     Wild animals are important to us. They live t     1    with us on the earth. If there are no animals on
the earth, we will not live on, e    2    . So we should take good care of them to help the earth live a
h    3   life.
     But some people still don't r    4    the importance of protecting them. They kill wild animals for food
and something e    5    . Every day many wild animals are being killed. So far, lots of wild animals have
died out. If this goes on, there will be no animals l    6    on the earth.
     L    7    , many people have begun to know the importance of protecting wild animals. They ask
others to stop killing wild animals. Now many countries have made some l    8      to protect wild animals
and to stop people from killing them.
     Protecting wild animals is the d    9    of each of us. We should do our best to protect them because
protecting them is protecting o   10    too.
1. together
2. either
3. healthy
4. realize
5. else 
6. left
7. luckily
8. laws
9. duty
10. ourselves                                                                                          

科目:初中英語 來源:月考題 題型:閱讀理解

     Do you have a TV set in your room? Do you watch too much TV? Do you watch any boring shows?
Are the answers to all of those questions "yes"?
     We know that watching TV too much is not good for children's health. __________ Let'stake the TV
set out of our bedrooms. We can watch TV on weekends with our parents.
    Playing a lot of computer games is also bad. Why not play sports with your friends after school? We
can also do some reading in the evening. We can learn about lots of interesting things in books. Do you
think so?
1. 從短文中選擇適當(dāng)?shù)脑~補(bǔ)全下面的句子.
    Not all the TV shows are interesting.Some of them are __________.
2. 空缺處所填的句子應(yīng)該是_________
A.I love my parents.
B.Let's enforce(執(zhí)行) some no TV days.
C.We can play lots of interesting games.
D.Let's play some computer games.
3. 在文中找出劃線詞"bad"的英文解釋。
4. 在文中找出劃線詞組"lots of"的同義詞組。
5. 把文中劃線的句子翻譯成中文。


科目:初中英語 來源:山東省期中題 題型:閱讀理解

     A cat needs gas to run and your body also needs food to work.Eating the fight kind of food is very important.It can make your body strong.
     The daily main food groups include cheese and milk, meat and fish,fruit
and vegetables,and bread and rice.Each meal should have at least one kind of food from all these main groups.With an these food together you will
get enough energy during the day.
     It is easy to get into bad eating habits. You may eat your breakfast in a
hurry to get to school on time. Or you may net have time for a good lunch. It seems easy to finish your supper with hamburgers and chips. But if you keep doing this for several days, you will find yourself tired and you can not think quickly. 
     Watching what you eat will help keep your body healthy and strong. It is
also good to take some exercise. It will help you eat more if you take a walk or play games in the open air. Having a good eating habit with some exercise is the key to be healthy.
1.Why is eating the right kind of food important?
2.How many daily main food groups does the passage mention(提及)?
3.What is good for keeping healthy and strong besides a good eating habit?


科目:初中英語 來源:期中題 題型:閱讀理解

     Jim is a very busy 8-year-old boy. He is good at many kinds of sports. It is easy to see that Jim is very active after school. In contrast(相比之下), while most American children are in school, they have a PE class just (A)每周一次 for 45 minutes. Boys and girls from Grade 1 to Grade 12 do not have to exercise.
Not all American children are (B) as active in sports after school as Jim is. Therefore, these boys and girls need to exercise in school. Many people believe that (C)美國孩子們的健康 is in trouble. In fact, 40% of children aged 5 to 8 may be unhealthy already. For example, many are overweight. Doctors believe that these are the results of physical inactivity and poor diet (飲食).
     In many countries in the world , all schoolchildren have to do one hour of exercise every day. These exercises do not have to be team sports.(D) They may not be difficult , such as running or jumping. Doctors believe that habits learned early are more probable to stay with us all our lives. School is the good place to learn these habits , or practices. Active , healthy children who exercise often can become active, healthy adults(成年人)
4.將劃線(E)改寫成: _____________they _____________difficult, such as running or jumping.
5. According to (根據(jù)) this article , what kind of children can become active, healthy adults(成年人)?


