       Sophia Wu, 25, is a young Chinese woman who does business with her family in Santiago, Chile
(智利). On February 27, she experienced a night that she will never forget.
       "I was asleep and was woken up by powerful shaking at around 3:30 in the morning. My whole
room was moving and I couldn't stand still. I wanted to run downstairs and go outside, but suddenly
the wall got broken and the lights in the room went out. The room became so shaky that I couldn't
move at all."
       That night an 8.8-magnitude (震級) earthquake hit Chile.  Buildings and bridges fell down.
Electricity (電) and water services shut down. The Chilean Red Cross reported that about 500,000
homes were destroyed and more than 800 people died.
       The earthquake has been the fifth strongest since 1900. More than 90 aftershocks (余震)
followed the earthquake.  A tsunami (海嘯) was set off in the Pacific Ocean by the earthquake.
       Scientists say that there are about 500,000 earthquakes in the world each year. Of these, only
20% are felt, and 100 of them cause damage.
       So far, scientists haven't found a way to predict earthquakes. But you can learn to protect yourself
during an earthquake.  The most important thing to remember is to drop,  cover and hold on.  So
remember to drop to the floor, get under something for cover and hold onto something strong during
the shaking.
1. What happened to Sophia Wu on February 27?
A. Her house was burned in a fire.
B. She dreamed a terrible dream.
C. Her family died in a terrible accident.
D. A serious earthquake hit the city she was in.
2. Which is the correct order (順序)?
a. Wu got up and found her whole room was moving.
b. Wu wanted to run downstairs and go out.
c. The wall got broken and the lights went out.
d. Wu was woken up by shaking.
A. a-b-c-d
B. d-a-b-c
C. d-b-a-c
D. c-a-b-d
3. Which is TRUE about the Chile Earthquake?
A. It had no aftershocks.
B. It destroyed five million homes.
C. It caused a tsunami in the Pacific Ocean.
D. It has been the fourth strongest earthquake since 1900.
4. From the passage, we know that about         of the earthquakes cause damage every year.
A. 20%        
B. 10%        
C. 1%        
D. 0.02%
5. How should we protect ourselves during an earthquake?
A. We should run outside as quickly as possible.
B. We should drop, cover and hold on.
C. We should shout loudly for help.
D. We should call 120 quickly.

科目:初中英語 來源:山東省中考真題 題型:閱讀理解

       There is always something that we can never forget. And it can really change our life. 
       Time is important for everyone. It organizes our everyday moments. However, ①before I received
a watch from my father, time never had any importance in my life.
It organized my life and made me more
       I received this gift on a Sunday. I had to go to the airport at 9:00 am to pick up Uncle Jim and take
him to my father’s house. However, I was late because I hung out with my friends. Later on that day,
around 11:00 am, I remembered my uncle and went to the airport to meet him, but I was too late. He had
left the airport and taken a taxi to my father’s house. 
       I got to my father’s house at 2:00 pm that day. ② Looking at my father’s face, I felt ashamed
(羞愧的) at that moment. My father asked me to sit next to him and he handed me this watch as a gift.
Then he said, "Bob, did you have fun with your friends today?" "Yes, Father, and I’m sorry about not
picking up Uncle Jim," I replied. He then said, "What you did was not very nice and you should be sorry
for your actions. I think you should learn something from it, and this watch will be a reminder for you in
your future life." ③ The watch is very important to me, not because of its price, but because of the lesson
that I learned from it.
       Today I still remember my father’s words"Respect time and never be late for anything."
1. 請用"not …until … "改寫文中①處劃線句子,使其句意不變。    
2. 請改寫文中②處劃線部分,使其句意不變。
3. 請將文中③處劃線句子翻譯成漢語。
4. Why did Bob feel ashamed when he arrived at his father’s house?
5. What lesson did Bob learn from his father?


