Ever thought of moving to a new country? How about starting a new country? Patri Friedman is planning to do just that. He left Google years ago to set up the Seasteading Institute. And his dream is to build seasteads-----floating micro-nations in the middle of the ocean.
So, what will life on a seastead be like? Probably a bit like life on a cruise liner (游輪), but much larger, with shops, gyms, swimming pools, schools and other areas. In fact, the early seasteads may actually be specially-rebuilt cruise liners. But as science advances, Friedman believes they’ll become more like floating cities, with several hundred people.
Seasteading raises a lot of questions. First of all, how will the new countries make money? The Seasteading Institute has suggested several money-making ideas, including ocean-based theme parks, casinos (賭場(chǎng)) and fish farming. There’s also the questions of safety. With storms, typhoons and pirates (海盜) , the high seas are a dangerous place. However, the Institute says that it can stand bad weather and prevent crimes with its well-designed systems.
So, is this just a day dream? Well, maybe not. One of the people behind the project is Peter Thiel. He founded PayPal and was one of the first investors (投資者) in Facebook. So far, he’s donated $ 500,000 to the project.
And Friedman isn’t wasting any time. He recently announced the creation of the Poseidon Award. This will be given to the first seastead with fifty people. Friedman is hoping to hand out the award in 2015.

  1. 1.

    Where did Friedman use to work?

    1. A.
      In Facebook.
    2. B.
      In Seastead Institute .
    3. C.
      In PayPal.
    4. D.
      In Google.
  2. 2.

    A future seastead may be most likely to look like ___________________.

    1. A.
      a cruise liner
    2. B.
      a floating city
    3. C.
      a theme park
    4. D.
      a fishing farm
  3. 3.

    What can we infer from the passage?

    1. A.
      Friedman is planning to move to a new country.
    2. B.
      Friedman is worried about the safety of seasteads.
    3. C.
      Friedman has got some supporters for his project.
    4. D.
      Friedman has already won the Poseidon Award.
  4. 4.

    Which of the following can be the best titles of this passage?

    1. A.
      Seasteading: a new idea of living
    2. B.
      Seasteading: a wild way of farming
    3. C.
      Peter Thiel: a man behind the project
    4. D.
      Patri Friedman: a crazy day dreamer
1.細(xì)節(jié)理解題。從第一段第三句“He left Google…”可知。
2.細(xì)節(jié)理解題。從第二段最后一句“they’ll become more like floating cities”可知。

科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:閱讀理解

Have you ever thought of taking a train and having an adventure (奇遇)?Riding the train can be a real adventure.That is how I feel every time I take Amtrak.I often take a four?hour trip to visit my children.Every time I take this trip I never know what will happen.

Last week when I was on the train and over an hour into the train ride,there was a man sitting by himself in the back of the train carrying on a mobile phone conversation— in another language.It was loud and disturbed most of the people on the train.I think it was annoying.

Fortunately I sat next to a wonderful old lady who was taking a two?day trip by train.She said her two daughters were distraught at the thought of her driving for three days to reach her home,although she had no trouble driving.The train ride was the only choice for her.She loved to look out of the window and watch the world go by on the train.

She was fun to talk to and asked me when my children started being parents.That is a very good question.Both of us are old and have children.She asked that same question from time to time.

There are always many people on the train from all walks of life,different countries,and many languages.Riding the train is a great way to increase your knowledge and take in all kinds of cultures.If you get hungry,you can buy food in the food car at any time.If you need to use the restroom there is always one available.

It sure beats driving the car,which has to stop for food and restrooms.And it is better than taking the bus.

1.According to the passage,the purpose of the author’s train ride was________.

A.to do business             B.to see her children

C.to visit places of interest           D.to see her old friends

2.Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the underlined word “distraught” in Paragraph 3?

A.Disappointed.                   B.Satisfied.

C.Worried.                       D.Pleased.

3.Which of the following is TRUE about the old lady sitting next to the author?

A.She is too old to drive now.

B.She does not like to take trains.

C.Although she is old,she has a good memory.

D.Her daughters live far away from her home.

4.In the author’s opinion,on the train Amtrak________.

A.the services are quite good

B.the food is terribly expensive

C.a(chǎn)ll the passengers are polite

D.a(chǎn)ll the passengers are American

5.What is the best title for this passage?

