智力測試(Intelligence test)


On the way to the hospital, Mr. Black met three friends. Each of them had his wife with him and each of the women had two babies in her arms. Please answer how many people are going to the hospital. ________


Only Mr. Black. (The other people may not go to the hospital. )


科目:初中英語 來源:黃岡題庫練考新課堂九年級  英語 題型:053


Camels are used to carry people o 1 heavy goods. They have very strong back. A camel is more than two meters t 2 . Camels of the first kind live on d 3 areas of Asia and North Africa. They have longer legs t 4 those of the second kind which l 5 in central Asia. For this reason, they are e 6 good for riding. Camels can run about fifteen kilometers an h 7 . Riding a camel is quite d 8 from riding a horse, because a camel moves b 9 right legs together and then left o 10 .

1.o   2.t   3.d   4.t   5.l  

6.e   7.h   8.d   9.b   10.o  


科目:初中英語 來源:英語競賽初三年級 題型:053

Annette must see Bernice quickly. She can use a small road in the countryside which is 30km. She doesn't have to use it because there' s a new road which is 15km. But she has to wait 10 minutes with the other cars to pay to use the new road. She mustn't drive faster than 60km an hour. Which is the faster road?________


科目:初中英語 來源:英語競賽教程 初二年級 題型:053

閱讀理解(Reading comprehension)


  Read the passage about ways to help you remember information (信息). Match (匹配) the techniques (方法) with pictures 1-6.

Revision techniques

  It's one thing to study, but another to actually remember the information. Have you tried these techniques?

  a A mnemonic is a way of remembering a list of items (項目) by finding a word which contains (包括) the first letter of each. For example, to remember the names of the five Great Lakes of America-Huron, Ontario, Erie, Michigan and Superior-take the first letter of each and re-order them to make the word HOMES. Now every time you need to remember the names of the lakes, just think of lots of homes by a lake!

  b Why not make up tapes of things you have to remember and listen to them on the way home from school, when you're cleaning your teeth, or even when you're sleeping?

  c Little rhymes and chants help you to remember all kinds of information. For example, if you want to remember the spelling of the word beautiful, you can learn this chant:

  Mr. B, Mr. E, Mr. A-U-T, Mr. I, Mr. F-U-L!

  d Make up some question and answer cards, and play a quiz (知識競賽) game with your friends. Add new questions every time you play it.

  e Try putting your different revision notes on different coloured paper.

  f Bombardment is a way of constantly(不斷地) reminding (提醒) yourself of facts. Draw huge multicoloured fact charts (示意圖) and posters (大畫片) for Science, History, Geography, and any other subject where there are a lot of facts to learn. Stick (粘貼) them everywhere-inside your bedroom door, on your wardrobe (衣柜), in the kitchen.

1.________  2.________  3.________

4.________  5.________  6.________


科目:初中英語 來源:英語競賽教程 初二年級 題型:053

智力測試(Intelligence test)


  Tom has 9 coins-3 silver(S) (銀的), 3 gold (G)(金的) and 3 copper (C) (銅的).

  He wants to rearrange(重新組合)them so that every SILVER coin touches(接觸) a GOLD one…every GOLD coin touches a COPPER one…and every COPPER coin touches a SILVER one. Show him how to do it.


科目:初中英語 來源:英語競賽教程 初二年級 題型:053


Swimming is very popular in s 1 . People like swimming in summer because w 2 makes them feel cool. If you like swimming and swim in a w 3 place, it may be d 4 . These years, several people died while they were enjoying t 5 in the water, and some of them were s 6 . But some people are still not c 7 in swimming. They often t 8 they swim so well that nothing can happen to them in water. Summer is here again. If you go swimming, don't f 9 that many better swimmers have died in water. They died because they were not careful, not because they couldn't swim. So don't get into water when you are alone. If there is a“No S 10 ”sign, don't get into water. If you remember these, swimming will be safer.


科目:初中英語 來源:英語競賽教程 初二年級 題型:053

If there were four flies on the table, and I killed one, how many would be left?


科目:初中英語 來源:英語競賽教程 初二年級 題型:053

Counting animals

A long time ago, you could buy eight hens for a dollar or one sheep for a dollar, and cows were ten dollars each. A farmer wanted each type of animal. He bought 100 animals for 100 dollars. How could he do that?


科目:初中英語 來源:英語單元測試初二(下) 題型:054

Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with the sentences in the box (閱讀下文,用所給的句子填空).

  Do you know something about the story of the film Pearl Harbor? 1 OK?

  Rafe and Danny are good friends 2 . And they both liked flying very much in the sky in a plane. 3 , they became US pilots. In the medical examination, Rafe got to know Evelyn----a young nurse in a hospital and fell in love. Later Rafe went to do battles in Europe and his plane was shot down by enemy war planes. 4 This made Danny and Evelyn very sad.

   5 Danny and Evelyn fell in love with each other. In 1941, just before the Japanese planes suddenly attacked (攻擊) the America's Pearl Harbor, 6 . He was standing before Danny and Evelyn!

  Of course Rafe was very angry when he saw Danny and Evelyn loved each other so much. 7 against the Japanese planes, forgetting their love affairs.

a.But they were very brave in the battle

b.Rafe suddenly came back

c.when they were still children

d.When they grew up

e.People thought he must be dead.

f.As days went by,

g.Let me tell you something about it.

