
  Fred liked playing tricks on others.One afternoon he went to a shop and bought some bread.On his way home he saw Johnson, an old man about sixty riding a donkey(驢).The boy walked to the old man and decided to play a trick on him.He thought for a moment and then he had an idea.

  “Hello, my friend,” Fred said in a loud voice.“Please come and have a piece of bread.”

  “Thank you very much.” Johnson got off the donkey and said gladly.” “But I have already had lunch.”

  “I'm sorry.I'm talking to your donkey, not to you.” Fred said with a smile.

  Johnson understood at once that the boy was playing a trick on him.He became angry, but he didn't show his anger.He just turned quickly to his donkey, held up the lash(鞭子)and hit it on the back.

  “Before we set off, I asked if you had fiends in the town.You said again and again that you hadn't.Can you explain why the young man asked you to have the bread, then?”

  The more the old man said, the less he could control his anger.He finally shouted, “I'll beat you to death if you dare fool me again!”

  Hearing this, Fred's face turned red and he left away quickly.


Fred ________.

[  ]


was clever but not polite.


liked playing with donkeys


often help others


wasn't clever


Johnson ________ at first.

[  ]


beat his donkey to death


was angry to meet the boy


wanted to eat the bread


thought the boy was talking to him


Which of the following is true?

[  ]


The old man didn't beat the donkey.


The old man taught Fred how to be polite.


The old man beat the donkey to death.


The man played a trick back on the boy


科目:初中英語 來源:新編課外練習(xí)題  初二(上) 題型:050


  Fred is riding down the street. He is riding Tom's bike. He doesn't like it. It is old and the light (燈) is broken. “But Tom likes it” he thinks, “Tom likes his bike, and I like mine.”

  He meets John at the corner (拐彎處).

  “Isn't that Tom's bike?” asks John.

  “Yes, it is,” says Fred.

  “Where's yours?” “Mine is broken.”

  “Where are you going?” asks John.

  “I'm going to the bookshop. I want to buy a new workbook. Do you have one?” “Yes, I did, My father buys it for me.”

  “See you later, John,” says Fred.

  Fred rides to the bookshop. He buys a workbook and is leaving. Then Mary comes into the shop. She is going to buy some paper.

  “Where's Tom?” she asks.

  “He's at home,” says Fred.

  “Isn't that his bike outside?” She asks.

  “Yes,” says Fred, “I'm riding it.”

  “Where's yours?”

  “Mine is broken, so I'm using his. Sorry, I must go now. Goodbye!”


1.Fred is riding Tom's bike because ________

[  ]

A.his own (自己的) is broken.

B.Tom's is better than his.

C.he doesn't have a bike.

D.he likes borrowing things from others.

2.Fred meets John ________

[  ]

A.a(chǎn)t the bookshop.

B.on his way to the bookshop.

C.a(chǎn)t the school gate.

D.on his way back home.

3.Fred is going to the bookshop to ________

[  ]

A.meet his friend Mary.

B.have a look at books there.

C.buy himself (他自己) a new workbook.

D.borrow some books from the shop.

4.Mary thinks Tom is in the bookshop because ________

[  ]

A.she sees his bike outside.

B.Tom often goes there.

C.she asks John on the way.

D.Tom's mother tells her so.

5.Which is wrong?

[  ]

A.Tom is staying at home.

B.John has a new workbook.

C.Fred is going to the bookshop.

D.Mary is going to buy a new book.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:050


  Fred is riding down the street. He is riding Tom's bike. He doesn't like it. It is old and the light (燈) is broken. “But Tom likes it” he thinks, “Tom likes his bike, and I like mine.”

  He meets John at the corner (拐彎處).

  “Isn't that Tom's bike?” asks John.

  “Yes, it is,” says Fred.

  “Where's yours?” “Mine is broken.”

  “Where are you going?” asks John.

  “I'm going to the bookshop. I want to buy a new workbook. Do you have one?” “Yes, I did, My father buys it for me.”

  “See you later, John,” says Fred.

  Fred rides to the bookshop. He buys a workbook and is leaving. Then Mary comes into the shop. She is going to buy some paper.

  “Where's Tom?” she asks.

  “He's at home,” says Fred.

  “Isn't that his bike outside?” She asks.

  “Yes,” says Fred, “I'm riding it.”

  “Where's yours?”

  “Mine is broken, so I'm using his. Sorry, I must go now. Goodbye!”


(1) Fred is riding Tom's bike because ________

[  ]

A.his own (自己的) is broken.

B.Tom's is better than his.

C.he doesn't have a bike.

D.he likes borrowing things from others.

(2) Fred meets John ________

[  ]

A.a(chǎn)t the bookshop.

B.on his way to the bookshop.

C.a(chǎn)t the school gate.

D.on his way back home.

(3) Fred is going to the bookshop to ________

[  ]

A.meet his friend Mary.

B.have a look at books there.

C.buy himself (他自己) a new workbook.

D.borrow some books from the shop.

(4) Mary thinks Tom is in the bookshop because ________

[  ]

A.she sees his bike outside.

B.Tom often goes there.

C.she asks John on the way.

D.Tom's mother tells her so.

(5) Which is wrong?