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:完形填空

     I first saw the baby panda when she was only 10 days old. She looked like a white mouse. We __1__ 
 her Xi Wang. It means "hope".
     When Xi Wang was born, she weighed (重) __2__ 100 grams (克). Xi Wang drank her mother's
 milk for as much as 14 hours a day. When she was six months old, she started to eat bamboo shoots (嫩芽) and__3__.  Eight months later, she was not a small baby any more. She grew into a __4__  young
 panda and weighed 35 kilos. When Xi Wang was 20 months old, she had to look after herself __5__  her
  mother had another baby. __6__ , it is very difficult for pandas to live in the wild. Here are some of the
 __7__  that pandas like Xi Wang may have in the future.
     If hunters catch a panda, they will kill it for its fur. If farmers __8__  trees and forests, pandas will have
  no place to live in. When mothers leave baby pandas alone, people will often take them away. People
 think that the baby pandas need __9__  .
     If pandas are in danger, we should try our best to protect them. If we do __10__ soon there will be no
 more pandas in the world!
(     ) l.  A. made          
(     ) 2.  A. quite        
(     ) 3.  A. leaves        
(     ) 4.  A. strange      
(     ) 5.  A. though        
(     ) 6.  A. Luckily      
(     ) 7.  A. examples      
(     ) 8.  A. cut down      
(     ) 9.  A. money        
(     ) 10. A. nothing      
   B. called        
   B. most          
   B. pandas        
   B. weak          
   B. until        
   B. Suddenly      
   B. questions    
   B. plant        
   B. help          
   B. everything    
C. told                
C. just                
C. trees              
C. famous              
C. because            
C. Sadly              
C. matters            
C. protect            
C. clothes            
C. anything            
D. kept            
D. hard            
D. chips            
D. healthy          
D. whether          
D. Especially      
D. problems        
D. water          
D. family          
D. something        


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:完形填空

     Some people say they have an answer to the problems of car crowding and
pollution. In many cities, hundreds of people ride bikes to work every day. In
New York City, some bike riders have even  1  a group: Bike for a Better City.
They say if    2   people rode bikes to work, there would be fewer cars and
less dirty air.
    For several years this group has tried to get help for bike riders. They want
to have special roads for bikes only, because when bike riders must use the
same roads 3  cars, there may be accidents. Bike for a Better City feels if there
were bike roads, more people would use bikes.
     But  4  bike roads have been ready yet. Not everyone thinks it is a good5  .
Divers don't like it, and some shop owners don't,  6    . And most people live
7  far from the city to travel by bike. Still, 8   has been done about it. On
Saturdays and Sundays, the largest open park in New York is 9  to cars, and
the roads may be used by bikes only, but the group still says this is not enough
and goes on fighting  10  bike roads.  
(     ) 1.  A. found    
(     ) 2.  A. fewer  
(     ) 3.  A. as    
(     ) 4.  A. no      
(     ) 5.  A. hope     
(     ) 6.  A. so       
(     ) 7.  A. very      
(     ) 8.  A. everything
(     ) 9.  A. closed  
(     ) 10.A. get    
B. founded  
B. less      
B. like      
B. only      
B. way      
B. both      
B. quite    
B. something
B. open      
B. to get    
C. made    
C. many    
C. besides  
C. some    
C. some    
C. neither  
C. too      
C. anything
C. opening  
C. ask      
D. looked for  
D. more        
D. on          
D. on          
D. idea        
D. either      
D. so          
D. nothing    
D. closing    
D. to ask      


科目:初中英語 來源:期末題 題型:閱讀理解

     Is an earthquake (地震) dangerous? Yes, of course.  But this doesn't mean you can't do anything
about it. If you know what to do in an earthquake, you can be safe.
     Keep a cool head. Worry rnay cause (導(dǎo)致) bad decisions. Don't follow others blindly (盲目地).
Think about what you should do.  The first several minutes are important.
     If you are indoors cluring an earthquakc, quickly move to a safe place in the room such as under a
desk or table. Take care of your head. Stay away from windows and things that may fall and hurt you.
     If you are in a crowded room and far away from the door, don't rush to it.  You will find too many
people trying to escape (逃跑) at the same time. Instead (相反), stay under a desk or table. Don't use
an elevator (電梯). You may not get out of it.
     Stay in a safe place until you are sure it's ()K to leave. Some aftershocks (余震) may follow an
earthquake. These are as darigerous as the earthquake.
     If you are in dcbris (廢墟), try to  free your hands and legs. You may make noises by hitting stoncs.
Shouting (喊叫) will make you tired. Try to find some water and food. They are important for you if you
aren't found in a short time. Wait patiently  (耐心地) for help.
(     )1.  Don't stay near the windows if you are indoors during an earthquake.
(     )2.  You may not get out if you use an elevator during an earthquake.
(     )3.  Rush to the door together if you are in a crowded room in an earthquake.
(     )4.  Keep staying in a safc place until you are sure it's OK to leave after an earthquake.
(     )5.  You should keep shouting until others hear you if you are in debris.


