Jane’s mother worked on the farm from morning till dark, supporting the family. To make Jane live a happy life, Mother was very 26  about spending money. 27  , Jane didn’t understand her. Every day Mother was busy with her work while Jane was studying at school, so they had 28  time to enjoy themselves.  

One day, Mother realized Jane was unhappy and even unfriendly to her, so she decided to go 29   with Jane to make Jane happy.

On Sunday morning they went happily to the snowfield. Since they were both in white clothes, the manager 30   them to buy ski clothes. He said 31  there was an accident, they might be easily found in their ski clothes. Mother couldn’t 32  them, so she refused.

Then they went skiing in their white clothes. They were skiing 33   on the snowfield when suddenly the snowfield began to shake. It was the snow slide(雪崩). They ran a long way and escaped the snow slide finally, but they couldn’t find their 34  . Later, a helicopter was flying 35  , but people on it couldn’t see or hear them. Jane was in danger because she had hurt her head seriously and blood(血) dropped on the snow. Just then Mother 36  an idea. She 37   her hand at once and then bright red blood dropped down on the snowfield. A red SOS was on the snow. 38   Jane was saved, but Mother died.

Every time I think of the blood dropping onto the snowfield, I feel 39  . I believe anyone 40   hears the sad story will admire(欽佩)Mother for her selfless(無私的) love to her daughter.

1.A. careful        B. worried         C. excited        D. thinking

2.A. After all      B. However         C. But           D. Therefore

3.A. much           B. few             C. little        D. enough

4.A. swimming       B. shopping        C. hiking        D. skiing

5.A. made           B. advised         C. hoped         D. let

6.A. if             B. that            C. whether       D. though

7.A. afford         B. wear            C. pay            D. spend

8.A. angrily        B. sadly           C. heavily       D. happily

9.A. way            B. clothes         C. shoes         D. manager

10.A. under          B. below           C. beside        D. above

11.A. gave up        B. came up with    C. showed up     D. lost

12.A. pireced        B. killed          C. lifted       D. raised

13.A. At most        B. At first        C. At least      D. At last

14.A. painful        B. wonderful       C. well          D. good

15.A. /              B. who             C. whom          D. when




















1.此題考查固定短語be careful about表示小心be careful of=be careful about




5.此題考查        固定句型結(jié)構(gòu)advise sb to do sth表示建議做某事。






11.此題考查固定短語come up with表示想出。


13.此題考查副詞,表示最后,故用at last。





科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學(xué)年浙江省泰順縣五校初三下學(xué)期第二次“千分考”英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

Andy was still traveling in Spain when he realized he had to confirm his flight home with the airline company. He was visiting Spain in order to improve his Spanish. When he was speaking to people face to face, he had no difficulty understanding what they said. However, when he was speaking on the phone, he still had a problem. Andy called the airline. And the clerk confirmed that his plane was leaving at nine o'clock three days from that day. She also told Andy to be at the airport two hours earlier in order to check in his luggage and get a seat.

Since he was leaving in three days, Andy didn't lose any time. He visited as many places as he could. He thought that it would probably be a while before he had enough money again. He wished he could come back and spend a year in Spain.

Too quickly, the final day arrived. Andy left early for the airport to arrive two hours before take-off. He hated to rush. He went to the clerk to show his ticket. The clerk looked at the ticket in surprise. "Why, sir, but your flight was at nine o'clock in the morning, and now it is eight in the evening." "But I confirmed my flight," insisted Andy. "Will I have to pay for another ticket?"

"No, Sir. However, the next flight out will be three days from now."

Andy's look of shock turned to pleasure as he realized that now he could continue his vacation.

1.Why was Andy in Spain?

A. He was there on a business trip.             

B. He hoped to learn Spanish better.

C. He liked to visit places of interest in Spain.    

D. He was visiting friends there

2.Andy missed his flight because________

A. he forgot his flight time          

B. the clerk gave him the wrong time of his flight

C. the clerk misunderstood him      

D. he misunderstood the clerk

3.Which word can best describe the feeling of Andy when he came to know that his stay in Spain would be longer?

A. happy        B. shocked       C. upset       D. angry

4.What would Andy do next?

A. He would stay in Spain for another three days.

B. He would go to another country.

C. He would stay at the airport.

D. He would pay for another ticket.

5.What can we know from the passage?

A. Travelers always have to confirm the time of flight with airline companies by phone call

B. It’s more difficult for Andy to understand others in Spanish face to face than on the phone

C. Andy was enjoying himself when visiting places in Spain.

D. Andy would be worried.



科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學(xué)年浙江省杭州市教育集團初三中考二模英語試卷(解析版) 題型:選詞填空


friend  polite  through  which  travel  remind  whether  sad  balance  pour

Make time for friendships.

Nothing makes closeness fade away(褪色) more than never talking to or seeing each other. If

you cherish a person's friendship, make time for him or her,   1  it's just a phone call, e-mail or a weekly get-together.

Remember: a true friend doesn't flee when changes happen. Nothing is   2  for new parents

than to find that their unmarried friends have left them because of the coming of baby. A good

friend is one who stays true   3  it all in life – marriage, parenthood, new jobs, new homes,

and so on.

Make sure you aren't being a burden to a friend.

Friendships will lose if there isn't a   4  between the give and the take. Be sensitive to how

much your friend can and can't offer you –and don't overstep the mark.

Be a good listener.

It can be the hardest thing in the world to do – simply to listen as he or she   5  it all out or

is seeking your advice or opinion. To be a better listener, follow this advice:

Keep eye contact. Offer nods and murmurs to show that you understand his or her point of view. Don't finish your   6  sentences. While your friend keeps on talking, you should gently   7  yourself to focus.

Be in your friend's corner if he or she's not there to defend him or herself.

If you're at a gathering at   8  someone says something bad about your friend, stop him or

her   9 . Say, "Mary is my friend, and it makes me feel bad to hear you talk this way." Sooner or later, news of your loyalty (忠誠) will   10  back to your pal, and it will deepen your friendship.



科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學(xué)年浙江省杭州市教育集團初三中考二模英語試卷(解析版) 題型:單項填空

— May I take the magazine out of the reading room?

— No, you can’t. You ______ read it here. It’s the rule.







科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學(xué)年浙江省初三第三次階段測試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:選詞填空


help, provide, feel , mistake, suppose

1.When we came into the hotel yesterday, it made us ______ at home.

2.You are____ to finish the work with your team.

3.She said she wouldn’t make any _____ in the coming exam.

4.He often ______ money for me when I was poor.

5.It used to be______ for us to study English.



科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學(xué)年浙江省初三第三次階段測試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:單項填空

—How about going hiking this weekend?

         —Sorry, I prefer _____rather than _____.

A. to stay at home, go out      B. to go out, stay at home

C. staying at home, go out      D. going out, stay at home.



科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學(xué)年浙江省蘭溪市初三下學(xué)期獨立作業(yè)(三)英語試卷(解析版) 題型:書面表達









科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學(xué)年浙江省蘭溪市初三下學(xué)期獨立作業(yè)(三)英語試卷(解析版) 題型:單項填空

---Where does John live?

---He lives on ______ floor but he doesn’t use a lift to go up and down.

A. nine       B. the ninth         C. the nineth          D. a ninth



科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學(xué)年河南省駐馬店市初三第二次質(zhì)量檢測英語試卷(解析版) 題型:單項填空

In the street I met the professor_______gave us a talk last week.