[  ]

A.Tom is staying at home.

B.John has a new workbook.

C.Fred is going to the bookshop.

D.Mary is going to buy a new book.


科目:初中英語 來源:中考模擬試題(一) 題型:053


  When I was at university (大學(xué)) I studied very hard. But a lot of my friends did very little work. Some did just enough to pass the exams. Others didn't do quite enough. Fred Baines was one of them. He spent more time drinking in the Tea House than working in the library.

  Once, at the end of the term, we had to take an important test in Chinese. The test had a hundred questions. Beside each question we had to write “True” or “False”. While I was studying in my room the night before the test, Fred was watching TV. Fred usually worried a lot the night before a test. But on that night he looked very calm (鎮(zhèn)靜). Then he told me of his idea.

  “It's very simple. There are a hundred questions and I have to get fifty right to pass the test. I'll take a coin (硬幣) into the room. I haven't studied a Chinese book for months, so I'll toss (擲、扔) the coin. That way, I'm sure I'll get half the questions right.”

  The next day, Fred came happily into the examination room. As he sat tossing a coin for half an hour he wrote down his answers. Then he left, half an hour before the rest of us.

  The next day, Fred saw the Chinese teacher at the school gate. “Oh, good,” he said. “Have you got the results of the test?”

  The teacher looked at him and smiled. “Ah, it's you, Baines. Just a minute.”

  Then he reached his pocket and took out a coin. He threw it into the air, caught it in his hand and looked at it. “I'm terribly sorry, Baines. You failed!”



1.But a lot of my friends did very little work.


2.Fred usually worried a lot the night before a test.



3.What did Fred spend more time doing?


4.How did Fred decide the answer to the test?


5.How long did the exam last?



科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:050


  Fred telephoned his wife, " I've got two tickets for the theatre tonight, " he told her. " Meet me outside the office. We'll have  something to eat and then go on to the theatre." 

  Fred's wife was so happy. It was quite a long time since they had  been to the theatre and she liked it very much. She met her husband  as they had arranged(安排). They had dinner and got to the theatre  in good time.

  Before they entered the theatre, Fred took out his wallet(錢包)  to get the tickets. " It's very strange, " he said. " They aren't  here !" " Try your pockets, " said his wife. But the tickets weren't there, either.

  Then Fred looked very worried. "What's the matter ?" asked his  wife. "Well ," Fred explained. " I remember what I did with the  tickets. I put them in my bag. But I wasn't coming home, I left them in the office ! " 


1. Fred telephoned his wife to meet him ______.

[    ]

A. at the theatre    B. near his office

C. in a restaurant   D. at home 

2. Fred also promised (許諾)his wife a _____.

[    ]

A. talk  B. drink   C. walk   D. meal

3. They reached the theatre _______.  

[    ]

A. as quickly as they could

B. a little late

C. very early

D. on time

4. When Fred couldn't find his tickets, he was ______.

[  ]

A. worried  B. angry  C. afraid  D. unhappy

5. Fred had _______.   

[    ]

A. lost the tickets   B. left the tickets in his office

C. lost his bag     D. left his bag at home


科目:初中英語 來源:三點一測叢書七年級英語(下) 題型:050



  Last week Fred had to go to New York. It was his first time there, and he didn't know his way around the city. He had a meeting at 10 o'clock, and he wanted to be there on time. The meeting was in the Peterson Building on 34th Street, but Fred didn't know where that was. Seeing two men standing on a corner, he asked them.

  “Excuse me,” he said, “but can you tell me how to get to the Peterson Building on 34th Street?”

  “Sure,” answered one of them. “You can get there in five minutes. Go to the next corner and turn left. Walk three blocks(街區(qū)) and there you are.”

  But the other man said, “There's a better way. Go on the bus here at the corner. It stops right near the Peters Building.”

  “Not Peters,” Fred told him, “Peterson.”

  Then the first man said, “Oh, that's on East 34th Street, not West 34th. It's quite a distance(距離) from here. You will have to take the subway(地鐵).”

  But the second man told Fred, “No, don't go by subway. Take the crosstown(穿城而過) bus. It goes to the Peterkin Building.”

  “Peterson, not Peterkin.” Fred looked at his watch. It was almost ten o'clock. “Thanks a lot.” he said, “I think I'll take a taxi.”

  When he. got into the taxi he saw the two men arguing(爭論) and pointing(指向) in different directions. Next time he wanted to know how to get to a place, he'd better ask a policeman!

1.Fred had to go to New York because ________.

[  ]

A.he lived there

B.he went to see his friend

C.he had a meeting

D.he didn't go there before

2.He wanted to go to ________.

[  ]

A.the Peterson Building

B.the Peters Building

C.the Peterkin Building

D.New York

3.The Peters Building is on ________.

[  ]

A.East 34th Street
B.West 34th Street
C.North 34th Street
D.South 34th Street

4.-How did Fred go there? -He went there ________.

[  ]

A.by bus
B.by subway
C.on foot
D.by taxi

5.The story tells us that if you don't know how to get to a place, you'd better ask ________.

[  ]

A.a(chǎn) man
B.a(chǎn) woman
C.a(chǎn) policeman
D.a(chǎn) boy

