Dear Editor,    I

     Ken I finish my homework,I often chat with my friends on the Internet.Sometimes I play Internet games.But my parents hate to see me playing games on the computer.Maybe they have heard of too much bad news about QQ and  Internet games.Once 1 went to a net bar to play games after sch001.But I  told my parents that I played basketball at school.I said so because I didn’t want to make them unhappy.I feel bad about lying.However,,I heed to rest for a while by playing computer games after studying for a long time.I really hope my parents understand me.Do foreign parents do the same to their children ? Please help me.

                                                                                                         Wang Lin


Dear Wang Lin,

     I think it' s not strange for parents to want to keep their children away from anything bad. Foreign parents will do the same as your parents! They may not let their children watch TV for too long a time. they also don' t want their children to play computer games.

     Talk to your parents and be honest to them, I think. Tell them what you are doing and why you are doing so to make them understand you. It' s never good to do things behind your parents' backs. They aren't fools as you think of them sometimes! Our parents seem to know what is the best for us. Remember: to be honest is the best way.


    1. From the passage we can learn that Wang Lin often ________

      A. chats online before doing his homework

      B. plays basketball after school

      C. plays computer games at home

      D. talks to his friends on the Internet

2. The boy goes online ________.

      A. just to get news from QQ

      B. just to have a rest

      C. just to show that he hates study

      D. just to find some friends

3. The underlined sentence in Letter Two means "________"

      A. You should tell your parents what you will do or did before or after doing it

      B. You must always listen to your parents carefully

      C. You must do everything in front of your parents

      D. You should not do anything to make your parents worry about you

    4. The underlined word "honest" means ______.

      A. 誠實(shí)的       B.恭敬的       C. 勇敢的        D.謹(jǐn)慎的

5. The editor thinks ________.

      A. children should be honest and try to make their parents understand them

      B. playing computer games can be very helpful to children' s studies

      C. children should play computer games secretly

      D. foreign parents don' t care for their children as much as Chinese parents


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Dear editor,
I live in a beautiful city. Many visitors come to my city every year because there are so many colorful peacocks (孔雀) here.
The peacocks mostly live on the grassland of Dongfeng Square. Visitors usually throw food to them, but they don’t think about at all whether the food is good or not. Some of the peacocks became ill, and some even died eating the bad food given by visitors.
I’m sure most of the visitors who throw food to the peacocks really like the bird, but they don’t realize that they may be doing them harm (傷害). Visitors should be told that what they have done is harmful to the birds, and this kind of thing must be stopped.
Perhaps we can build some small shops beside Dongfeng Square to sell peacock food. For us every person, it is our duty to give more love to these beautiful birds to look after them carefully.
Wang Yang
【小題1】The letter will be sent to _____________________.
A.a(chǎn) schoolB.a(chǎn) hospitalC.a(chǎn) newspaperD.a(chǎn) museum
【小題2】Many visitors come to the writer’s city every year to _________________.
A.give peacocks foodB.see some shopping
【小題3】Some peacocks became ill and died because __________________.
A.they weren’t given any foodB.they were given too much food
C.they were given some bad foodD.they weren’t given enough food
【小題4】The writer suggests that some small shops should be built so that they may _______.
A.sell peacocks food to visitorsB.sell food to peacocks
C.make the square more beautifulD.sell some things for everyday life
【小題5】Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?
A.Peacocks mainly live on the grassland of Dongfeng Square.
B.Some small shops were built in the square.
C.People should look after peacocks carefully.
D.Some visitors throw food to the peacocks.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

據(jù)報(bào)道,從2011年開始上海、寧波等地個(gè)別學(xué)校進(jìn)行了電子書包試點(diǎn)。這是否預(yù)示電子書將全面推廣?它對(duì)學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)會(huì)有什么影響?就此,你班同學(xué)發(fā)起了一次主題為“E-Books, Good or Bad?”的討論,假如你叫陳華,請(qǐng)你給某英文報(bào)社寫一封信,介紹一下討論的情況及你自己的觀點(diǎn)。
Dear Editor,
I’m writing to tell you about a discussion we’ve had about whether e-books are good or bad?___________________________________________________________________________
Yours truely,
Chen Hua


科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆江蘇揚(yáng)州揚(yáng)中教育集團(tuán)樹人學(xué)校初三中考第三次模擬考試英語卷(帶解析) 題型:寫作題

為了減少舌尖上的浪費(fèi),許多城市發(fā)起了“光盤行動(dòng)”,倡導(dǎo)人們?cè)谌粘I钪幸⒁夤?jié)約糧食,就餐時(shí),要吃光盤中的飯菜。假如你叫王強(qiáng),上周你就“光盤行動(dòng)”在班級(jí)展開了一項(xiàng)調(diào)查。請(qǐng)你給China Daily 報(bào)社寫一封信,介紹此次調(diào)查的結(jié)果并發(fā)表你的觀點(diǎn)。

1. 我們應(yīng)該想吃什么就點(diǎn)什么
2. ……
1. 節(jié)約是中國的傳統(tǒng)美德(virtue)
2. ……
1. 將吃不完的食物帶走
2. ……
3. ……
Dear Editor,
I am writing to tell you about the survey I’ve made on the “Clearing Your Plate” campaign in our class. Different people have different ideas.
Yours sincerely
Wang Qiang


科目:初中英語 來源:2015屆江西新余外國語學(xué)校初一下期第一次段考英語卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

Dear Editor,(編輯)

I am unhappy these days.I am a student in Grade 3 of a middle school. I want to be a policewoman in the future.(未來) But my mother doesn’t like the job. She always  says it is too dangerous for a girl to work as a policewoman. She thinks girls should work in the office. She hopes that I can work as a teacher. But I really dislike being a teacher. I don't like work with children. When I talk with her about it , she is often angry. She always thinks she is right. I don’t know what to do. Can you help me?



1.Where does Lily want to work? the hospital      B.At school          C.In the police station  D.In the office

2.From the passage(文章),we know Lily is ______

A.a(chǎn) worker          B.a(chǎn) student          C.a(chǎn) policewoman     D.a(chǎn) doctor

3.Lily’s mother wants Lily to be a________.

A.a(chǎn) nurse           B.a(chǎn) teacher          C.a(chǎn) clerk            D.a(chǎn) doctor

4.Why doesn’t Lily’s mother like the job as a policewoman?

A.Because it’s too busy.                   B.Because it’s too difficult.

C.Because it’s too dangerous.              D.Because it’s too boring.

5.Which of the following is TURE(正確的)?

A.Lily’s mother is right

B.Lily thinks it’s terrible to be a policewoman.

C.Lily’s mother likes to talk with Lily about the job.

D.Lily needs the editor’s help.



科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆江蘇鹽城第一初級(jí)中學(xué)教育集團(tuán)初三下調(diào)研考試英語卷(解析版) 題型:書面表達(dá)

書面表達(dá) (共1題,計(jì)15分)


Who they are

What they usually do to help others

Liu Na

make our school beautiful (clean …)

Zhang Hua

help other students with their students…

Wu Tong

Help the people in trouble (cheer others up …)

要求:1. 參考表格信息,可適當(dāng)發(fā)揮;  2. 語句通順,意思連貫,書寫工整。

3. 文中不得出現(xiàn)真實(shí)地名和姓名;

4. 詞數(shù):90詞左右。(開頭和結(jié)尾已給出,但不計(jì)入總詞數(shù))

Dear Editor,

In our school, some students are always thinking more of others and are ready to help them. I’m moved deeply. Here is what they usually do.

Liu Na is a very good student.                                          





I hope everyone can learn from them and do something for others.


