We are disappointed why _______ few students could make _________ a wise decision.
A.so, soB.so, suchC.such, soD.such, such

科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

1.        When ________ Luoshe Middle School __________ (set up)?  ---In 1940.  
2.        I was made ________ (perform) the dialogue once more by Miss Chen. 
3.        Dr. Zhang like other volunteers ________ (train) the local doctors and nurses when we went to visit him. 
4.        ---How do you like our city?
---Wonderful. I _________ (stay) here for two more days.       
5.        Any book in the library mustn’t ___________ (take) away.           
6.        A fridge is used _________ (keep) food flesh.  
7.        Doctors should pay more attention to _________ (operate) on the ill people. 
8.        Adults always told children the sun _________ (rise) in the east when they were young.  
9.        If it __________ (not be) rainy tomorrow, we will have a trip to Yangshan.
10.  ________ the police ________ (group) themselves into a team of nine since they started to work?


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

【小題1】Help __ (you) to anything you like, kids.
【小題2】 Kate is looking for some __ (far) information about Li Na on the Internet.
【小題3】 Itchy Feet fell __ (sleep) shortly after he lay down.
【小題4】On his__ (40) birthday , he swam across the channel.
【小題5】His mother’s death brings him __ (sad)because he likes her very much.
【小題6】Last night,the doctor __ ( 手術(shù))on the 11-year-old boy.
【小題7】Eating less is not a healthy way to __ (減少)your weight.
【小題8】It’s about five__ (分鐘)walk from here to the new supermarket.
【小題9】The audience shouted and cheered __ (興奮).
【小題10】 Many people in poor countries have no money for__ ( 醫(yī)學(xué)) treatment.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

-How about the pollution in the countryside?
-Luckily, it's not as serious as _______ in the big cities.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

Please contact Sandy ______ 65408888 for ______ information.
A.on, fartherB.on, furtherC.in, fartherD.in, further


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

Don’t worry. There’s still ________ time _________.
A.few, leftB.a(chǎn) few, to leaveC.a(chǎn) little, leftD.a(chǎn) little, to be leaving


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

【小題1】so  everything  happen  to  seemed  fast.
【小題2】 need  else to  do  I  what  do  ?
【小題3】help  it  job  to  my  others  is
【小題4】 teachers  is  of  she  favourite  one  my  .
【小題5】keeping  people  pets  many  like .


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

--- The Greens have gone to Yangzhou for a trip, haven’t they ?
---____ , and they will return tomorrow afternoon.
A.Yes, they have B.No, they haven’t C.Yes, they haven’tD.No, they have


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

-Where is your father ?
-He is at work . He always has lots of work __________ .
A.doB.to doC.doingD.does

