
John: Hello! Is that Mike speaking?

Mike: 1.___________.

John: Mike,do you enjoy your new school?

Mike: Yes,very much. But things are quite different here.

John: Really?_ 2.____________?

Mike: Yes, I go to school every day. But on Friday afternoon we do a lot of activities in the school clubs.

John: Sounds great! _3._________?

Mike: I like math best. My math teacher says I am doing well in it.

John: Well done! Will you come back this summer?

Mike: Sure! See you then!

John: 4.__________!




1.This is Mike speaking

2.Do you go to school every day?

3.What subject do you like best?

4.See you



1.電話用語(yǔ),接電話時(shí)漢語(yǔ)中的我就是馬克,在英語(yǔ)中通常表述為T(mén)his is Mike speaking 或者M(jìn)ike speaking

2.根據(jù)后面的回答:“是的,我每天都去上學(xué)”可知對(duì)方詢問(wèn)的是Do you go to school every day?

3.根據(jù)下文的回答,I like math best.可猜測(cè)對(duì)方是進(jìn)一步詢問(wèn)他最喜歡的課程是哪一門(mén)?故答案為What subject do you like best?

4.電話結(jié)束語(yǔ),對(duì)方說(shuō)回頭見(jiàn)(See you then!),那么我們的禮貌回答也應(yīng)該是回見(jiàn)。故答案為See you




科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:新課標(biāo)讀想用  新目標(biāo)英語(yǔ)七年級(jí)(下) 題型:022


  Spring Festival is the most important holiday 1 the Chinese people. It comes in 2 . or February. People prepare for the holiday for a few days.

  At midnight the first day of Spring Festival, people close the shops and streets are quiet. Everyone 3 at home 4 watches TV.

  On the morning of the Spring Festival the younger people bow(鞠躬) to the 5 people. The younger people 6 the older people happy.

  Their parents give children some 7 or some money in red envelopes. Every family 8 a good time 9 that day.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2013屆遼寧省丹東七中九年級(jí)上學(xué)期第二次月考英語(yǔ)試卷(帶解析) 題型:補(bǔ)充句子

A: You look excited.【小題1】____?
B:My cousin has won a million dollars in the lottery.
B:I'm not sure. Maybe he will put a half in the bank and give the rest to the medical research.
A:That sounds nice. But if I were your cousin, I would 【小題3】_. As you know a terrible flood(洪水)happened in Dandong. Lots of people were homeless. _____【小題4】_____
B: Yes, that's a good idea .They really need help.
A: What would you do if you had lots of money?
B: If I had a lot of money, I'd ____【小題5】_________.I like travelling.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2014屆河南省柘城縣八年級(jí)上學(xué)期期末質(zhì)量檢測(cè)英語(yǔ)試卷(解析版) 題型:其他題


A:Excuse me,sir?Where i s the nearest hotel?

B:1._______________________________.You may ask that policeman over there.

A:Thank you all the same.

(The man goes to the policeman)

A:Excuse me.2._______________________________?

C:No,there isn't a hotel near here,but there is one near the Bank of  China.


C:I t's about two kilometres away.


C:You'd better take a taxi,because it's so late,there aren't any buses now.


C:You're welcome.



科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2012-2013學(xué)年遼寧省九年級(jí)上學(xué)期第二次月考英語(yǔ)試卷(解析版) 題型:補(bǔ)充句子



A: You look excited. 1____?

B:My cousin has won a million dollars in the lottery.

A:Wow!__ 2___

B:I'm not sure. Maybe he will put a half in the bank and give the rest to the medical research.

A:That sounds nice. But if I were your cousin, I would 3 _. As you know a terrible flood(洪水)happened in Dandong. Lots of people were homeless. _____4_____

B: Yes, that's a good idea .They really need help.

A: What would you do if you had lots of money?

B: If I had a lot of money, I'd ____5_________.I like travelling.