科目:初中英語 來源:山東省期中題 題型:閱讀理解

     A recent(最近的)report from Dazhou Daily says about 18% of Dazhou teenagers can have problems with their minds(內(nèi)心,精神).Some students  become  worried  because they have to  study very hard.
Others find it difficult to get on well with people like their parents and classmates.
     Zhang Qiang, a Junior 2 student from Dazhou, could not understand his teachers in class and was doing badly  in his lessons.He was afraid of exams.When he looked  at the exam paper,  he couldn't think of
anything to write.
     Another student,  a 15-year-old girl called  Wu Yan from  Guang'an  often argued with her classmates
even her parents because of some different ideas.She became so annoyed about them that she started to hurt herself with a knife.
     However, many  students who have problems won't  go for advice or help.Some think they will  look
stupid(愚蠢的)  if they  go to see a doctor.Others  don't  want to talk about their secrets.In  order  to
solve the teenagers' problems, here is some advice:
● Talk to your parents or teachers often.
● Take part in group activities and play sports.
● Go to see a doctor if you feel unhappy or unwell.
1.It is reported that _______  students in Dazhou can have problems with theirminds.
D.a(chǎn)ll the
2.From the passage we know teenagers have problems with their minds because of _______
A.their study        
B.getting on with other people
C.their hobbies        
D.A and B.
3.Wu Yan started to hurt herself with a knife because ___________   
A.she couldn't get on well with her classmates and even her parents
B.she could not understand her teachers in class
C.she was afraid of exams
D.she had no money for a new shirt
4.Why don't the students who have problems want to go for help?
A.Because they think no one will help them.
B.Because they don't want to talk about their secrets and they think it's stupid to see a doctor.
C.Because they think they can solve the problems by themselves.
D.Because they think the doctors could do nothing with their problems.
5.How many pieces of advice are given to the teenagers who have problems in this passage?


科目:初中英語 來源:江蘇省模擬題 題型:閱讀理解

     It's important to learn about protecting our environment. Here is a 5R rule for us:
     1. Reduce
     If you want to reduce waste, you should use things wisely. Millions of trees are being cut down to make
  paper. If everyone uses a little paper carelessly and throw it out, soon we would not have any trees left. 
 Other things are also being wasted, and people don't know what to do with the waste in big cities. So it is
  necessary to reduce the waste
     2. Reuse
     You should always think of reusing the usable things before throwing them out. Give your clothes you
 do not use or the ones which are too small to the poor. With a family, you may pass on such clothes to
 younger brothers or sisters.
     3.  Recycle
     Bottles, cans and paper can easily be recycled. By doing so, we save lots of time and money. For
 example, coke cans are sent to a factory, where they are smashed flat (壓平) and melted (融化) and the
  melted things are made for new coke cans.
     4.  Recover
    When you buy a box of apples, there may be a few rotten(腐爛的)apples. You have two choices: one
  is to throw the whole apple away, or you could cut off the rotten parts and eat the good parts. In this
 way, you are recovering the eatable parts of food.
     5.  Repair
    If one of the legs of your table is broken, you can repair it instead of throwing it away. If you want to
 change for better ones, It is better for you to sell the old things or give them to other people who can use
  them after doing some repair. It is true that North America is a "throw-away" society(社會). But the time
  has come to change our way of life so that we can protect our environment. Every one of us should try
 our best.
1. _____ can be recycled.
    A. Only hard things
    B. Many things
    C. Few soft things
    D. All things
2. The "recover" rule mainly requires us _____.
    A. to throw waste things away
    B. to cover waste things with earth    
    C. to get back the useful parts
    D. to throw the whole things away
3. We can infer (推斷) that the writer of this passage may live in _____.
    A. China
    B. Japan
    C. Australia
    D. America
4. Which of the following is true?
    A. We will have no resources(資源) of nature unless we can do with the waste.
    B. Recycling is the best way to save resources.
    C. If we waste less, we can save more resources of nature.
    D. More things are wasted in developed countries than in developing ones.