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

welcome, to, surprise, show, that, friend, idea, say, for, time
       Manners are important in every country, but people have different   1   bout their manners. What is
good in one country may not be   2    in another.
       Chinese people are   3   to know the fact that an Englishman doesn’t stop to talk and shake hands
with his friend in the street. They just say hello   4   each other and then pass on.
       English people think   5   we Chinese end our visits to friends all of a sudden. They usually begin
to  6    that they want to go 15 or 20 minutes before they leave their   7    house. And they do this two or
three   8   within 20 minutes.
       It is important   9   people to understand each other. Here is a   10  , "When in Rome, do as the
Romans do."


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:閱讀理解

       sit, picture, be, boat, crowd, with, people

     People Last Saturday Jim went to Central Park _____ his friend, Tim. There _____ many people
there. Some _____ under a big tree. Some were in _____. An old man was drawing _____. Many
_____ were around him. It was _____ .


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:完形填空

完形填空 。    
Dear Mom and Dad,
         I will go to Alice's home with her after school, and I will have supper and sleep there. Don't    1     about me. You know that Alice is one of my   2   friends. If you want to talk with me, you can    3    68610598 after 6:00 pm.Please forgive (原諒) me for not telling you first. I don' think you will    4     me to do so if I tell you first.  5  I think teenagers should be allowed to stay at their friends' houses sometimes. I am sixteen years old and I'm not a little kid    6     . I hope I can make decisions for    7   .At home, there are too many rules for me to    8     : Don't stay out so    9    ; don't have meals before   10    hands; don't watch TV without finishing homework, etc. Parents should be    11   teenagers, but we need freedom, too.I don't like doing my homework    12    at home. I'd love to study    13    Alice. We can learn a lot from each other.    14    please allow me to stay at Alice's house once a week. If you    15    , Alice can stay at our house with me, too.                                                    
(     )1. A. care      
(     )2. A. bad      
(     )3. A. look      
(     )4. A. let      
(     )5. A. Unless    
(     )6. A. anymore  
(     )7. A. himself  
(     )8. A. break    
(     )9. A. late      
(     )10.A. giving    
(     )11.A. afraid of
(     )12.A. along    
(     )13.A. with      
(     )14.A. Or        
(     )15.A. worry    

B. hear            
B. best            
B. call            
B. take            
B. Or              
B. either          
B. herself          
B. volunteer        
B. early            
B. washing          
B. interested in    
B. alone            
B. on              
B. Although        
B. think            

C. talk          
C. well          
C. write          
C. allow          
C. But            
C. neither        
C. yourself      
C. make          
C. hardly        
C. putting        
C. strict with    
C. lonely        
C. for            
C. So            
C. agree          

D. worry                    
D. worst                    
D. play                      
D. teach                    
D. Even though              
D. no longer                
D. myself                    
D. obey                      
D. exactly                  
D. holding                  
D. angry with                
D. own                      
D. from                      
D. Because                  
D. make                      


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:完形填空

     How many __1__ of Chinese food do you know?  I'd like __2__ you some specials.
     __3__ 1 is noodles.  There are many kinds of noodles in China,  like rolled noodles,  pulled noodles,  
 knife-cut noodles and fried noodles.  All of them __4__ great.
     Special 2 is __5__. Dumplings,  yes,  I think you must know __6__.  Do you know the famous Kung
  Fu Panda
cartoon movie?  There are __7__  kinds of Chinese specials in the movie:  noodles and fried 
 (油煎的) dumplings. __8__ we also have another dumplings-boiled (水煮的) dumplings.  We often eat
 boiled dumplings __9__ our Spring Festival.
     I like Chinese food very much.  I hope you __10__ like it.
(     ) 1. A. kind
(     ) 2. A. tell
(     ) 3. A. Food
(     ) 4. A. is
(     ) 5. A. dumpling
(     ) 6. A. them
(     ) 7. A. some
(     ) 8. A. As
(     ) 9. A. during
(     ) 10. A. too
  B. kinds
  B. tells
  B. Drink
  B. am  
  B. dumplings
  B. they
  B. many  
  B. Or  
  B. in  
  B. also
C. size
C. to tell
C. Fruit  
C. be  
C. hamburgers
C. it  
C. two  
C. So  
C. on  
C. either
D. sizes        
D. telling      
D. Special      
D. are          
D. cakes        
D. me          
D. second      
D. But          
D. of          
D. very        


