Why ________ so much wind?

  1. A.
    there is
  2. B.
    there are
  3. C.
    is there
  4. D.
    are there

科目:初中英語 來源:101網(wǎng)校同步練習(xí) 初一英語 人教社(新課標(biāo)2002/3年通過) 人教社(新課標(biāo)2002/3年通過) 題型:013

Why ________ so much wind?

[  ]

A.there is

B.there are

C.is there

D.are there


科目:初中英語 來源:新課標(biāo)讀想用新目標(biāo)英語八年級(上) 題型:030


Jessica:  1  

Mum:Yes. Do you like Chinese food?

Jessica:  2  

Mum:Today we are going to have something different to eat.

Jessica:Really?   3  

Mum:Dumplings and vegetables.

Jessica:  4   Why so much?

Mum:It's your grandmother's birthday,

Jessica:Oh. I forgot.   5   granny.

Grandma:Thank you.


B.What delicious food!

C.Happy birthday.

D.What is it?

E.Yes. It's my favourite.


科目:初中英語 來源:英語教研室 題型:054

Every country has lots of different newspapers. But how do they  __1__what kinds of stories to print? Why do they print __2__  stories but not others? In other words, what makes a good newspaper story?  There are several factors (因素)that make a good newspaper story. Firstly, of course, it must be __3__ . But because TV stations can report news so quickly, this is often a  __4__ for newspapers. In order to compete (競爭)with television, newspapers do one of these three things: they give more__5__ about a news story; they look at the story from   __6__?point of view; or they print very different stories from those __7__.So a story has to be new. But __8__ ? Well, it has to be exciting. People don’t want to read stories about __9__, everyday life. Because of this, many stories describe some kind of__10__. This is one reason why so much news seems to be _11___. After all (畢竟), newspapers never print stories about planes landing __12__, but they do print stories about planes which crash (墜毀). 

1. A. use           B. decide           C. collect         D. provide

2. A. a few          B. many            C. several           D. some 

3. A. new             B. short            C. interesting     D. serious

4. A. program        B. chance          C. problem        D. business

5. A. knowledge     B. information       C. messages      D. words

6. A. a different      B. a usual          C. the same       D. the best 

7. A. in newspapers  B. in books          C. in magazines    D. on television

8. A. what for        B. what else            C. why not        D. how long 

9. A. necessary      B. unusual          C. ordinary        D. enjoyable

10. A. danger         B. science          C. life            D. disease

11. A. good news     B. pleasant stories    C. bad news      D. true stories

12. A. difficulty        B. suddenly          C. luckily         D. safely 



科目:初中英語 來源:2013年初中畢業(yè)升學(xué)考試(山東德州卷)英語(解析版) 題型:單詞拼寫


Tom worked in the office of Mr Bates.

One day, when Tom got to the office, a letter1._________(wait) for him. He opened it.

“Dear Tom,” the letter said, “I2.________(write) to thank you for your help. You3._________(help) me so much when I came to your office. Here’s a ticket for the big football match.”

Tom looked at the ticket. He could not believe that he had it. Everyone looked forward to4.__________(watch) the match!

“ I must watch the match,” he though. “ I must. I5._______(expect) the big match for 4 year.”

Tom thought and though. He6.________(not put) his heart into any work. Then at twelve o’clock he knew what 7.__________(do).

He went out of the office and called his sister, Jean.

At one o’clock Mr Bates came up to him. “I have bad news for you, Tom. Your sister telephoned just now. Your mother8._______(send) to hospital a moment ago.”

“Thank you,” Tom said. “I will go to the hospital. I 9.________(come) back as soon as possible.”

In fact, Tom 10._________(leave) the office quickly for the football ground. Tom’s ticket was a good one. He could stand near the front.

The next morning, when Tom got to the office, Mr Bates came up to him. “You’re fired(解雇), Tom.” Then he walked away angrily.

“But why?” Tom asked.

Then a girl said, “We saw the match on TV here yesterday! You were on TV! Tom, you had such a good ticket!”


