_________easy to learn English well.

  1. A.
  2. B.
    This is
  3. C.
  4. D.
本題符合it is +adj to do  sth,故選答案為C

科目:初中英語 來源:湖北省黃岡市蘄春縣張榜中學2010-2011學年九年級上學期期中考試英語試題 題型:056


如何學好英語一直是師生們經(jīng)常討論的問題。期中考試前,Mr Huang 在九(九)班舉行了“How to learn English well”的主題班會。在會上,同學們和Mr.Huang就如何克服英語學習中的困難,進行了充分討論,大家并提出了很多好的學習英語的方法。下面的表格內(nèi)容記錄了當時的討論情況,請你代表Jia Le 進行匯報,并簡談你自己的英語學習方法。開始和結(jié)束語已給出。字數(shù)不超過80-100詞。

Hello, everyone! I am Jia Le.I am very happy to report the result of our discussion.


Though it is not easy to learn English well, we can make it better and better if we stick to our goal!


科目:初中英語 來源:專項題 題型:完形填空

                                          How 3D Movies Work   .
     Do you know 3D movies? When you see one, it's like the story  l  in front of  you, and you are a  part ofit. 3D movies are  exciting to   2   , but do you
know how3      them, and      4   you need to wear a pair of  3D  glasses? To
understand these  questions, let's make an easy   5  .
     O Put a finger   6   your eyes.
     O Cover your lef't eye and look at the finger.
     O Cover your right eye and look at the finger.
     What do you see:l The finger you see with your left eye is in a different
position from the one you see with your right eye. This means you get two
images(圖像) when you look at   7     _ with both your eyes. To makea 3D
movie, people have to get two images at the same time,   8_ they use two
video cameras.  When playing a  3D movie, they use two projectors (放機)  
at the same time.  This brings two images together on the screen. Then, we
use 3D glasses to separate(識別) the two images. One image enters one eye
and   9 enters the other eye.
     Then our brains   10      the two images together. In this way, we get 3D
(     )1. A. happen      
(     )2. A. watch        
(     )3. A. make        
(     )4. A. when        
(     )5. A. examl)le    
(     )6. A. in front of  
(     )7. A. everything  
(     )8. A. because      
(     )9. A. other        
(     )10.A. let          
B. happened     
B. see            
B. to make        
B. why            
B, picture        
B. in the front of
B. anything        
B. so              
B. the other      
B. put            
C. to happen  
C. look        
C. making      
C. which      
C. experiment  
C. behind      
C. something  
C. and        
C. others      
C. take        
D. happening  
D. notice    
D. made      
D. what .    
D. mowe      
D. beside    
D. nothing    
D. but        
D. the others
D. bring      


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Nearly 600 years ago in Beijing,some workers made an excellent bell(鐘,鈴).It was 6.75 metres high,3.3 metres in diameter(直徑)and 46.5 tons(噸)in weight.Its loud and clear sound could be heard 50 kilometres away at night when everything was quiet.Even now it would be very difficult to make such a wonderful bell.

But then there was a problem:how could they move it to the temple? The big bell was made in their factory:The temple was on the other side of the city.They had to move it through the streets across the city.At that time they had no machine to lift it or move it for such a long way.

Finally they had an idea:they dug(挖)a small river from their factory to the temple.Then they poured water into it.In winter the water in the small river froze to make an “ice road”.They tied thick wood to the bottom of the bell,pulled the bell to the ice and skated it along on top of the ice to the temple.

This wonderful bell,named the Yong Le Bell,is the largest one in China.Now it is stored in the Great Bell Temple in the west of Beijing.

1.Which sentence is TRUE about the Yong Le Bell?

A.It had loud and clear sound.                   B.It was made more than 600 years ago.

C.It was 6.75 tons in weight.                        D.At that time it was very easy to make it.

2.Which of the following is UNNECESSARY for the workers to move the bell?

A.The small river.                                     B.Cold weather.

C.The thick wood.                                      D.Quiet night.

3.What does the underlined word “froze” mean?

A.融化                   B.上凍                    C.上漲                   D.下降

4.What’s the main idea of this passage?

A.How the bell was moved.                       B.How the bell was made.

C.Who made the bell.                                   D.Where the bell was made.

