Mrs. Brown lived in a small town near a big farm. One Friday afternoon after she finished           housework, she went to her small shop. She opened the window of the shop and        outside. She liked to see the green farm. There were many cows, horses and small animals           the farm. Suddenly she saw a kangaroo(袋鼠) under her window. It was interesting to see that it was           an old jacket. It stood there and looked hungry. Mrs. Brown gave some bread           water to it. The kangaroo ate them          . Then it became happy and jumped away. Suddenly something dropped on the          from its jacket pocket. It was a wallet! She picked it up, opened and found there was $300 and a photo in it. That was a man's photo with his name "John" on it. John? She looked more           and remembered she had a brother many years ago. His name was also John. "Is this man my lost brother?" she thought. She took the wallet with her and began to          the man. She asked many people in the town, and then she came to the farm and asked the farmer. To her great surprise, it was John, her lost brother. They were very excited and          to see each other.

1.A. his         B. our          C. their           D. her

2.A. looked      B. saw          C. look           D. see

3.A. for         B. out          C. on            D. from

4.A. wears      B. wearing       C. wear           D. has

5.A. or         B. and          C. but            D. nor

6.A. all         B. none         C. any            D. many

7.A. back       B. water        C. river            D. floor

8.A. careful     B. carefully      C. care            D. careless

9.A. find        B. call         C. look for         D. look after

10.A. sad       B. angry        C. late            D. happy

















2.考查動詞與語境理解。根據(jù)后文She liked to see the green farm她喜歡看綠色的田野,此句為:她打開商店的窗戶往外看。A看,look的過去式;B看見,see的過去式;C看;D看見;句中用過去式選A。

3.考查介詞與語境理解。根據(jù)后文的the farm農(nóng)場,此句為:農(nóng)場里有很多牛,馬和小動物。On the farm 農(nóng)場里;介詞用on,故選C。

4.考查動詞與語境理解。結(jié)合選項詞意,此句為:看它穿著件舊夾克真的很有趣。was wearing正穿著,用ing形式,故選B。










科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

Mrs. Brown worded in the west of Australia ________ last summer.


科目:初中英語 來源:2015屆河南鄭州市第四協(xié)作區(qū)八年級上學(xué)期期中考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:單項填空

Mrs Brown is nice. Every day she tried to cook _      _for me during my stay in Canada.

A. something different   B. different something

C. nothing different     D. different everything



科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學(xué)年山東省初三學(xué)業(yè)水平考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:單項填空

A moment, please. I'm checking if Mrs. Brown _________ free tomorrow.

A. is                      B. being                C. to be                 D. will be



科目:初中英語 來源:2014屆吉林長春外國語學(xué)校七年級下學(xué)期第二次月考英語試題(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

Mr. Brown went to a party and drank too much., when he drove home, he met the police on the street. They asked him to get out of the car.

   Just then the police radio says there was a robbery(搶劫) in a supermarket nearby. The police told Mr. Brown to stay there and they would be back soon. Then the police ran to the supermarket.

   Mr. Brown didn’t wait but drove home. When he got home, he was tired and went to bed. Mrs. Brown found a police car in front of their house and the lights were still on.


1.Mr. Brown went to _______.

A. work   B. watch a game   C. a party       D. the movies

2.Mr. Brown went home _______.

A. on foot   B. by car        C. in his friend’s car   D. by taxi

3. Mr. Brown met _______ on his way home.

A. a robbery   B. his friend   C. Mrs. Brown   D. the police

4. There was a robbery _______.

A. in a supermarket nearby   B. in a supermarket far away

C. in a shop nearby          D. in a shop far away

5. At last, Mr. Brown _______ to go home.

A. walked    B. drove his own car      C. ran       D. drove a police car



科目:初中英語 來源:2011年廣西北海市合浦縣教育局八年級下期末考試(英語) 題型:閱讀理解

Mrs Brown's telephone number was 3464, and the number of the cinema in her town was 5463, so people often made a mistake and telephoned her when they wanted the cinema.

  One evening the telephone bell rang and Mrs Brown answered it. A tired man said, "At what time does your last film begin?"

  "I'm sorry," said Mrs Brown, "but you have wrong number. That is not the cinema. "

  "Oh, it began twenty minutes ago?" said the man. "I'm sorry about that. Goodbye! "

  Mrs Brown was very surprised. So she told her husband. He laughed and said, "The man's wife wanted to go to the cinema, but he was feeling tired, so he telephoned the cinema. His wife heard him, but she didn't hear you. Now they will stay at home this evening, and the husband will be happy! "

  根據(jù)短文判斷正誤:(T or F)

(    ) l. Mrs Brown knew a lot about The films, so people often telephoned her.

(    ) 2. The man made a mistake and telephoned her.

(    ) 3. The man didn't want to see a film because his wife was feeling tired.

(    ) 4. The man and his wife didn't go to the cinema because the film had already


(    ) 5. The man telephoned just to cheat (騙) his wife.


