
     One day, Mike went to a big dinner party at about twelve o'clock. He was wearing his old clothes.
When he came in, nobody looked at him and nobody gave him a seat at a table. So Mike went back
home. He put on his best clothes, and then went to the party again. The host (男主人) at once got up
and came to meet him. He took him to the best table, gave him a good seat and the best dishes.
    Mike put his coat in the food and said, "Eat, coat." The others were very surprised ( 驚奇的) and
said, "What are you doing?" Mike answered, "I'm letting my coat eat. When I wear my old clothes,
nobody looks at me or gives me food or drink. Then I go home and come back in these clothes, and
you give me the best food and drink. So you give these things for my clothes, not for myself."

1. When Mike came in at first, _____ looked at him and gave him _____ to eat.
A. all the people; something            
B. no one ;  nothing
C. someone ; something                
D. every one ; anything
2. Mike went back home because _____.
A. Someone asked him to do that          
B. nobody treated him  
C. he wanted to wear his best clothes      
D. he wanted to wear his old clothes
3. Why did Mike want his coat to eat ?
A. because it is hungry.        
B. because he is angry.
C. because he want to take more food.      
D. because he is mad (瘋的).
4. When did Mike go to a big dinner ?
A. at noon  
B. in the afternoon 
C. in the evening  
D. It isn't mentioned (提起).
5. What did the story tell us?
A. We mustn't treat anyone by their clothes.  
B. We must learn from the host..
C. When we go to a dinner party, we must put on our old clothes.
D. People with best clothes are best people.
  • 快樂天天練暑假作業(yè)安徽師范大學出版社系列答案
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  • 小學升初中銜接教材中南大學出版社系列答案
  • 暑假銜接起跑線系列答案
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  • 暑假一本通內(nèi)蒙古大學出版社系列答案
  • 年級 高中課程 年級 初中課程
    高一 高一免費課程推薦! 初一 初一免費課程推薦!
    高二 高二免費課程推薦! 初二 初二免費課程推薦!
    高三 高三免費課程推薦! 初三 初三免費課程推薦!

    科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:050


    On the way to school

      Jack: Hello, John.

      John: Hello, Jack. Are you at No. 2 Middle School?

      Jack: No. I'm at No. 5 Middle School. Are you at No. 3 Middle School?

      John: Yes, I am. What's your father?

      Jack: He's a teacher. He teaches math at No. 4 Middle School. How old is your father?

      John: He's forty-three. How old is your father?

      Jack: He's thirty-three. Good-bye.

      John: Good-bye.


    1. Jack is at No. ______ Middle School.

    [  ]

    A. 2    B. 3    C. 5    D. 4

    2. Jack's father is ______ years old.

    [  ]

    A. 43  B. 13  C. 33  D. 34

    3. John's father is ______ years old.

    [  ]

    A. 43  B. 33  C. 34  D. 13

    4. Jack's father is a ______.

    [  ]

    A. worker   B. teacher  C. doctor  D. driver

    5. John's father is ______ years older than Jack's father.

    [  ]

    A. 10  B. 11  C. 12  D. 9


    科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:050


    on day 2:00---4:00pm

    English learning

    Miss Green

    Would you like to improve(提高)your English? This is for middle school students(10 weeks) Friday 19:00---20:30


    Mr Huang

    Would you like to learn painting? It is for beginners only.

       (6 weeks) Sunday: 9:00---10::00

    Swimming club

    Coach: Mr Brown

    Like swimmimg? Do you want to swim as fast as a dolphin(海豚)? Come to the club.(9 weeks)


    Miss Green teaches middle school students English _______ .

    A. in the morning B. at noon   C. in the afternoon

    [  ]


    Mr Huang’s painting class is only for _______ .

    A. artist B.middle school students  C.beginners

    [  ]


    Mr Brown is the coach of _______ .

    A. a swimming club B. a dolphin C. a painting club

    [  ]


    If you like swimming, you have to learn it for _____________ weeks.

    A. ten  B. nine   C. six

    [  ]


    You have to learn painting every Friday for _______ .

    A. two hours B. one hour  C. one and a half hours

    [  ]


    科目:初中英語 來源:101網(wǎng)校同步練習 初二英語 人教社(新課標 2002-3年通過) 人教版 題型:050


    On the first day of class, Roni’s foreign students fill out forms(填表)and give the information(信息)about themselves.


    Su Chen Wang has ________ children.

