
Our teacher work very hard. They get up early in the morning and work very late. How to help our teacher ?

First, we must try to learn our subjects(科目)well to make our teachers spend less time on us and let them have more rest.

Second, we must clean the blackboard and the teacher’s desk very often. If (如果) we can do so, our teachers will work better and of course they will be happier.

Our teachers often have to speak for a long time and they are very thirsty(口渴的). At this time, it is better for us to bring them some water. When our teachers drink the water, they will speak more clearly (清楚). After our teachers correct (批改)our exercise books, we can help to hand them out (分發(fā)它們).

If we do so, our teachers can have a short rest. We all know that our teachers care about our marks (關(guān)心我們的分數(shù)) most, so we should try to go over(復(fù)習(xí)) our lessons to get high grades(成績).If all of us can get high grades, our teachers will feel (感覺)very happy.

How to ___1.___ our teacher

Ways (方法)


Do ____2.___ in our subjects.

The teacher can have more time to have a ___3._____.

Often help the teachers __4.______ the blackboard and the _____5.___ desk.

They __6.______ better and feel happier.

Bring them some water when they ____7.____ to drink water.

They will speak clearly.

Help them hand out our exercise books.

They can rest for a ____8.____ time.

Try to go over our lessons __9.______ taking exams(考試).

_____10.___ grades will make them happy.













10. High




1.細節(jié)理解題,根據(jù)文中語句“How to help our teacher ?”理解可知,此句的含義是如何幫助老師故填help。

2.細節(jié)理解題,根據(jù)文中語句“we must try to learn our subjects(科目)well to make our teachers spend less time on us and let them have more rest.”理解可知,此句的含義是我們盡量把各科學(xué)好,讓老師多休息,故此處填寫do well in 表示在某方面做的很好。

3.細節(jié)理解題,根據(jù)文中語句“we must try to learn our subjects(科目)well to make our teachers spend less time on us and let them have more rest.”理解可知,此句的含義是讓老師多休息,故填rest。Have a rest表示好好休息。

4.細節(jié)理解題,根據(jù)文中語句“we must clean the blackboard and the teacher’s desk very often.”理解可知,此句的含義是我們應(yīng)該經(jīng)常幫助老師擦黑板和講桌,故填clean。

5.節(jié)理解題,根據(jù)文中語句“we must clean the blackboard and the teacher’s desk very often.”理解可知,此句的含義是我們應(yīng)該經(jīng)常幫助老師擦黑板和講桌,故填teacher’s表示老師的。

6.細節(jié)理解題,根據(jù)文中語句“If (如果) we can do so, our teachers will work better and of course they will be happier.”理解可知,此句的含義是如果我們經(jīng)常幫助老師,老師會更努力的工作,故填work。

7.細節(jié)理解題,根據(jù)文中語句“Our teachers often have to speak for a long time and they are very thirsty(口渴的). At this time, it is better for us to bring them some water.”理解可知,此句的含義是我們應(yīng)該給老師送上水,當他們口渴的時候,故填need。

8.細節(jié)理解題,根據(jù)文中語句“we can help to hand them out (分發(fā)它們).

If we do so, our teachers can have a short rest.”理解可知,此句的含義是我們替老師分發(fā)作業(yè)可以讓老師稍微休息一會,故填

9.細節(jié)理解題,根據(jù)文中語句“so we should try to go over(復(fù)習(xí)) our lessons to get high grades(成績)”理解可知,此句的含義是我們在考試前,應(yīng)盡力復(fù)習(xí),故填before。

10.細節(jié)理解題,根據(jù)文中語句“so we should try to go over(復(fù)習(xí)) our lessons to get high grades(成績)”理解可知,此句的含義是好成績讓老師開心故填high。





科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

任務(wù)型閱讀 (本大題共5小題,每小題1分,共5分)
Some birthday customs are quite similar in many parts of the world---- birthday candles(蠟燭), birthday games,and birthday cakes. But some customs are more specific to certain countries. Here are some children talking about their customs.
Linda---I am fourteen. I come from Aruba. In our country, Children take something special to school for their classmates and all teachers. Each teacher gives the birthday child a small gift like a pencil, an eraser or a postcard. The birthday child is also allowed to wear special clothes instead of the school uniform.
Lucy---I am one year older than Linda. Denmark is my country. A flag is flown outside a window to show that someone who lives in that house is having a birthday. Presents are placed around the child's bed while they are sleeping so they will see them at once when they wake up.
Tom---I am as old as Linda. I am from Brazil. The birthday child receives a pull on the earlobe(耳垂) for each year in my country. The birthday person also gives the first slice of cake to his/her most special friend or relative, usually mom or dad.
        Special customs
Each teacher receives something special from 【小題1】_________ and gives him or her a small gift.
If you see 【小題3】________ flying outside a window, you may know someone in that house is having a birthday
【小題5】_________ of the birthday cake is usually given to Mom or Dad.


