have to get out and walk five metres along this white line.

Man: I can’t do that, either.

Officer: Why not?

Man: Because I’m dead drunk! I can’t open the door.

1.The man is stopped ______ metres away from the restaurant.

A. 5                B. 10               C. 200              D. 205

2.The conversation probably happens in a (an) ______.

A. office           B. street               C. hospital         D. restaurant

3.The man wouldn’t have the test for drunk driving because ______.

A. he is badly ill          B. he will get out of air

C. he is dead drunk         D. he will bleed to death