    [  ]










    Who’s lived in America for the shortest time?

    [  ]


    Claude Ansari.


    Norma’s mother


    Su Chen Wang.


    Norma Ruiz.


    ________ worked in a hospital a few years ago.

    [  ]


    Claude Ansari


    Su Chen Wang


    Norma Ruiz


    Su Chen Wang’s husband


    Su Chen Wang’s children are attending school in ________.

    [  ]




    the U.S.A.






    These three people will ________ together.

    [  ]


    go mountain climbing


    listen to music


    go to movies


    study in the same class


    科目:初中英語 來源:2012年人教版初中英語九年級下冊第五單元練習卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解


    On 26th January, the biggest earthquake(地震)in India took the lives of 25000 people. In the morning, when everybody was enjoying holiday, earthquake began. It was about 7.5 on the Ritcher scale. “There is nothing left between the sky and the earth any more. Everything has been pulled down,” said one of the villagers alive. “There is no water, no food and no one has come to help.”

    Nobody died in Pakistan, a country next to India. The City of Lahore was lucky. In Lahore American school, where I was studying, all of the students were safe. They were on the field, so most children didn’t feel anything. The earthquake was felt by the teachers that were on the second floor. However, though Mrs Young was also on the second floor, she didn’t feel anything. She didn’t know what happened until a teacher told her about it. Those teachers who were on the other floors had different feelings. Mr Emond, the maths teacher from Australia, said that when the earthquake started he thought there was something wrong with him, but then another teacher said that it was an earthquake. After those words Mr Emond felt better. Mrs Davis and

    Mr Frost didn’t feel anything either.

    My mother didn’t feel anything. She didn’t even know that it was an earthquake till she saw a shaking (moving from side to side) light. My dad saw the computer shaking and then he looked out of the window and saw many people going out.

    1.People use “Ritcher scale” to tell ______.

    A.where the earthquake takes place

    B.when the earthquake takes place

    C.how serious the earthquake is

    D.how long the earthquake lasts

    2. We learn that ______ from the sentence “There is nothing left between the sky and the earth any more.”

    A.India is a large country

    B.the Indian people had nothing after the earthquake

    C.there is no tall building in India

    D.the earthquake in India was serious

    3. The city of Lahore is ______.

    A.in India

    B.in America

    C.in Pakistan

    D.in Australia

    4. Which one is true?

    A.I was with my parents when the earthquake happened.

    B.The earthquakes in the city of Lahore wasn’t serious.

    C.People in the City of Lahore were frightened when they knew if was an earthquake.

    D.The teachers in Lahore American school were afraid of the earthquake.



    科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:閱讀理解

         On a cold winter day, a fox told Mother Bear that he would teach her how to fish. For she wanted to
    learn, he took her to a hole in the ice, and told her to put her tail(尾巴) down into the water.
         He told her to keep the tail there for a long time. Then when she pulled the tail out of the water, she
    would find fish around the tail.
         The bear was foolish enough to believe what the fox said. She sat for a long time with her tail in the
    water. She was waiting for the fish. But when she tried to pull her tail out of the water she found that it
    was frozen(凍結(jié)的) in the ice.
         She asked the fox to pull her out, but the fox laughed to itself and ran away. So she called Father Bear
    to help her.
         Father Bear came. He pulled her hard and at last got her out. But a part of her tail was in the ice. That
    is why people find the bear's tail so short.
    1. What did a fox tell Mother Bear to do on a cold winter day?
    A. It told her to swim in the lake.
    B. It told her to play by the lake.
    C. It told her to catch fish for him.
    D. It taught her how to fish.
    2. The fox asked Mother Bear __________.
    A. to jump into the water
    B. to sit by the lake for a long time
    C. to put her tail down into the water and never pull out of the water
    D. if she pulled the tail out of the water, she would find fish around the tail
    3. What happened next?
    A. Mother Bear caught a big ship.
    B. Mother Bear fell into the water.
    C. Mother Bear died of coldness.
    D. Mother Bear's tail was frozen in the ice.
    4. In the end, __________.
    A. Father Bear came, but he couldn't help her
    B. the fox helped to pull her out, but a part of her tail was in the ice
    C. the fox laughed to itself and ran away
    D. the fox called Father Bear to help her
    5. Which of the following is right according to the passage?
    A. The fox is foolish enough.
    B. Mother Bear is clever enough.
    C. Father Bear is not helpful.
    D. The tail of Mother Bear is shorter than ever.

