P: Can you 1______ a description of the man you are trying to find?
M: Yes, he is about the same age 2______ I am. He is very tall.
P: I have some pictures. Look, does any one of these look like him? What 3______ this man?
He is a man 4______ is as old as you and who is very tall.
M: No, it wasn't 5______. The man I'm looking for 6______ black hair.
P: Was 7______ long?
M: No, he has hair that is very 8______, and has very small nose.
P: Can you remember anything 9______ about him?
M: Yes, he has eyes that are very big and a face that is round.
P: How about his mouth?
M: Oh, his mouth is very small.
P: Is this 10______ man you are looking for?
M: Yes, that's him! That's the man.
1. give 2. as 3. about 4. who 5. him
6. has  7. it   8. short 9. else 10. the

科目:初中英語 來源:2016屆新疆烏魯木齊市初一上期中考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:選詞填空

用所給選項完成對話, 將序號填在對話下面的橫線上(10分)

A.How are you     B.Hello          C.How old are you     D.What’s your name      E.Yes

F.Thanks                G.I’m fine     H.Goodbye                  I.Excuse me                     J.It’s a pen

A:    1.   !   2.  ?

B: My name is Liu Ying.

A:    3.  ?

B: Fine.    4.   . How are you?

A:    5.   , too.    6.   , What’s this in English?

B:    7.  .

A: Can you spell it, please?

B:    8.. P— E— N  pen.

A: Thank you.    9.  ?

B: I’m thirteen.

A: Goodbye!

B:    10.  !



科目:初中英語 來源:2012年人教版初中英語九年級下冊第五單元練習(xí)卷(解析版) 題型:單詞拼寫


P: Can you 1______ a discription of the man you are trying to find?

M: Yes, he is about the same age 2______ I am. He is very tall.

P: I have some pictures. Look, does any one of these look like him? What 3______ this man? He is a man 4______ is as old as you and who is very tall.

M: No, it wasn’t 5______. The man I’m looking for 6______ black hair.

P: Was 7______ long?

M: No, he has hair that is very 8______, and has very small nose.

P: Can you remember anything 9______ about him?

M: Yes, he has eyes that are very big and a face that is round.

P: How about his mouth?

M: Oh, his mouth is very small.

P: Is this 10______ man you are looking for?

M: Yes, that’s him! That’s the man.



科目:初中英語 來源:期中題 題型:填空題

1. —Where _____ your father's badnunton(羽毛球)_____?
       —They are _____ the desk.
2. —What are those?
      —They are _____.
      —Do you like _____?
      —Yes, I often have them _____ dinner.
3. —What _____ this in English?
    —It's a _____.
    —How do you _____ it?
    —What is your phone _____?
    —It's 835 - 223986.


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:補全對話,情景問答

John: Ann, what's  1._____  ?
Ann: It's a  2._____  .
John:Is that  3  mler,    too?
Ann: No, it  4._____.
John:   5._____  that in English?
Ann: It's a  6._____.
John: Can you spell it, 7._____ ?
Ann: Yes. P-E-N-C-I-L,pencil.
John: Is 8._____   your pencil?
Ann:Yes,it is.It's 9._____  orange pencil. 
John : Oh , 10._____  nice !
Ann: Thank you.

