________ a red car on the hill?

  1. A.
    You can find
  2. B.
    Can you find
  3. C.
    Can find not you
  4. D.
    Can find you

科目:初中英語 來源:2013-2014學(xué)年浙江省嘉興市等五校九年級上學(xué)期期中聯(lián)考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

A man was travelling abroad in a small red car. One day he left the car and went shopping. When he came back, its roof was badly damaged.

Some boys told him that an elephant had damaged(毀壞) it. The man did not believe them, but they took him to a circus which was near there. The owner of the elephant said, "I am very sorry! My elephant has a big, round, red chair. He thought that your car was his chair, and he sat on it!"

Then he gave the man a letter, in which he said that he was sorry and that he would pay for all the damage.

When the man got back to his own country, the customs officers wouldn’t believe his story. They said, "You sold your new car while you were abroad and bought this old one!" After the man showed them the letter from the circus man(馬戲團(tuán)主人), then they believed him.

1.A man was travelling abroad_______.

A. in a big bus   B. in a green jeep   C. in a red car   D. in a red taxi

2.The car was damaged because________.

A. there was a traffic accident     B. the circus man broke it

C. it rushed into a shop           D. the elephant sat on it

3.The circus man said that_______.

A. he would pay for part of the damage

B. he would pay for all of the damage 

C. he wouldn't pay for the damage

D. he would buy a new car



科目:初中英語 來源:2013-2014學(xué)年浙江省嘉興市等五校九年級上學(xué)期期中聯(lián)考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:單項(xiàng)填空

There's a red car parking in our neighborhood. Do you know _____ it is?

A. what     B. who    C. whose      D. Where



科目:初中英語 來源:2014屆浙江紹興楊汛橋鎮(zhèn)中學(xué)初二12月反饋檢測練習(xí)英語試卷(解析版) 題型:單詞拼寫


Linda is a clerk. She is  1. (25)years old.She wants to buy a new car (新車). She has  2. (一輛) old (舊的) one. Her old car is 3.  (黑色的). Linda doesn’t like that    4.  (顏色) . She likes red and she wants to buy a red car. A new red car is on    5.  (出售). Linda wants to buy it very much, but she can’t afford(付得起) it now. and she doesn’t like to ask her   6.  (父母)for money. She   7. (只,僅) has 1,000 8. (美元). So she’ll first(首先) pay (付款) $1,000. And she   9.    (需要)to pay $400 a month (月) for 48 months. Linda thinks it’s 10.  (困難的)for her.She is very sad.(傷心)



科目:初中英語 來源:2014屆江蘇省泰州市八年級下學(xué)期期中考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

A man was travelling abroad in a small red car.One day he left the car and went shopping.When he came back, its roof was badly damaged.

Some boys told him that an elephant had damaged it. The man did not believe them,but they took him to a circus which was near there. The owner of the elephant said,I am very sorry!My elephant has a big, round,red chair.He thought that your car was his chair, and he sat on it!

Then he gave the man a letter, in which he said that he was sorry and that he would pay for all the damage.

When the man got back to his own country,the customs officers would not believe his story.They said,You sold your new car while you wereabroad and bought this old one!

It was only when the man showed them the letter from the circus man that believed him.

Multiple choice

1.A man was travelling abroad_______.

A.in a big bus        B.in a green jeep     C.in a red car        D.in a red taxi

2.The car was damaged because________.

A.there was a traffic accident                B.the circus man broke it

C.it rushed into a shop                     D.the elephant sat on it

3.The circus man said that_______.

A.he would pay for part of the damage

B.he would pay for all of the damage

C.he wouldn't pay for the damage

D.he would buy a new car

4.When the man got back to his country,the customs officers______.

A.would check his new car

B.only checked his car

C.searched him

D.wouldn't believe what he had said,

5.It was only________that made the officers believe him.

A.the letter from the circus man             B.a(chǎn) newspaper from the country

C.the certificate of his                     D.the letter from the government



科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

1. 首先剝?nèi)齻(gè)香蕉,再把他們切碎。

First        three bananas, then        them        .      

2. 去年他去美國主修化學(xué)和生物。

Last year he went to America and               chemistry and biology.  

3. 下一個(gè)休息日,我不想開車旅行了。

On my                      , I don’t want to go for a drive.   

4. 在某些方面,他們看起來一樣。

       some        , they        the        .  

5. 后天, Sonia要在她家舉辦一個(gè)舞會(huì)。

Sonia is having a dancing party in her house the                      .  

6. 我們經(jīng)?吹剿_著一輛紅色的小轎車。

We often        her        a red car.                  

7. 昨晚我看了一部名叫《餃子王》的情景喜劇。

I        a sitcom        Dumpling King last night. 

8. 劉翔參加了2004年的第28屆奧運(yùn)會(huì)。

Liu Xiang                      the 28th Olympic Games in 2004.

9. 因?yàn)橄轮笥,我們只好呆在旅館里。

We had to stay at the hotel                the heavy rain.  

