1.        When ________ Luoshe Middle School __________ (set up)?  ---In 1940.  
2.        I was made ________ (perform) the dialogue once more by Miss Chen. 
3.        Dr. Zhang like other volunteers ________ (train) the local doctors and nurses when we went to visit him. 
4.        ---How do you like our city?
---Wonderful. I _________ (stay) here for two more days.       
5.        Any book in the library mustn’t ___________ (take) away.           
6.        A fridge is used _________ (keep) food flesh.  
7.        Doctors should pay more attention to _________ (operate) on the ill people. 
8.        Adults always told children the sun _________ (rise) in the east when they were young.  
9.        If it __________ (not be) rainy tomorrow, we will have a trip to Yangshan.
10.  ________ the police ________ (group) themselves into a team of nine since they started to work?

1. was set up   
2. to perform    
3. was training  
4. will stay  
5. be taken
6. to keep     
7. operating      
8. rises        
9. isn’t     
10. Have, grouped解析:

科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

How can we help the people who are not as l___【小題1】____ as us? There are lots of things we can do.
A snowstorm hit much of south china one January. And the disaster caused a great l____【小題2】____. Many houses were destroyed and thousands of people became h__【小題3】____. The government did a lot for them. And so did many charities. Millions of people, both young and o___【小題4】___, donated money and clothes to charities.
In fact, we can also do lots of things in our everyday l___【小題5】_____. For example, we can help a b___【小題6】____ people cross the road. It won’t cost anything. I have a cousin she often helps the d___【小題7】__ children to dance to gestures (手勢). Both the children and she h__【小題8】____ enjoy it. I think she is doing a great j__【小題9】_____. She says she gets a lot from others, and she can pay back by helping those who need help.
She is right. Everybody can do something for others. And if you feel you’re needed b___【小題10】____ others, you will feel happy.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

Welcome to Morgan Hotel .This popular hotel is in the centre (中心) of London, just 8 minutes from the subway station .The hotel offers (提供)a free breakfast.
Price are low , with great service (服務) and warm welcome .
    Double room
Price a night ( October –May)
Price a night( June –September)
Check in ( 入住 )
Check out  ( 退房 )
66 Morgan Street , Lodon W2 N3
Telephone number
【小題1】 The hotel is in the centre of ________
A.ShanghaiB.LondonC.WashingtonD.New York
【小題2】 If you want to live in a single room one night in August ,you should pay  __________
【小題3】 Li Mimg and his father want to stay in the hotel for two days in winter , and they live in a double room ,they should pay _______
A.£ 90B.£75C.£160D.£60
【小題4】You can check out at _______
【小題5】Mr Gao wants to book ( 預定 ) a single room,he can call at
A.902-303-666 B.902-202-666C. 902-505-666D.902-505-888


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

—Where did you go last night?
-I _______to go to Lily's birthday party.
A.have been askedB.have askedC.a(chǎn)skedD.was asked


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

6月1日,我校舉行一次慈善義賣(charity sale),請你根據(jù)以下表格提供的內容要點用英語寫一篇文章發(fā)表在你們班級的網(wǎng)頁上。

A Charity Sale
A charity sale _____________________________________________________________


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

At the beginning of the class, Miss Liu ______ the exercise books to the students.
A.gave outB.gave inC.gave upD.gave off


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

Is there _______________ to sleep for half a day?
A.somewhere enough silentB.somewhere silent enough
C.enough silent somewhereD.a(chǎn)nywhere silent enough


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

We are disappointed why _______ few students could make _________ a wise decision.
A.so, soB.so, suchC.such, soD.such, such


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

--- Lily isn’t here today, What’s happened to her?
---She stays at home       her illness.
A.becauseB.because ofC.soD.so that

