
  A man was looking for ancient(古代的) objects. One day he came to a village and f (1) a blue bowl that looked very old, the bowl was l (2) on the ground and a cat was d (3) milk from it. In o (4) not to draw attention(引起……注意) of the farmer who had the bowl to the value (價值)of the bowl, the man said to him in a casual v (5) .“What a nice cat you have! Won't you s (6) it to me?”

  “How much would you give me for it?”said the farmer.

  “Twenty pounds. Would it be enough?”

  After a few minutes, the man a (7) . After he paid the farmer, he said,“My cat will certainly feel t (8) . May I take the bowl so that the cat can have m (9) ?”

  But the farmer said,“I'm sorry, but I can't give it to you. T (10) to the bowl, I have already sold twenty cats.”



  解析:首先須通讀全文,在通讀的同時,試填一些較容易的空,如一些固定搭配等。本文中空(4)、空(5)、空(10)就分別考查了固定搭配in order to,in a…voice和thanks to.它們均可在通讀時填出。在通讀的基礎(chǔ)上精讀空白所在的句子,根據(jù)上下文并綜合運用語法等知識確定答案。最后將答案逐一放入空中,閱讀全文,查漏補缺。從文章的一二兩句可知,空(1)是上文look for的結(jié)果,故填found.空(2)所在的句子的主語是the bowl,on the ground是地點狀語。因此該詞的含義是“躺”。再根據(jù)空前的was推知應(yīng)填lying.空(3)考查了動賓搭配drink milk.答案是drinking.空(6)以s開頭,根據(jù)下文的“How much…”及“Twenty pounds.”可知填“sell”.再看空(7)。上下文大意是考慮了一會兒后,照農(nóng)夫開的價付了錢,該空又以a開頭,可見是“同意”?(8)和空(9)分別考查了詞語搭配feel thirsty和have milk.但這兩空也要充分利用上下文才能推出。



科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

Reading is an activity people enjoy a lot in their free time.
    Some like reading newspapers and o    1       enjoy novels or comic(喜劇的)books. My f    2     books are those about the lives of great people. Reading them always gives me a lot of ideas on how to make my o   3     life better.
    Great people are remembered not because they were handsome or beautiful , but because they did not give up w   4     their lives were difficult .They tried to use e   5     chance to change their lives and make
the world better.
One good example is Orville and Wilbur Wright, the two brothers w   6     invented the airplane. The plane has m   7     the world into a small village. Hard work , not good luck , is the r    8    why the Wright
Brothers could invent this convenient(方便的) machine and become great people. Today we will
remember them when we see planes i   9     the sky.
    Whenever I read s  10   about great people, I always learn a lot from them and they encourage me to
march on.
This is why I enjoy reading about great people's lives.
1. ______________2. ______________3. ______________
4. ______________5. ______________6. ______________
7. ______________8. ______________9. ______________
10. ______________


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

     Airplanes are the newest kind of transportation. From early times, people tried to f  1   through the sky like
birds. About 100 years a  2  , someone took the first ride on an airplane. This ride lasted for less than one m  3  .
These first planes were very s  4  , too. Only one o  5   two people could fly in them at one time.
     Today these p  6   are very big and fast. H  7   of people can travel in them at one time. W  8   them, people
can get f  9   one side of the United States to the other in less than one day. Traveling is very d 10   from the
way it was 100 years ago.
1.________    2.________    3.________    4.________    5.________
6.________    7.________    8.________    9.________    10.________


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

     Each of us wants to live in a beautiful world, but for many of us that is not p  1   because of pollution. But
everyone in the world should try to do something for our e  2  . A very good way to make the environment
beautiful is making parks. A park in a big city is like an oasis (綠洲) in a d  3  . It p  4   a place for relaxing and
enjoying nature. In China, people in Shanghai and Beijing are p  5   trees, developing many parks and making
green areas in order to make their cities more beautiful.?
    Also, people must stop t  6   trash (廢物) all over. Several years ago big c  7   in the U.S.A., such as New
York and Chicago started a program called recycling, and in this program, people collect bottles, newspapers,
and other kinds of trash into special containers (容器). Recycling is also being done in China's cities such as
Shanghai and Beijing.?
    There is a lot of pollution around us now. There is also much work to be d  8  . All of us should r  5   it and
try to p 10  it.
1.            2.            3.            4.            5.            
6.            7.            8.            9.            10.            


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解


After years of experience, Brenda was faced with a challenge in Sunday School. However, she just didn’t know how to (71) d______ with it in a good way. She had never been asked to teach a child quite like Cindy!

Cindy, you see, was different. She came from a broken home. And although she was really (72) c_____, she thought she was so bad that she could not be successful. In fact, Cindy needed care, and most of all, Cindy needed love! There just had to be a way of (73) h_____ her. Day after day, Brenda would pray for Cindy, yet Sunday would come and go and she saw little, if any change.

Then one day Brenda asked Cindy (74) i____ she could play a role in a Christmas program the children were planning to do. Cindy’s answer was, “Don’t you think you can find someone (75) b_____ than me?”

“Better than you?” came Brenda’s reply. “What makes you think there is anyone better than you?”   

“Well, I’ve never been asked to do anything before (76) b______ I’m not good. I won’t get the part right and the everyone will be mad at me for messing up (弄糟) their program.” came Cindy’s answer.

“Oh, Cindy,” said Brenda in a gentle voice. “I am so (77) s______ that you think that, but you are so wrong. Don’t you realize how clever you are?”

“No,” came a reply in a (78) l_____ voice because Cindy was now in tears.

“But Cindy, in my eyes, you are special and you can also do something well like (79) o_____,” Brenda said.

“Really? Do you think so really? Thank you, Miss Brenda! (80) N_____ has believed in me like you. Then I’ll have a try,” said Cindy as she received a hug from her teacher for the first time!

