1--       cups of yogurt do we need?


A. How    B. How much      C. How many      D. How many of




【解析】yogurt為不可數(shù)名詞,表示數(shù)量時(shí)可用… cups of yogurt,cup為可數(shù)名詞,詢問“多少”時(shí)要用 how many。



科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來源:2011-2012學(xué)年北京三十一中初二下學(xué)期期中考試英語(yǔ)試卷(帶解析) 題型:完型填空

Flies (蒼蠅) usually live in the dirty places.
Let’s look at a fly, and see where it   27 . First, it flies out of the window,   28   it stands on   29  dirty things in the street, and then it flies back to the house and walks over your   30 .?
When a fly walks on the dirty things in the street, its   31   have got some germs  32 them. When the fly walks on your food with its dirty feet, it   33  the germs on your food.
What can you   34  this?
First, we learn that we mustn’t leave dirty things in the street or on the ground near  35 . Second, we learn that all food must be covered so that flies may not   36  it. Third, we learn that flies often carry germs and we must kill them as soon as we see them.

A.foodB.drinkC.cups D.bowls
A.bodyB.feet C.eyes D.head
A.carries B.hasC.leavesD.takes
A.study fromB.study forC.learn forD.learn from
A.the factoryB.our doorC.our houseD.a(chǎn) window
A.a(chǎn)rrive B.getC.a(chǎn)rrive inD.get to


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來源:2012屆浙江省新昌縣實(shí)驗(yàn)中學(xué)初三上學(xué)期期中測(cè)試英語(yǔ)試卷 題型:閱讀理解

If you love books, then“Three Cups of Tea”will be your favorite. It will take you on an adventure(冒險(xiǎn))to one of the highest mountains in the world. You will learn how the people and children there lived and how the writer, Greg Mortenson , helped build an education system.
While climbing K2 in Pakistan, one of the world’s most difficult mountains to climb, Greg Mortenson became ill and got lost. He got help in a small village. The people of the village took good care of him, feeding him and letting him sleep in a villager’s house. They also gave him their best food: sweet tea.
When Mortenson was fine, he found that the children of the village worked and studied outdoors. Their teacher came only three times a week and they didn’t have blackboards. They used sticks(枝條)to write on the ground.
The day he left the village, he told them he would come back and build a school. His school would have both boys and girls. Later on, he came back and helped build a school, so the kids were able to study in the classroom with real writing instruments.
That was in 1993. Today Mortenson is going to build 80 schools in Central Asia. He started a foundation(基金)called the Central Asia Institute to raise money for these schools. He has helped more than 18,000 girls receive education so far.
【小題1】“Three Cups of Tea”is the name of a        .

【小題2】The following are what the people of the village did for Greg Mortenson EXCEPT         .
A.taking care of him and feeding him
B.taking him to the hospital
C.finding somewhere to let him sleep
D.giving him their best food
【小題3】From the passage we know that        had more chances to receive education in Pakistan mountains in the past.
A.boysB.girlsC.the richD.the poor


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來源:2011-2012學(xué)年江蘇省泰州市九年級(jí)3月練習(xí)英語(yǔ)試卷(解析版) 題型:完型填空


A group of class friends successful in their careers got together to visit their old university professor. Their talk soon turned into complaints about  1   in work and life.

Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and a couple of(幾個(gè)) 2   ——porcelain(瓷的),  plastic(塑料的),  glass,  crystal(水晶的),  some common,  3  expensive and some delicate (精美的)-telling them to help themselves to the coffee.

When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said, "If you noticed,all the nice-looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the common and  4  ones. While it is  5   for you to choose only the best for ourselves, that is the __6  of your problems and stress. The cup itself  7   no quality to the coffee.   8   all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously (自覺地) went  9   the best cups. And then you began eyeing other people’s cups. Now consider this: life is the  10   ; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain life, and the type of cup which we have will not  11  the quality of life we live. Sometimes, by fixing our attention only on the cup, we  12  to enjoy the coffee which God (上帝) has  13  for us. God brews(沖泡) the coffee, not the cups...Enjoy your coffee!"