科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2013學(xué)年江蘇省南京學(xué)大教育專修學(xué)校七年級3月月考英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

Our teacher work very hard. They get up early in the morning and work very late. How to help our teacher ?
First, we must try to learn our subjects(科目)well to make our teachers spend less time on us and let them have more rest.
Second, we must clean the blackboard and the teacher’s desk very often. If (如果) we can do so, our teachers will work better and of course they will be happier.
Our teachers often have to speak for a long time and they are very thirsty(口渴的). At this time, it is better for us to bring them some water. When our teachers drink the water, they will speak more clearly (清楚). After our teachers correct (批改)our exercise books, we can help to hand them out (分發(fā)它們).
If we do so, our teachers can have a short rest. We all know that our teachers care about our marks (關(guān)心我們的分數(shù)) most, so we should try to go over(復(fù)習(xí)) our lessons to get high grades(成績).If all of us can get high grades, our teachers will feel (感覺)very happy.

How to ___【小題1】___ our teacher
Ways (方法)
Do ____【小題2】___ in our subjects.
The teacher can have more time to have a ___【小題3】_____.
Often help the teachers __【小題4】______ the blackboard and the _____【小題5】___ desk.
They __【小題6】______ better and feel happier.
Bring them some water when they ____【小題7】____ to drink water.
They will speak clearly.
Help them hand out our exercise books.
They can rest for a ____【小題8】____ time.
Try to go over our lessons __【小題9】______ taking exams(考試).
_____【小題10】___ grades will make them happy.


科目:初中英語 來源:2012屆度江蘇省如皋市教育共同體九年級上學(xué)期期中考試英語卷 題型:其他題


We need to be responsible for our environment. Being a frugal consumer(節(jié)儉的消費者) is one way to help. But,what exactly does that mean?

Use It Up. You can use things up instead of wasting them. Squeeze that last bit of toothpaste out of the tube. Use the last little piece of soap. Don’t  throw away any bits of the biscuit at the bottom of the box.

Wear It Out. You do not always need to have new things. Suppose your sneakers have broken laces, but they still fit you. Repair them and wear them longer. You don’t have the latest iPhone until the old one doesn’t work any more. Then you can get a new one. Think twice before replacing something that still works.

Make It Do. When something you want is not on hand, look for something else that you already have to take its place. Suppose you are packing your lunch for tomorrow and want a butter sandwich. You are out of butter. Have a cheese sandwich instead so that you can use all of the cheese. Learn to fix broken toys instead of just throwing them away. With a little thought, you can make something do,instead of buying something new.

Do Without. Think about all those things that you would like to have. Do you really need them? How long will you really play with that new toy you saw on TV? Making the things that we want uses up your world’s  resources(資源)。 And, getting rid of the things we don’t want any more takes up even more resources and space.

1. What do we need to be responsible for?(請將答案寫在答題紙上)   

2.How do we deal with the last little piece of soap?(同上)

3. When do we need to get a new iPhone?(同上)

4. What should we do when something we want is not on hand?(同上)

5.What does the writer want to tell us?(同上)



科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解


Our society(社會)needs harmony. Recently, President Hu Jintao said building a harmonious society is the new “Long March” for Chinese people. He said this is the ①________ ________            thing for China now.

②在過去的25年期間,中國發(fā)展得很快。Many people became rich. But many others are still poor. The distance between rich and poor people is becoming great.13 percent of the richest people in China have about 27 billion yuan. But more than 3 million children in China still can’t go to school. Many families can’t afford to pay 200 to 300 yuan a year for their education.

Many people in the countryside go to work in big cities. But they live a hard life. Forty-seven percent of them work seven days a week. They often work in poor conditions and can’t be paid on time. ③If the rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer, poor people may think life is unfair. They may become more worried about their future. It won’t bring harmony. This will cause more problems in society.

Building a harmonious society will balance everyone’s interests and make sure a fair chance for everybody .Then we will all live safe and happy lives.

The government has already taken some measures, for example, raising workers’ pay. In 2010 China spent about 1,000 billion yuan on education.

1.在文中空白處①填入適當?shù)脑~,使上下文完整____________  ____________

2.將②翻譯成英語 _____________________________________________________________


4.What’s the advantage of a harmonious society?


5.找出并寫下文章的主題句 _____________________________________________________

