
     Bill likes fish very much. He often buys fish in the shop and takes it home. But when his wife sees the
fish, she says to herself (她自己),"Good! Now I call ask my friends to have lunch, we can eat the fish. They
like fish very much."
     So when Bill comes home in the evening, the fish is not there, and his wife always says, Oh, your cat eats
it." And she gives Bill some bread for supper. Bill gets very angry. He takes his wife and the cat to the shop
near his house and weighs (稱) the cat. Then he turns to his wife and says, "My fish weighs one kilo. This
cat weighs one kilo, too. My cat is here, you see. Then where is my fish?"

1. Where does Bill often buy fish? 
2. Who gets very angry? 
3. How much does the cat weigh?
4. Does Bill's cat eat the fish? 
5. Who eat the fish? 
1. In the shop.
2. Bill.
3. One kilo.
4. No, it doesn't.
5. Bill's wife and her friends.

科目:初中英語 來源:2013年湖北省咸寧市高級中等學(xué)校招生考試英語 題型:053










4.從文中找出適當(dāng)?shù)脑~組填空:How I wish to get a letter from you soon!

How I wish to ________ ________ you soon!

5.用英語回答問題:What's the main idea of the passage? ________.


科目:初中英語 來源:英語教研室 題型:051


    What are some of your favorite stories? Sometimes music and stories go together. Some songs tell stories. If you’ve sung “Billy Boy”, you’ve sung a story. Sometimes music without words can also seem to tell a story. The sounds can almost make you see pictures in your mind. Some music can make you imagine good people, bad people, singing birds, ships at sea and even the broom’s(笤帚)marching (進(jìn)行曲).

    What is brooms marching? That is part of the story told in a famous piece of music for orchestra (管弦樂隊)by a Frenchman named Paul Dukas. The music is called The Sorcerer’s (魔法師的)Apprentice(徒弟).

    When you hear the music for The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, you can imagine what’s happening. The quiet-sounding music makes you think of what the sorcerer is doing. Later, when it’s his apprentice’s turn, the music changes into a kind of funny little march, which helps you to imagine how a broom might walk! But then something goes wrong with the apprentice. He can’t make the broom stop! It keeps filling the bucket(桶)with water and bringing it back and watering the floor.

  1. What kind of music can tell us stories?

  2. Who and what can we imagine when we hear music?

  3. Does Paul Dukas make music?

  4. Does the sorcerer practice better or worse than his apprentice?

  5. How does the broom’s marching really sound?



科目:初中英語 來源:雙色筆記七年級英語(上) 題型:053




  A:My name is Jim Green. What's your name?

  B:My name is Gao Hui. You can call(稱呼) me(我) Miss Gao.

  A:Nice to meet you, Miss Gao.

  B:Nice to meet you, Jim! Please sit down.

  A:Thank you.

1.What's the boy's (男孩) name? ________.

2.What's the woman's(婦女的) name? ________.

3.當(dāng)Jim初次與Miss Gao見面時,Jim怎樣與Miss Gao打招呼(請用英語寫出)________.

4.當(dāng)Miss Gao請Jim坐下時,Jim怎樣用英語回答?(請用英語寫出)



科目:初中英語 來源:2011年福建省龍巖市中考英語試卷 題型:其他題


Recently, more and more people pay attention to eating healthily. Some food additives(添加劑) are used to make different kinds of foods. Some of them can make the food more delicious and some of them can make it colorful. But lots of chemicals are used to produce what we eat every day.

Sudan red is a kind of chemical that factories used it to dye cloth, make the shoes brighter. But some people produced salted duck eggs with it . However, it isn’t a kind of food additive. The food made from Sudan red makes it easier to cause cancer. Melamine(三聚氰胺) is another kind of chemical that are banned(禁止). It’s white crystal(晶體), which was discovered by a German chemist called Sustus Von Liebig in 1834. Melamine can be used to make paper, medicine and woods, ect. But nobody can imagine that some people used it as a material of milk powder(粉末). Because of melamine, it’s reported that 4 babies died and more than 50 thousand babies are affected since 2008. Sanlu, a famous milk powder factory was closed. Whats worse, milk powder with melamine appeared in 2011 again. Problems of food safety, for example, poisonous rice, lean meat powder(瘦肉精) and plasticizers(塑化劑) are becoming more and more serious.

Fortunately, lots of laws have been made to make the solution(解決方法) better. We think we will eat more healthily in the future.

1.Can the food additives make the food colorful and more delicious?

2.What is Sudan red?

3. When was melamine discovered?