The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just  14   the best use of everything.

Live   15  . Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.

1.                A.changes        B.duties          C.experiences   D.stress


2.                A.cups           B.pans           C.bowls    D.cans


3.                A.others         B.some           C.a(chǎn)nother  D.other


4.                A.fashionable      B.cheap          C.expensive D.nice-looking


5.                A.wise           B.important       C.natural   D.necessary


6.                A.use            B.disagreement    C.a(chǎn)nswer   D.cause


7.                A.waves          B.reduces        C.a(chǎn)dds D.leads


8.                A.As             B.What           C.That D.Which


9.                A.for            B.into            C.by   D.on


10.               A.tea            B.water          C.wine  D.coffee


11.               A.remove        B.beat           C.change    D.enjoy


12.               A.fail            B.succeed        C.wish  D.try


13.               A.sold           B.gave           C.bought    D.provided


14.               A.keep          B.say            C.make D.do


15.               A.wildly          B.simply          C.specially   D.successfully




科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來源:2011-2012學(xué)年浙江省初三上學(xué)期期中測(cè)試英語(yǔ)試卷 題型:閱讀理解

If you love books, then“Three Cups of Tea”will be your favorite. It will take you on an adventure(冒險(xiǎn))to one of the highest mountains in the world. You will learn how the people and children there lived and how the writer, Greg Mortenson , helped build an education system.

While climbing K2 in Pakistan, one of the world’s most difficult mountains to climb, Greg Mortenson became ill and got lost. He got help in a small village. The people of the village took good care of him, feeding him and letting him sleep in a villager’s house. They also gave him their best food: sweet tea.

When Mortenson was fine, he found that the children of the village worked and studied outdoors. Their teacher came only three times a week and they didn’t have blackboards. They used sticks(枝條)to write on the ground.

The day he left the village, he told them he would come back and build a school. His school would have both boys and girls. Later on, he came back and helped build a school, so the kids were able to study in the classroom with real writing instruments.

That was in 1993. Today Mortenson is going to build 80 schools in Central Asia. He started a foundation(基金)called the Central Asia Institute to raise money for these schools. He has helped more than 18,000 girls receive education so far.

1.“Three Cups of Tea”is the name of a        .





2.The following are what the people of the village did for Greg Mortenson EXCEPT        .

A.taking care of him and feeding him

B.taking him to the hospital

C.finding somewhere to let him sleep

D.giving him their best food

3.From the passage we know that       had more chances to receive education in Pakistan mountains in the past.



C.the rich

D.the poor



科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

If you love books, then“Three Cups of Tea”will be your favorite. It will take you on an adventure(冒險(xiǎn))to one of the highest mountains in the world. You will learn how the people and children there lived and how the writer, Greg Mortenson , helped build an education system.
While climbing K2 in Pakistan, one of the world’s most difficult mountains to climb, Greg Mortenson became ill and got lost. He got help in a small village. The people of the village took good care of him, feeding him and letting him sleep in a villager’s house. They also gave him their best food: sweet tea.
When Mortenson was fine, he found that the children of the village worked and studied outdoors. Their teacher came only three times a week and they didn’t have blackboards. They used sticks(枝條)to write on the ground.
The day he left the village, he told them he would come back and build a school. His school would have both boys and girls. Later on, he came back and helped build a school, so the kids were able to study in the classroom with real writing instruments.
That was in 1993. Today Mortenson is going to build 80 schools in Central Asia. He started a foundation(基金)called the Central Asia Institute to raise money for these schools. He has helped more than 18,000 girls receive education so far.

  1. 1.

    “Three Cups of Tea”is the name of a ______.

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  2. 2.

    The following are what the people of the village did for Greg Mortenson EXCEPT ______.

    1. A.
      taking care of him and feeding him
    2. B.
      taking him to the hospital
    3. C.
      finding somewhere to let him sleep
    4. D.
      giving him their best food
  3. 3.

    From the passage we know that ______ had more chances to receive education in Pakistan mountains in the past.

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
      the rich
    4. D.
      the poor

