Tom Brown was a good boxer(拳擊手). He was very big and had a pair of strong fists(拳頭), but he only used them in boxing. He had won the championship(冠軍賽)many times.

  One day he went to see his grandmother in a small town by car. He was driving his car along a dark street when he saw two men attacking (攻擊)a young woman. Mr Brown stopped his car at once and rushed out to help the woman. “Get in my car, ”he shouted to her. “Drive to the police station. Quick! ”

  Ten minutes later, the policemen came. They found the two men had gone away and Mr Brown was lying on the ground. He was black and blue all over(渾身上下遍體鱗傷).

  One of the policemen knew Mr Brown. He said, “Why, this is Mr Brown, our great boxer! ”“Why didn't you fight back but let them hit you like this? ”asked the policeman to Mr Brown. “You are strong enough to hit four of them with your fists! ”“But I haven't got my gloves(拳擊手套)on, ”answered Mr Brown.“A boxer must never go to fight without his gloves on. That's one of our rules. ”

( )1. Where did the story happen(發(fā)生)? It happened ________ .

A. at the police station                    B. in a city

C. in a street                            D. at his grandmother's

(。2. When he saw two men attacking a young woman, Mr Brown ________ .

A. drove to the police station               B. got out of his car and helped her

C. stopped his car and shouted              D. lay down on the ground

(。3. When the policemen came, they found Mr Brown ________ .

A. was badly hurt                        B. was a great boxer

C. was fighting the two men               D. was helping the young woman

(。4. He didn't fight back because ________.

A. he wasn't a good boxer                  B. the two men were much stronger than him

C. he could hit four of them                D. he had to obey(遵守)the boxing rules

( )5. One of the boxers' rules is ________.

A. to fight with the gloves on                B. to fight without the gloves on

C. to fight with strong fists                 D. to fight four men



科目:初中英語 來源:2015屆陜西省龍鳳培訓學校八年級上冊期中測試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

Once a great boxer(拳擊手), Tom Brown, went to a restaurant for dinner. He put his bag near the door, but he was afraid that someone would take it away. So he got out a pen and a piece of paper and wrote on it, “The great boxer, Tom Brown, left his bag here and he will be back in a few minutes.” He put the paper on his bag and went to have his dinner. When he came back, his bag wasn’t there. But he found a piece of paper on the ground. It said, “A great runner took away your bag, and will not be back.”

1.Tom Brown went to the restaurant ________.

A. for his bag              B. to see a doctor    

C. for dinner               D. for his pen

2.Tom Brown was afraid _________.

A. to put down the bag next to the door.  

B. he couldn’t find his pen

C. he couldn’t get enough food for himself from the restaurant.

D. thieves(小偷) would take his bag away.

3.Tom Brown wrote the words on the paper because he ________.

A. was a boxer

B. thought the thief (小偷) would not steal his bag when he read the words.

C. wanted to catch the thief

D. wanted to get to know the runner.

4.When Tom Brown came back, he _______________.

A. found another piece of paper on the ground.

B. found his bag wasn’t there

C. saw the runner running towards to him

D. both A and B

5.Which of the following is NOT right?

A. The runner was foolish.

B. The boxer didn’t know the runner at all.

C. The runner was the thief.

D. The runner made a joke on Tom Brown.



科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2013學年浙江省七年級第一次月考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:書面表達

假如你是Kate,請根據(jù)下面提供的信息, 寫封信給你的朋友Mary,介紹你自己和你的家人.要求40-50詞.




Paul Brown(father)



Diana Brown(mother)



Anna Brown(sister)



Kate Brown



Tom Brown(brother)



Dear Mary,








科目:初中英語 來源:2012年人教版英語初一上Do you have a soccer ball練習 題型:書面表達

學校體育俱樂部要招募新會員了,假如你的名字叫Tom Brown,13歲,來自七年級三班。請先填寫以下信息,然后寫一段自我介紹。

1. First name:________________________________________

2. Last name: ________________________________________

3. Age(年齡):______________________________________

4. Class:__________________________________________

5. Grade: __________________________________________

6. Sports collection: ______________________________________________________







科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:閱讀理解

     This is my family. My grandpa's name is Harry Brown. My grandma's name is Jean Brown. My
father's name is Jeff Brown. My mother's name is Helen Brown. Jeff and Helen are my parents. I have
a sister. Her name is Kate Brown. My name is Tom Brown. I'm ten. My sister is eight.
(A). 閱讀短文,將人名及其身份填在表中相應方框內。
老太太 (1)____________ 老爺爺 (2)____________
中年婦女 (3)____________ 中年男子 (4)____________
少年女孩 (5)____________ 少年男孩 Tom Brown
(B). 根據(jù)短文內容,回答下列問題。
6. How old is Tom Brown?
7. Is that girl his sister?
8. Is Helen Brown his grandmother?
9. What's his grandmother's name?
10. Is Jeff Brown his brother?


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:閱讀理解

     This is my family. My grandfather's name is Harry Brown. My grandmother's name is Jean Brown.
My father's name is Jeff Brown. My mother's name is Helen Brown. Jeff and Helen are my parents. I
have a sister. Her name is Kate Brown. My name is Tom Brown. I am ten. My sister is eight.
                                                     Tom's Family Tree

