Hi Brad,

It’s good to hear from you again. I find that I’m not good at writing compositions. It’s hard for me to prepare the form of a composition and organize sentences. ①Could you tell me how to deal with this problem? I would really appreciate if you offer me some good methods.

Best wishes,


Hi Cindy,

A composition is really a story and any story is told to an audience. There is a form for this and it is in three parts. First, tell them(the audience) what you are going to tell them. Then tell them, and finally tell them what you told them. Parts one and three are short and most of the information is in part two. It works like this.

Let’s say you are asked to write a 200-word composition about your visit to the Great Wall. You would begin with an opening sentence or two saying something like “The Great Wall of China is a national ②landmark that is famous around the world. I visited it last summer and I want to tell you about it.” That uses about 25 words to tell them what you are going to tell them.

The second part would be about 150 words and would contain information about the Great Wall such as how long it is, when it was built, who built it and why, the fact that it is one of the seven wonders of the world and you would talk about how you felt and what you thought when you visited this national treasure. This is telling them.

Finally, you would use about another 25 words to say something like “That was my first visit to the Great Wall and it was a very emotional experience to actually touch something so old and famous. ③每個中國人至少參觀長城一次.I plan to go back whenever I can.” Here, you are telling them what you told them in the story and wrapping it all up into a neat package. This formula(慣例)works for both compositions and speeches and I think you will find it helps to organize your thoughts. I hope it’s helpful.

Best wishes,

                                                                 Brad Franklin

1.將文中①處的畫線部分翻譯成漢語:                                             .

2.(A) 試寫出文中②處畫線部分landmark的漢語意思:            .

(B)下面有四個在文中出現(xiàn)的單詞,請找出畫線部分發(fā)音哪個與眾不同?                .

A. work            B. word            C. information            D. world

3.將文中③處的漢語翻譯成英語:                                                 .

4.從文中找出適當(dāng)?shù)脑~組填空:How I wish to get a letter from you soon!

How I wish to _________  _________ you soon!

5.用英語回答問題:What’s the main idea of the passage?                                .





2.(A) 地標(biāo);里程碑    (B) C

3.Every Chinese should visit the Great Wall at least once.

4.hear  from

5.How to write a composition/an article?/ The way of writing a composition./ How to prepare the form of a composition and organize sentences.


1.考察短語deal with處理。注意疑問詞+不定式可以起相當(dāng)于賓語從句的作用。

2.聯(lián)系上下文,可知此處指的是,中國的長城是一個聞名于世界的國家性地標(biāo)。故答地標(biāo);里程碑。根據(jù)   可知選C。

3.短語the Great Wall長城;at least once最少一次。

4.get a letter from=hear from受到……的信。

5.聯(lián)系第一封信的內(nèi)容I find that I’m not good at writing compositions.……Could you tell me how to deal with this problem?可知第二封信的主要內(nèi)容就是如何寫作文。答案不唯一,符合題意即可。



科目:初中英語 來源:牛津英語九年級下冊各單元考卷完整-牛津英語[整理] 牛津版 題型:051


International Classmates

  Hi, everyone.I’m Liu Wei and I’m a Chinese teacher at an international school in Beijing.We have kids from all over the world here.In some ways, our school is a little different from other schools in China.For example, the pupils don’t wear uniforms(校服).Let me tell you about my favourite junior high school students.

  Matt comes from New York.He loves pop music.When he walks between classes he always wears headphones.His classmates are afraid of him because he’s big for his age.And he’s really noisy!In his free time he watches action films and practices Kung Fu(功夫).Today he’s entering a Kung Fu competition.Good luck, Matt!

  Brad is one of Matt’s classmates.He was born in Sydney but his parents are from Poland(波蘭).He likes speaking Polish and English when he’s at home.Brad is a quiet boy, but he can be very funny.He likes speaking Polish to his classmates.Brad gets very angry when they can’t understand him!Brad’s favorite sport is swimming.He wakes up early and trains every day before school.

  Lucy is another of my favorite students.She’s a tall, beautiful girl from London.She’s a good student and she’s always studying.Sometimes she can’t sleep because she thinks too much about her lessons!Lucy loves Beijing but she doesn’t like the summer.She says it’s too hot!study, school, she, medicine, when, to, leaves, wants, she, I hope she will be successful!

1.What is Matt doing today?




3.How are Matt and Brad different in characters(性格)?


4.What problem does Lucy have?





科目:初中英語 來源:人教新課標(biāo)初二上冊練習(xí) 人教新課標(biāo) 題型:030



Brad: Hi, Mary!(1)________was your weekend? 

Mary: Oh. Hi, Brad.My weekend was OK. But I was really busy.


Mary: Because I had a lot of homework(3)________ do. I went to the library and studied all day.(4)________ Saturday.

Brad: That sounds really boring. What did you do on Sunday?

Mary: I(5)________books in the morning, and I slept in the afternoon.

Brad: That sounds terrible!

Mary: Well, I enjoy sleeping. How (6)________you? Didn't you study?

Brad: Yeah,I studied a bit on Saturday(7)________.But On Saturday afternoon I(8)________ football,and in the evening 1 went out to eat(9)________ my family.

Mary: That sounds really nice. How about Sunday? What did you do then?

Brad: On Sunday 1 went hiking. Dave came with me.We(10)________ a really great time!


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:030



Brad: Hi, Mary!(1)________was your weekend? 

Mary: Oh. Hi, Brad.My weekend was OK. But I was really busy.


Mary: Because I had a lot of homework(3)________ do. I went to the library and studied all day.(4)________ Saturday.

Brad: That sounds really boring. What did you do on Sunday?

Mary: I(5)________books in the morning, and I slept in the afternoon.

Brad: That sounds terrible!

Mary: Well, I enjoy sleeping. How (6)________you? Didn't you study?

Brad: Yeah,I studied a bit on Saturday(7)________.But On Saturday afternoon I(8)________ football,and in the evening 1 went out to eat(9)________ my family.

Mary: That sounds really nice. How about Sunday? What did you do then?

Brad: On Sunday 1 went hiking. Dave came with me.We(10)________ a really great time!


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Hi Mary,

       Thank you for writing to me and I will try to give you some ideas about improving(提高) your written English. The bad news, of course, is that there is no e   77    way to do this. It takes work.

       Improving your English, like getting better at anything else, means lots of practice. I think you already know enough words and grammar in English to make sentences and to understand English, and the problem you have is as the problem all Chinese students have when they learn English. You go to English class a couple of times a week and the rest of the time you speak Chinese. If you come to Canada, your English would improve very         q  78    because you would use it all day, every day. It’s just practice.

       To improve your writing in English, you should do the following t   79    things. First, you should try to read English as much as possible. It doesn’t matter what you read, so pick something that interests you. Reading English will show you how English words are used together, how English speakers express themselves and so on, so you can learn a lot from that. Then you should practice writing. Ask your teacher if you can get extra assignments and write things like short stories. Your teacher can s   80    you where you make mistakes and how to correct them. You can also write more letters to English speakers on the Internet (I will be happy to exchange letters with you if that will help). Don’t worry if you make mistakes     b  81    that is how you learn.

       You say you can not obey your plans. In English we say, “Plan the work, work the plan.” You need a plan and then you need to follow your plan to improve.

I hope these ideas are u   82   . I wish you luck, and if you want to write to me I will be happy to try to help you. We can talk about China, about Canada or anything else you like.  

Best wishes,

Brad Flankin

77. e________ 78. q________ 79. t________ 80. s________ 81. b________ 82. u________


