下面是保健醫(yī)生Peter在網(wǎng)上發(fā)布的保健建議,請認(rèn)真閱讀,然后按信息表的項(xiàng)目要求填寫信息, 并將答案寫在橫線上。

Sugar -public enemy number one---Do not eat sugar, or foods including sugar, like

 sweets, biscuits and cakes.

Brown is better than white--- Do not eat white bread or rice. Eat whole meal bread

and brown rice.

Vegetables---Eat as many vegetables as you like, but don’t eat too many potatoes or

sweet corn.

Fruit---but always first ---Always eat fruit before a meal, if possible 15 minutes

before eating anything else. The only kind of fruit you should eat after a meal is


Breakfast is the king---Have a big breakfast, with fruit juice, milk and whole meal

bread. You can eat as much as bread as you like, but only at breakfast, never at lunch

or dinner. You can drink coffee, but don’t drink too much.

Goodbye to big dinners---Dinner should be the lightest of the three meals. And try to

have it as early as possible, not after nine o’clock at night.

Information Card

The public enemy number one

1. _________________________

The vegetables we can not eat too much

2. _________________________

The most important meal of a day

3. _________________________

What we can eat at breakfast

4. _________________________

Time to have dinner

5. _________________________

1. sugar

2. potatoes or sweet corn

3. breakfast

4. fruit juice, milk and whole meal bread

5. as early as possible, before nine o’clock


科目:初中英語 來源:2011廣東省深圳市畢業(yè)生學(xué)業(yè)考試英語全真模擬試卷(1) 題型:書面表達(dá)




If the net-friends want to know my phone number, what should I do?


Sometimes, I meet some adults. I have nothing to chat with them. What should I do?


If they want to visit or invite me, what should I do?




科目:初中英語 來源:專項(xiàng)題 題型:寫作題

     下面是21世紀(jì)報(bào)中學(xué)生版(21st Century School Edition)刊登的一封讀者來信,請你以編輯的身份給這位中學(xué)生寫封回信。
Dear editor,
      I have a big problem now. You see, I am a little shy. Sometimes
I really don't know whom I should ask for help when I am in trouble.
I am always afraid that I will disturb them. What should I do? Can you
give me some advice?
1. 回信的內(nèi)容要包括以下要點(diǎn):
(1) 首先要學(xué)會與人交流,多交朋友;
(2) 可以求助于同學(xué)和朋友,因?yàn)槟挲g相仿,容易相互理解;
(3) 可以求助于老師和家長,因?yàn)樗麄兂錆M愛心,有豐富的經(jīng)驗(yàn)。
2. 為了使文章連貫,可適當(dāng)增加內(nèi)容。
3. 詞數(shù)75左右。信的開頭與結(jié)尾已寫好,不計(jì)入總詞數(shù)。
Dear Lucy,
     What you said is common with some middle school students. Here is my advice.
     Hope you can get out of your trouble soon.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

 下面是21世紀(jì)報(bào)中學(xué)生版(21st Century School Edition)刊登的一封讀者來信,請你以編輯的身份給這位中學(xué)生寫封回信。

Dear editor,

I have a big problem now. You see, I am a little shy. Sometimes I really don’t know whom I should ask for help when I am in trouble. I am always afraid that I will disturb them. What should I do? Can you give me some advice?





    (1) 首先要學(xué)會與人交流,多交朋友;





Dear Lucy,

What you said is common with some middle school students. Here is my advice.




Hope you can get out of your trouble soon.




科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

 根據(jù)中文大意和英文提示詞語, 寫出意思連貫、符合邏輯、不少于60詞的回信。信的開頭和結(jié)尾已給出, 其詞數(shù)不計(jì)入所完成的回信內(nèi)。請不要寫出你的校名和姓名。

74. 假設(shè)你是Peter, 你的筆友李華最近很不開心, 下面是你收到的他的電子郵件。請你根據(jù)他來信的內(nèi)容寫一封回信。針對他的問題, 談?wù)勀愕目捶? 同時(shí)提出一些幫助他解決問題的建議。

Dear Peter,

  Thanks for your letter. I am really unhappy these days because I didn’t pass the English exam. I often find it hard to understand reading materials. I think maybe it’s because there are so many difficult words in them and I seldom read English after class. Besides, some materials are really boring for me.

    What should I do? Can you give me some suggestions?


    Li Hua

Dear Li Hua,

  I’m sorry to hear that you’re unhappy now. ______________________________________


    I hope what I said can help you.



