John__________,“I __________English very well.”

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

短文首字母填空。 (共10小題,每小題1分,滿分10分)
“You are welcome to have d__【小題1】_ with me on Sunday,” said John.
“But I don’t know w___【小題2】__ your house is,” said Henry. "It’s e___【小題3】__ to find. You get off the bus. Then c___【小題4】__ the road, and take the first t__【小題5】__ on the left. Walk for five m___【小題6】__. Then you’ll see a big tree. Take the s___【小題7】___ turning on the right after the tree. Walk about a hundred metres down this road. There is a big red house. Go p___【小題8】__ the big house about five hundred metres, and you’ll see a small y__【小題9】__ house beside a little tree. Open the door with your foot.”
“With my foot?” said Henry.
“Yes,” said John. “Well, you won’t c_【小題10】__ to my house empty-handed(空手地), will you?”


科目:初中英語 來源:2013-2014學年四川省西昌市九年級12月月考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:補充句子


John: Jim, what do you usually like to do after school?

Jim: ___1.___.

John: What else do you like doing?

Jim: ___2.___. What about you? ____3.____?

John: I like swimming, playing football, singing and so on.

Jim: What do you like doing best?

John: ___4.__.

Jim: I think it’s a waste of time to hang out.

John: __5.___. I think it’s the best way to relax.

Jim: Maybe you’re right.

A. I like to watch TV at home.

B. Nothing else.

C. I don’t agree with you.

D. I agree with you.

E. Hanging out with my friends.

F. What do you like doing?

G. I don’t like reading books.



科目:初中英語 來源:八年級人教版第二單元同步檢測題(下) 題型:其他題


             A                                                                B

1. Can you spell it?                                     A. Thank you.

2. Are the basketballs next to the box?       B. All right.

3. Do you have a watch?                            C. Yes, they are.                

4. Your jacket is nice.                                 D. Yes. R-U-L-E-R,  ruler.

5. Please call John at 8964318.                    E. No, but I have a clock.



科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解



Number 1                                     

M: Hey, Betty! How do you study for a test?

W: I study by listening to tapes.

Number 2                                     

M: Sally, did you use to be afraid of tigers?

W: Yes, I did.

Number 3                                     

M: I think we should be allowed to play soccer after class.

W: I agree.

Number 4                                     

M: It’s Celia’s birthday tomorrow. I don’t know what I should get her.

W: If I were you, I would get her a scarf.



M: Hi, Maria! Whose backpack is this?                           

W: I don’t know. Look, there is a hair band in it. So the owner can’t be a boy.

M: It could be Lily’s hair band. She has long hair.

W: You’re right. The backpack might belong to Lily.


W: Have you done your homework, John?                         
M: Not yet.
W: Then why are you watching TV now?
M: This is my favorite baseball game.
W: You can watch it after you finish your homework.
M: But the show will be over.
W: There will be another game next week.
M: Please?
W: You know the rules, John.
M: I hate the rules! I can’t wait till I grow up.


W: Hi, Lewis! I’m so glad the holiday is finally here.

M: Me too. Imagine! We’ve got three days in a row.

W: So, where’re you going?

M: I don’t have any plans yet. I’ll just play it by ear. How about you, Tina?

W: We’re going hiking and camping in the mountains.

M: That sounds exciting!

W: Would you like to join us?

M: Hmm, let me think about it. I’ll let you know later.


M: Gina, I was invited to a party. I don’t know what to wear and I need your help. 

W: Well, what kind of party is it?

M: It is an important party for all junior students.

W: When is the party?

M: 8:00 pm, next Friday evening.

W: Oh, that is one week from today. You have enough time to get prepared. And if I were you, I

 would wear a shirt and tie. But don’t wear a suit. That makes you look old.

M: I agree. But what if I don’t know anyone?

W: Well, if I were you, I would talk to someone first. It is not good to be too shy, right?

M: Yes, you are right.

W: Don’t worry. Everything will be fine. Have a good time at the party.

M: Thanks.


Hello, boys and girls. Welcome to our Summer Camp Day! It is a team competition taking place once every year both at the festival and on our website!

There are four teams: red, yellow, blue, and purple. You can join a team by joining the team’s Facebook group. Within each group, team members work together on how they can win the competition, and decide more fun things like team songs, team flags and so on.

Each year, one team will be named the Summer Camp Day Champion. The winning team will be decided at the end of the festival, and we will fly their flag that day. The winning team will also get a party.

As a team member, you have to wear your team color and encourage your teammates, or join in games. The games include spelling game, guessing game, water ball game and soccer game. If you win a game, you will get prizes like T-shirts or some other souvenirs. Most of the games will be during the day on Saturdays, and the winning team’s party will be on Sunday afternoon.

I hope you will enjoy yourself in our summer camp! 


W: Hello, Hoffman Travel Agency.

M: Hello. I’d like to book a flight from Beijing to Shanghai, please.

W: I see. May I have your name, please?

M: Thomas Green. T-H-O-M-A-S. Thomas. G-R-E-E-N, Green.

W: Got it. So when are you travelling?

M: I’d like to fly next Monday, November 25th.

W: Wait a moment, please. (Pause) We have one ticket left.

M: Perfect! How much is the ticket?

W: It is only 840 RMB.

M: Well, that’s a pretty fair price.

W: A ticket to Shanghai for next Monday, November 25th. OK, your ticket has been booked. The flight number is CA1589 from Beijing International Airport Terminal Three to Shanghai Hongqiao Airport. The departure time is 8:30 p.m.

M: Thank you so much! By the way, can I bring my pet with me?

W: I’m sorry. Pets are not allowed.

M: Oh, I see. Thanks.

W: You are welcome. Goodbye.                                

M: Bye.



5. What’s in the backpack?

A. A notebook.       B. A pencil box.      C. A hair hand

6. Whose backpack could it be?

  A. Jack’s            B. Lily’s           C. Maria’s


7. What is John doing now?

  A. Watching TV.       B. Doing homework.      C. Playing baseball.

8. What does John hate?

  A. The shows.         B. The rules        C. The games.


9.How long will the holiday be?

  A. Two days.           B. Three days.     C. Four days.

10. What is Tina going to do during the holiday?

  A. Go hiking and camping.       B. Go to the beach.      C. Visit the museum.


11. When is the party?

  A. Next Sunday evening.      B. Next Saturday evening.      C. Next Friday evening.

12. What will the boy probably wear for the party?

  A. A shirt and tie.         B. A suit and shirt.        C. A suit and tie.

13. What can we know about the boy?

  A. He has no friends.           B. He needs more time.      C. He wants some advice.


14. How can you join the team?

  A. By joining a party on Saturdays.      

B. By joining a group on Facebook.   

C. By joining games on the Internet.

15. Which game is not talked about?

A. Guessing game.      B. Spelling game.      C. Dancing game.

16. What does the speaker want to do?

  A. To tell us about a competition.      

B. To introduce a competition team.     

C. To encourage us to win the game.




科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:


John:What are you talking about,Alan?

Alan:We're having a(1)d________ about our new chairperson of the Students' Union.

John:Who do you think would be the(2)m________ suitable one?

Alan:Jill.He is hardworking.We all think he is a(3)h________ boy because he is always ready to help others.

John:Who(4)e________ do you think is suitable,Bobby?

Bobby:I recommend Paul.He is clever,and he is easy to get(5)a________ with.We all like making friends with him.

John:I think either Jill or Paul would be suitable.