科目:初中英語 來源:月考題 題型:閱讀理解

       What's your idea of a good time? What about dancing in a rainy field with one hundred and fifty
thousand other people? A famous rock band plays on a stage so far away that the performers look
very small.
       It may sound strange but that is what many hundreds of thousands of young people in the UK
do every summer. Why? Because summer is the time for outdoor music festivals.
       Held on a farm, the Glastonbury Festival is the most well-known and popular in the UK. It began
in 1970 and one thousand five hundred people took part in it, each paying £1- free milk from the
farm in the ticket. Since then more and more people came for the festival - in 2004 one hundred
and fifty thousand fans came, paying £112 for tickets to the three-day event. Tickets for the event
sold out in three hours. There were many superstars in it.
       Glastonbury is a charity event, donating millions of pounds to English and international charities.
1. When did the UK begin the Glastonbury Festival for the first time?
A. For 25 years.
B. In 1970.
C. Last summer
D. Since 2004.
2. Why is the festival held in summer?
A. Because it's a rainy season.
B. Because it's a season for indoor sports festival.
C. Because it's the best season in UK.
D. Because it's the good time for outdoor musical festival.
3. In Paragraph One, the word "performers" means "______" in Chinese.
A. 表演者
B. 風(fēng)景
C. 觀眾
D. 雨滴
4. How many people came to enjoy the festival in 2004?
A. 1,500.
B. 105,000.
C. 115,000.
D. 150,000.
5. What do the UK have the Glastonbury Festival for?
A. To see many superstars.
B. To collect money for charities.  
C. For a rock band concert.
D. For free milk from the farm.  


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:閱讀理解

                                                    Which Area (區(qū)域)?
                    key:   Industrial (工業(yè)) Area
                              Business District
                              Spots Centre                     
1. To visit a museum or to see a film, you would travel to Area _____.
A. B            
B. E          
C. D          
D. C
2. An athletic (運動員) family would probably look for a house in Area _____.
 A. E or B        
B. B or G      
C. B or F      
D. C or A
3. If you build a house overlooking the water, you would live in Area _____.
A. G            
B. A          
C. B          
D. F
4. You would probably have to build your new factory in Area _____.
A. A            
B. D          
C. F          
D. G
5. Lucy's uncle sells kinds of clothes. Where is probably his shop?  
A. E            
B. G          
C. A          
D. D


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:閱讀理解

     Many people have the wrong idea about pigs. Pigs are actually very clean animals. On farms, they live
 in dirty places. So, they become very dirty. In the world, pigs keep very clean.
     They are also really smart. They may be smarter than dogs. So, pigs can learn things from people.
     Pigs are very friendly animals. Some people raise them as pets. Of course, people raise the small kind, 
 not the big kind. Small pigs are very cute. And they don't break things in the house. Big pigs ususlly live
 outside on farms, not in people's houses.
1. Which words can describe pigs?
    A. Dirty and stupid.            
    B. Nervouse and strange.        
    C. Dangerous and unfriendly    
    D. Intelligent and friendly.        
2. What does in the wild mean?
    A. In nature.                  
    B. On farms.        
    C. Acting crazy.                
    D. In people's houses.
3. Which of the following is true?
    A. Pigs like to be dirty.          
    B. People can teach pigs things.      
    C. Dogs are smarter than pigs.      
    D. Only farmers raise pigs.
4. What kind of pigs do people raise in their houses?
    A. The very big kind            
    B. The small kind.
    C. The kind from farms.        
    D. The ugly kind.
5. The article doed NOT discuss _____.
    A. pigs as pets              
    B. pigs on farms and in the wild        
    C. raising dogs              
    D. people's wrong ideas about pigs

