__________ Tom __________ Sam may go with you because one of them must stay at home.

A. Both; and            B. Either; or            C. Not only; but also





試題分析:句意:或者湯姆或者塞姆可以和你去,因為他們中的一個必須要待在家里。Either…or…或者…或者…,Both…and…兩者都…,Not only…but also…不僅…而且…。結(jié)合句意可知,本題選B。




科目:初中英語 來源:競賽題 題型:問答題

1. Sam: How about trying the new French restaurant tonight?
   Tom: I heard it's very expensive. 
   Sam: Why don't we go Dutch? 
   Tom: Good idea!
    Read the dialogue, can you guess the meaning of "go Dutch"? You may answer it in Chinese. 
2. Sue is 5 years older than her younger brother Paul. Paul is 6 years older than Jim, the youngest in the family.
    If the total of the children's ages is 32, how old is the eldest child? 
3. What number should replace the question mark in the last circle? 
4. Which letter should appear in the final medal?
5. Look at the shapes and codes given. Work out the code which matches the shape given at the end of the line.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:


1.The wind is blowing ______________ now. (strong)

1.              There are enough __________ for supper (sandwich)

2.              3.It takes __________ two hours to do our homework.(we)

4.Which is __________ in China, pork or beef? (popular)

5.Who’s _________, Dick, Tom or Sam? (thin)

6.May is the ___________month of the year. (five)

7. Thanks a lot for _________ me to your party. (ask)

8. Jack is a penfriend of __________.(he)

9. I often do some _________ on Sunday.(wash)

10.She __________ a bird yesterday afternoon. (catch)


科目:初中英語 來源:吉林省期中題 題型:填空題

Hello,I'm Jack! This is my family tree.Sam and May are my(1)_____.Emma is my wife(妻子).We
have(有)two children(孩子).Tom is our(2)_______,and Jean is our daughter.They are brother and
sister.    I have a(3)______.His name is David.His wife is Helen.They have a(4)______.Her
name is Joy.She is Jean and Tom's(5)______.


科目:初中英語 來源:期中題 題型:閱讀理解

     We have a flat (公寓) in London. There are six families in that building, Lucy and her son Tom, Tom is
a student in 14 middle school. He is thirteen years old. His mother is a policewoman, Flat 102 is Sally's family.
Her parents, Nick and Helen are teachers. Her grandpa, Peter lives with them. Sam and Mary are in flat 201.
They are very old. They have a son, Ned. Ned works in China now. Rose lives in Flat 202. She is a doctor.
Flat 302 is Joy's home. She is 71 years old. Joy has a daughter, Jane. Jane works in Hong Kong. Jean, Jane's
daughter, lives with her grandma. Every-one here is nice. They are all happy.
1. Where is our flat?
A. It's in China.
B. It's in England.
C. It's in Canada.
D. It's in America.
2. Where does Lucy work?
A. She works in a library.
B. She works in a school.
C. She works in a police office.
D. She works in a restaurant.
3. How may sons do Sam and Mary have?
A. They have one.
B. They have two sons.
C. They have four sons.
D. They have four sons.
4. Who is Jane?
A. She is Joy's mother, Jean's daughter.
B. She is Joy and Jean's mother.
C. She is Joy's daughter, Jean's mother.
D. She is Jean's grandmother, Joy's mother.
5. What's our flat's number?
A. It's 201.
B. It's 302.
C. It's 301.
D. It's 102.

