That's ________ people in England say“garbage”.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:022


  Today advertising is everywhere! Some peo-ple think that ads fire great,others 1 ndline  (like/hare) ads.saying that they make our 2 ndline  (city/cities) and countryside look ugly.Many ads are aimed 3 ndline  (especial/especially) at teenagers,and some young people see more than 100 ads a day.It's 4 ndline  (true/truth) that some ads can be very 5 ndline  (use/useful).For instance,they can help you to compare two different products 6 ndline  (so that/in order to) you can buy the one you really need.They can also help you 7 ndline  (saving/save) money.However,some ads can be confusing or misleading.Sometimes the picture in an ad. looks a lot 8 ndline  (good/better) than the real thing.At times an ad.can lead you 9 ndline  (to buy/buy) something you don't need at all.And you have to be 10 ndline  (carefully/careful).


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:遼寧省盤錦市第一完全中學(xué)2012屆九年級(jí)第一次中考模擬英語(yǔ)試題 題型:050


A Faithful(忠實(shí)的)Dog

  More than seven hundred years ago, the Prince(王子)of Wales had a very big and brave dog called Gelert.One day the Prince wanted to go hunt-ing(打獵)with his men.He told his dog to stay at home and look after his baby son.The baby was in a wooden cradle(搖籃), which was like a small bed.When the Prince came back from hunt-ing, Gelert ran out to meet his master(主人).He wagged his tail and jumped up to put his paws(爪子)on the Prince's chest.Then the Prince saw the blood(血)on Gelert's jaws and head.

  "What have you done? " the Prince said.He rushed into his house and looked for his baby son.The cradle was lying on its side on the floor.The clothes were torn(撕壞)and there was blood on them.

  "So you have killed my son? " the Prince said angrily."You unfaithful dog! " He took out his sword(劍)and killed the dog.Just as Gelert was dying, he managed to bark.Then the Prince heard a baby call to the dog.

  The Prince ran out of the house and saw his son lying on the ground unhurt.Near him was a dead wolf.Then the Prince knew that Gelert had defended(保衛(wèi))the baby and killed the wolf.

  The Prince ran back into the house but he was too late.Gelert was dead.The Prince was very sad indeed.Tears ran down his face when he realized 'he had killed his faith-ful friend.The Prince carried the body of his brave dog to the top of a mountain and buried(埋葬)him there.After this, the Prince never smiled again.Every morning, he walked up the mountain and stood by the dog's grave(墓穴)for a few minutes.

  If you go to Mount Snowdon in Wales, people will show you where Gelert is buried.There is a sign by his grave.It reminds peo-ple of a brave and faithful dog.


Gelert was the dog of the Prince of ________.

[  ]










The Prince told the dog to ________ when he was leaving.

[  ]


watch the door


take care of his baby at home


welcome his friends


stop the strangers


The dog was very ________ when his master came back from hunting.

[  ]










The Prince was surprised to see blood on Gelert's ________.

[  ]








Both A and C.


The Prince never smiled again because ________

[  ]


the wolf was killed by Gelert


he had buried the dog on the top of mountain


he had killed his faithful friend Gelert


Gelert had killed his baby son


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

It’s hard to make friends if you stay at home alone all the time. Get out of the house and do things that will put you in touch with(接觸) other people. It’s easier to make friends when you have similar interests.

Don’t be afraid to show people what you’re really good at. Talk about the things you like and do best. People will be interested in you if there is something interesting about you.

Look at people in the eye when you talk to them. That way, they’ll find it easier to talk to you, or people may think you’re not interested in them and may stop being in­terested in you.

Be a good listener. Let people talk about themselves before talking about “me, me, me”. Ask lots of questions. Show an interest in their answers.

Try to make friends with the kind of people you really like, respect (尊敬), and admire (羨慕)—not just with those who are easy to meet. Be friendly with a lot of peo­ple. That way, you’ll have a bigger group of people to choose from and have more chances for making friends.

1.How can we have more friends, get in touch with other people or stay at home?

2.When Jim talks to people, he always looks right, left, or at the floor. Do you think it’s right? Why or why not?

3.Cindy always talks about herself when she talks to other people. What advice do you think she needs to follow?

4.What should you do if you want to have more chances for making friends?

5.What’s the main idea of the passage?


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:閱讀理解

These days computer games have become more and more popular in many cities and towns. A lot of small shops along busy 26 have changed into computer game houses in order to get more 27 . These places are always crowded with people.

In the computer game houses, people  28 a lot of money matching on the machines, It's   29  for one to beat a computer, but one can do well after trying again and again. Peo?ple want to  30  when they play computer games. The more they  31 , the more they want to win, and at last they even can't   32    without it.

The result is that some people don' t want to 33 and they play in computer game houses for hours and hours. For school boys, things are  34 . They don't want to have 35 . When school is over, they rush to the computer game houses near their   36 .

Some of them can get enough money from their 37 . Some of them are not   38 enough to get the money. So they have to steal or rob others' and become  39 .

Computer game addiction(上癮) is a  40 problem in our life. Something has to be done to stop it.

(  )26. A. streets    B. schools     C. towns    D. cities

(  )27. A. boys    B. money    C. computers       D. houses

(  )28. A. take    B. spend    C. cost         D. pay

(  )29. A. possible  B. easy         C. good     D. hard

(  )30. A. read    B. learn     C. win     D. download

(  )31. A. lose        B. try       C. waste    D. watch

(  )32. A. come        B. eat       C. study    D. live

(  )33. A. watch TV      B. go out    C. stay there   D. work

(  )34. A. better   B. exciting    C. even worse  D. interesting

(  )35.A. lessons   B. games    C. families     D. sports

(  )36.A. classes       B. rooms    C. schools    D. shops

(  )37. A. classmates B. teachers        C. sisters      D. parents

(  )38. A. lucky   B. unlucky    C. careful    D. polite

(  )39. A. good       B. bad       C. rich       D. poor

(  )40. A. important  B. serious     C. unusual     D. wonderful


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:同步題 題型:閱讀理解

     About 130 years ago,Thomas Edison invented thelight bulb. His bulb turned night into day,but today manypeople want to turn off the light.    
     The European Union( 歐盟) has decided that peo-ple should stop using the Edison-style light bulb.Instead, they should use compact fluorescent lamps(CFLs 節(jié)能燈).      
     "CFLs save energy and last longer. They can savemoney in the long run," said a British official.  CFLs use67% less electricity than the older bulbs. Scientists saythat if everyone used CFLs,electricity use would be cutby 18% . There would also be much less greenhouse ga-      
     But it's difficult to make people change their light-ing habits. Firstly,CFLs are more expensive. They cost 8times the prices of the older bulbs. Secondly,many peo-ple don't like the CFL bulb. They find it too bright.      
     CFLs have been around for several years. However,the older lights still make up about 2/3 of total light bulbsales.
根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容, 判斷正(T)誤(F) 。
(     )1. Thomas Edison invented the CFL bulb 130 years ago.
(     )2. Using CFLs helps protect the environment.
(     )3.If you get an older bulb for l euro( 歐元) ,a CFL bulb will cost you 8 euros.
(     )4. CFLs have been widely used for many years.

