In the winter, the mountain is ________ white snow.

  1. A.
    cover with
  2. B.
    covered with
  3. C.
    cover under
  4. D.
    covered under
解析:本題考查短語cover sb /sth with sth的用法。C、D兩項(xiàng)介詞搭配錯誤;山被白雪覆蓋,應(yīng)用被動語態(tài),A項(xiàng)錯誤。故選B。

科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

【小題1】The other day , I met an old friend of mine on my way home.
A.Just nowB.Every other dayC.On a special dayD.Several days ago
【小題2】I enjoy living in the countryside,but I can’t go shopping in big stores if I don’t
travel for a long time.
A.untilB.tillC.unlessD.even though
【小題3】—I like to eat fish and chips in the open air.What about you?
Me, too
A.So do I.B.So am I.C.Either is 0K.D.Neither do I
【小題4】—Li Na won the tennis championship in the French Open on June 4, 2011.
—We take pride in her. She is the first Asian professional tennis player to win it.
A.a(chǎn)re interested inB.a(chǎn)re proud ofC.a(chǎn)re terrified ofD.a(chǎn)re tired of
【小題5】—Could you please wash the dishes?
— OK. I’ll do them in a minute.
A.right awayB.for a minuteC.just nowD.with a minute


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

If you’re into sports, you’ve seen it happen—tennis players jump over the net to shake hands after a hard match; football players exchange jerseys(運(yùn)動衣)after ninety minutes of knocking each other around; even boxers touch gloves at the beginning of each round. Players in every event, from spelling bees to golf(高爾夫球),act in this way. It’s all part of sportsmanship(體育精神),a great tradition in sports and competition. It means playing and being calm all through the match.
Everyone feels great when they win. In the last few years, you might see some players celebrate a goal(進(jìn)球)with a long victory dance or talk big about their ability. However, it’s always hard for people to say in public that they made a bad play. Good sportsmanship is what they really need. It’s the golden rule of sports.
Good sportsmanship means that you play by the rules, talk politely to everyone during games and stay cool even when you lose the game. At the school sports meeting, for example, it’s more important for you to know how to work as part of a team and cheer your teammates on. That may help you enjoy more success at your future work. In competition—as in life—you may not always win, but believe me, sportsmanship will help you get through, and there is always the next match.
【小題1】What match do you know will last ninety minutes?
A. Tennis.                        b. Football.     
C. Golf.                           D. Spelling.
【小題2】The underlined word “bees” in the passage means            .
A. fly.                            b. competition.     
C. guess.                           D. research.
【小題3】Why do you think good sportsmanship is really important?
A. It’s all part of sports.
b. It’s all part of celebration.
C. It’s the golden rule of sports.
D. It’s how to stay cool.
【小題4】Winning the game will make it possible for players to          .
A. celebrate a goal.                  b. exchange jerseys.     
C. shake hands.                      D. feel great .
【小題5】The passage mainly tells us that sportsmanship gets you through no matter whether          .
A. you win or lose.                  b. you play or learn.     
C. you are happy or not.               D. you feel hard or not.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable forms(用括號中所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一詞)
【小題1】2012 is a leap year. That's why there are _____ days in February. (twenty-ninth)
【小題2】It is clear that your schoolbag is much heavier than _______. (I)
【小題3】Thousands of_______were lost in the terrible earthquake happened in Japan. (life) 
【小題4】We are very ______to our teachers for their great help. (thank)
【小題5】Your smile is the best way to show people your_______. (kind)
【小題6】Wu Liangyong is one of the_____to get China's Top Science Award this year. (win)
【小題7】He needs a secretary who can also_________his life for him. (organization)
【小題8】With the development of China, Chinese has become an international language and is______used all over the world. (wide).


科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆江蘇省無錫市初二下學(xué)期期中考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

It’s not easy to be an astronaut’s (宇航員) son.Everybody expects you to be special or perfect(完美的).I often wonder how my father ever had a son like me.I mean he’s so special and so good at everything he does.Even in middle school he was class president and captain of the football team.

Well,to be honest,I often dream about being some kind of hero or doing something special—like saving a child from a burning building or discovering(發(fā)現(xiàn))a new star.I was daydreaming (做白日夢)at school one morning when my teacher said there would be a Father’s Day writing competition for the whole school.“I hope we have a winner right here in my class.”

When I got home,I started to think about what to write.My father is an astronaut.No,I wouldn’t start like that.That was the way others saw him.How did I see my father? Hmm.I saw him sitting with me in the dark when I had a terrible dream.I remembered how he hugged (擁抱)me for hours when my dog Spotty was killed by a car.Yes,these were the things I was going to write.To me,he wasn’t just a world-famous astronaut.He was my dad.

My parents and l went to school on Thursday night.There were so many people in the big hall! My dad looked at me,and I shrugged(聳肩).The third prize was announced(宣布) and it was not me.1 was relieved(釋然)and disappointed(失望)at the same time.The second prize was announced.It was me.1 went up to the stage and read what I had written,“My father’s son”.When I finished,the people stood up and cheered.I saw my father blowing his nose.Tears were running down my mother's face.Dad cleared his throat(喉嚨)and put his hand on my shoulder.“Son,this is the proudest(自豪的)moment of my life.’’

It was the proudest moment of my life,too. Maybe I’ll never be a great hero or win a Nobel Prize,but it was enough just to be my father’s son.

1.The writer felt it       to be the son of a famous person.





2.In order to_       the writer would like to save a child from a burning building.

A.become astronaut

B.become a great hero made school team captain made class president

3.What did the boy probably write in his composition?

A.A lot of special things he had done.

B.The story of his father as an astronaut.

C.The unforgettable time he spent with his father.

D.The experiences his father had in middle school

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.My daydream

B.My father’s son

C.My famous father

D.My happy family



科目:初中英語 來源:2011屆度甘肅省九年級下學(xué)期三月月考英語卷 題型:閱讀理解

Most of you know this mathematical game, of course. You and your friend draw crosses and circles on a sheet of paper. You do it one after another. The first pupil who gets three marks in a row wins. But do you know that you can play this game another way and it will become more interesting? You must try to make your friend win. If you get your three marks in a row, you don't win — you lose!

   It is more difficult to play this game the other way. The second pupil can always win (if he plays the right way), but he may not win if the first pupil begins with his mark in the center. Then if the first pupil always takes a place on the other side of his friend's mark, nobody will win.

   If your friend does not know the secret which we have explained, you must play each time so as to leave him the greatest number of ways to win. You may try a few games and you will see how interesting it is to play the game this way.

1. The passage tells us that it is _____ to play this game.

   A. interesting    B. difficult   C. impossible    D. unusual

2.What s the new rule of the game if we play it another way?

A. The one who gets his three marks in a row wins.

B. The one who makes his friend win wins.

C. The one who plays the right way wins.          

D. The one who makes his friend lose wins.

3.According to the new rule of the game, the second player can always win if the first player __.

   A. begins with his mark in the center

B. takes a place on the other side of his friend's mark

   C. tries to get his three marks in a row first 

D. doesn't begin with his mark in the center

4. What result does the following picture show?

○ = the 1st player   × = the 2nd player

   A. Both of the players win.         B. The first player wins.

   C. Neither of the players wins.      D. The second player wins.

5. What is the best title for this passage?

   A. What an Interesting Game        B. A Game of Circles and Crosses

   C. The Secret We Want to Explain D. Marks on a Sheet of Paper