A.Train ride—a cultural experience

B.A painful experience on the train

C.The history of Amtrak

D.A wonderful lady


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:閱讀理解

When you are watching TV, you will notice that more and more famous stars make the ads on TV. Many people believe them because they are famous. But have you ever thought if the ads are real or not?
In the past few years, lots of stars have been on TV or newspapers as spokesmen(代言人) of some products(產(chǎn)品), such as Sanlu Milk and Haojixing Study Machine. People spent much money on these products, but at last, many of them were not like what the stars said. More and more people are very angry with the famous actors for making the ads after the accident of Sanlu Children Milk.
What are the public’s ideas about the famous people making ads on TV? Do you agree that the famous people should take responsibility (負(fù)責(zé)任) if the products have any problems? A research shows that about 36% think it wasn’t the famous stars’ fault(過(guò)錯(cuò)),but they all think famous stars should give out the money they got from the ads or the charity(慈善機(jī)構(gòu)). More than 34% think the famous stars must take responsibility. They are dishonest and lose themselves in the public.
So we should be more careful when we buy things advertised by the stars. We must find what these things are really like instead of only listening to what the stars say.
【小題1】Many people believe the ads because they’re made by famous people.
【小題2】In fact, some products were not like what the stars said.
【小題3】About 36% think famous stars should give out the money they got from the ads to the charity.
【小題4】All the famous actors are not honest and lose themselves in the public.
【小題5】When we buy things, we should only listen to what the stars say.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:閱讀理解

New rules and behaviour standards(行為規(guī)范) for middle school students came out(頒布) in March. Middle schools are going to use a new way to decide who the top students are. The best students won’t only have high marks. The following are some of the new rules.?
Tell the truth. Have you ever cheated(作弊) in an exam? Don’t do it again! That’s not something honest students should do.
Do more at school. Good students love animals and care for other people. April is Bird Loving Month in China. Is your school doing anything to celebrate it? You should join! In that way, you can learn more about animals and how to protect www.zk5u.com中考資源網(wǎng) them.?
Be open to new ideas. Have you ever thought people could live on the moon? Maybe you’ll find another earth in space in the future. Everyone’s new ideas are important.
Protect yourself. Has a thief ever taken money from one of your classmates? Don’t let it happen to you. If you have to go back home late, you should let your parents know.
Use the Internet carefully. The Internet can be very useful for your study. But some things on the Internet aren’t for kids, so try to look at the good web pageswww.zk5u.com中考資源網(wǎng). You can use the web pages for fun or homework.?
1. When did the new rules and behaviour standards for middle school students come out?
2. What should the best students do in an exam? ?
3. What should you do if you have to go back home late?
4. What can the children use the good web pages for? ?
5. What is the right attitude(態(tài)度) to new ideas?


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2013-2014學(xué)年江蘇省無(wú)錫市濱湖區(qū)九年級(jí)上冊(cè)期末測(cè)試英語(yǔ)試卷(解析版) 題型:補(bǔ)充句子

動(dòng)詞填空  用括號(hào)內(nèi)所給動(dòng)詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。

1.Jane is such a kind girl that she always             (reply) to anyone with a smile on her face.

2.By the end of the 20th century, the weather             (affect) people’s life a lot.

3.I’m surprised to find that the price of bread             (rise) by 15% recently.

4.Have you ever thought about devoting all your life to             (support) different charities?

5.It’s said that women in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (沙特阿拉伯)             (not allow) to drive all

the time.

6.Though there’s enough time, I prefer          (complete) the task quickly first to spend more time on

my hobbies.

7.— Mary, could you help me?

— Wait a moment. I        (argue) about what colour to wear at tonight’s party with my elder sister.

8.The notice says that anyone who breaks the school rules             (punish) by our principal.



科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2011年江蘇省常州市中考英語(yǔ)試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

Who do you admire(崇拜)?Different people may have different ideas.

    If you’re a sports fan, perhaps the person you admire most is a great basketball player, and Yao Ming is probably the one in your mind. If you study music or play an instrument, perhaps the person you admire most is gifted musician like Mozart, who began to write beautiful music at a very young age. Or maybe you admire great scientists, for example, Yuan Longping.

    We have many reasons to admire famous people and we often give much of our respect to them. However, we shouldn’t neglect those who are common, such as nurses, train drivers, firemen, cleaners and so on. They may be working in a corner of the world without being noticed, but all these people spend their working days serving the public. They show great dedication(奉獻(xiàn)).However, what they do is often unnoticed by us. Have you ever thought of what our life will be like if they stop working?

    So next time when you appreciate famous people, don’t forget those who are common around you.


1.Yao Ming is a great ______.

   A. pop singer                B. actor                C. basketball player

2.Mozart began to write ______ when he was very young.

   A. music                 B. letters              C. books

3.The underlined word“neglect”in Paragraph 3 means______.

   A. give comments on          B. make fun of          C. care little about

4.In Paragraph 3,the writer mainly points out ______.

A. the reasons why we admire famous people

B. the importance of common people’s work

C. the places where common people are working

5.What’s the main idea of this passage?

   A. Famous people are admired by most of us in our life.

   B. Common people should also be given respect as the famous ones.

   C. Common people should be given the most respect in our society.


