Who is ________, Kate or Lily?

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
    the thinnest
  4. D.

科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

Friends play an important part in our lives. We may have many friends, but we often don’t understand c  1   how we make friends. We may get on well with a
n  2  of people, but we usually make friends with a very few of them.
People use the word “friend” freely. Friends may have k  3__ each other since childhood or they may have recently met. In fact, people may have different k  4__  of friends such as school friends, work friends, or sports friends. A person may
c  5 different friends for different activities. If you play with s  6  on the playground, the person is your playmate. If you often play chess w  7 a friend, the person is your chess partner.
One may have many good friends and only one best friend. “Best friends” or “close friends” are u  8  two people who have known each other for a long time. A close friend is someone who is able to s   9  experiences, joys and sorrows with you. This is a person you can rely on(信賴)when you are in n  10 , and this is the person to whom you are willing to lend a helping hand.
Friendship is one of life’s greatest treasures.


科目:初中英語 來源:2010年重慶市西南師大附中初一上學(xué)期期中考試英語卷 題型:選詞填空


A. achieve    B. come true   C. help   D. On   E. something  F. call on
G. called      H. to     I. who   J. everything    K. of    L. where


Do you know this story?   1  July 11 of every year, a local office of Project Hope receives a donation from a person    2   Xu Qin. But investigation (調(diào)查) shows that Xu Qin died in1994.
Xu Qin was Liu Wenzhen’s youngest daughter. She died in a traffic accident on July 11, 1994. Ever since, Liu Wenzhen has been in the habit of making a donation    3   Project Hope on that date to commemorate (紀(jì)念) her daughter’s death.[來源:學(xué)科網(wǎng)ZXXK]
What has Mrs Liu done is simply helping to   4   her daughter’s dream. “I have always dreamed    5   becoming a teacher in the countryside because that is    6   my father lived,” Xu Qin once said.
Project Hope is built to    7   children to be able to go to school. Many people make a commitment to the project all over the world. In China the project began in 1985.
As a student, we can also do    8   to support this project. We may save our money and donate it to Project Hope. Maybe we can teach those children    9   can’t go to school some day. We can also    10   others to do something for the project.


科目:初中英語 來源:2012年仁愛版初中英語七年級(jí)上冊(cè)第一單元topic 2練習(xí)卷(解析版) 題型:其他題


A. Yes,she is .

B. I am from Guigang.

C. He is from Hainan.

D. No, they aren't.

F. Good evening!

G.. Cheers!

H. She is Maria

I. It is in Guangxi.

J. She is from Guangzhou.

K..I think they are from  England.

1.Where are you from?

2.Where is she from?

3.Where are they from?

4.Where is he from?

5.Is she from Shanghai?

6.Are they from Guilin?

7.Good evening


9.Who is she?

10.Where is Nanning?



科目:初中英語 來源:2012屆江蘇省張家港市九年級(jí)上學(xué)期期中考試英語卷 題型:閱讀理解

It began with a red paper clip and ended with a house. Kyle MacDonald, a 26-year-old Canadian, got a three-bedroom house through 14 trades (交換) that started with a single red paper clip.[來源:學(xué)?。網(wǎng)Z。X。X。K]

Encouraged by Kyle’s successful experience, now more and more young people around the world are starting their own trading activities. They set up websites where people can trade things they don’t usually use with other people. A website called Peerflix allows people to trade their used DVDs. These traders usually prefer face-to-face trading, which means they don’t have to worry about who is going to pay for the delivery (遞送).

Last year, a young girl in Beijing decided to follow the example of Kyle. She started with a paper clip and hoped to get a house in the end. After several trades she now has a piano which is more than 10,000 yuan. But she may still have a long way to go.

You may be puzzled about why people are doing this. In fact, everyone in the trade activities gets things that are useful to them. Just as Kyle said, “What’s more important to a man dying of thirst in the desert — one million dollars or a glass of water?” Kyle’s words probably show why these trades are poplar among young people.

4. Where can people trade things they do not usually use according to the passage?

A. On the Internet.     B. In Beijing.          C. In Canada.       D. In the desert.

5. Why are trading activities popular among young people?

A. Because they can make a lot of money by trading with other people.

B. Because the traders can get things that are useful to them.

C. Because young people love trading activities.

D. Because many young people want to get a house.

6. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. If you begin with a paper clip, you will finally get a house by trading.

B. A young girl in Beijing got a house through trading.

C. A glass of water is more important than one million dollars.

D. Many traders like face-to-face trading because they don’t have to pay for the delivery.



科目:初中英語 來源:山東省期末題 題型:閱讀理解

     J.K Rowling was born in England in 1965. She loved reading, and wrote her first story "Rabbit" when she
was only six years old. She studied French at university, then worked as a secretary (秘書) in London. She
had the idea for Harry Potter (哈里.波特) when she was on a train, "Harry just walked into my head", she
said later She started writing the first Harry Potter book the next day.
     In 1992 she went to live in Portugal for three years. She wrote Harry Potter in the morning, and worked
as an English teacher in the afternoon and evening. She got married to a Portuguese TV journalist and had a
daughter called Jessica.
     Then she returned to Edinburgh, in Scotland. She had no job at that time,she wrote in cafes (咖啡館)
because they were warmer than her small house. After five years she finished the first book "Harry Potter
and the Philosopher's stone". The book sold millions of copies all over the world and J.K. Rowling became
very famous. She is very rich now, but she still writes her books in cares
1. Who is J.K Rowling? 
2. When did she write her first story? 
3. How did she get the idea of Harry Potter? 
4. Why did she write in cafes? 
5. Do you like the story of Harry Potter? Why? 

